This Email would not be your trouble for your daily mission.
(It is one of continual series from 'Believable Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in
I am really sorry that there is not appropriate beginning for this email. But I hope that this email could be read just like novel-like book till or even after the end of knowing what is going on this world or this universe, Believable Or Not. Especially, I really wish that anyone who read this email would be open-minded to the information in this email and could not be led to any kind of religious social national debate or quarrel. Believable Or Not, we all are on the process of each one’s life span in this earth, and each one’s life span in this earth belong to each one whatever religious belief or a sense of value or a philosophy of life and death and this world and that world and human’s soul and human’s physical body and so on have been mentioned among peoples during one’s life span in this world. Believable Or Not, each one’s life span in this earth is not all in one’s life as human being. I wish The Lord God and His Angels and The Spirit who dwelled in Jesus Christ about 2000 years ago and now exist in the sky like other Spirits as God and Angels bless you! Thanks.
The below situations is the combination of several conversations with several persons during different periods which had happened about 30~40 years ago in small remote country side in South Korea,
Believable or Unbelievable, there was a boy who could communicate with or Some Existences in the sky in The Bible or Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in The Bible,
But, there were peoples who tried to tell about The Bible or Saint Mary or Christ Jesus also,,,
There were peoples who tried to tell about traditional Buddhism or traditional Confucianism or traditional Shaman and so on, and traditional Buddhism or traditional Confucianism or traditional Shaman and so on had been dominating religions in that area.
There were expressions or words long time ago about 30~40 years ago at my childhood at hometown; like Christ Jesus, like A Virgin (Mary), like Joseph, like a disciple of Christ Jesus, like prophet, like anyone who can communicate with Spirits as God and Angels in order to prove the existence of the world of Spirits as God and Angels, the existence of Soul or Spirit or Mind of Human Being, the world of human being's soul or spirit or mind after human being's death in this world, how to live in this world to live together well among human beings and so on,,,by the power of Spirits as God and Angles or by the talented gifts from Spirits as God and Angles or by human being's own talented abilities,,,
But each mentioned expression is same to human being in this world from the viewpoints of human being's life in this world
The more important thing is to know the existence of the world of Spirits as God and Angels, the existence of Soul or Spirit or Mind of Human Being, the world of human being's soul or spirit or mind after human being's death, how to live in this world to live together well among human beings and so on,,,
The more important thing is to live according to what Spirits as God and Angels, ie. Ten Commandments, i.e. 2 Commandments of Christ Jesus,,,,
Spirits as God and Angels have been called as I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님 is same invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space existence in the sky to human being from the viewpoint of human being’s cognition and human being's life in this world,
<== Spirits as God and Angels who have been called as I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,since the beginning of this world exist in the sky or in the space,
but Spirits as God and Angels who have been called as I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,are invisible or inaudible or intangible to most of human beings except for some human beings who have been able to communicate with Spirits as God and Angels by the selection of Spirits as God and Angels,,,
even some human beings who can communicate with Spirits as God and Angels can know or cognize or recognize Spirits as God and Angels who have been called as I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,only when Spirits as God and Angels who have been called as I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,appear to some human beings.
To know or to believe Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,선지자님 세례 요한님 성모 마리아님 조셉님 그리스도 예수님 그리스도 예수님의 제자님,,,is same to human being in this world from the viewpoints of human being's life in this world.
Mr ELS came to me at my childhood as one of lots of peoples who came to me at my childhood during their daily activities to achieve something their lives in this world, as they visited this person or that person in this village or in that village,,,
Mr ELS came to me at 20 years old age as one of lots of peoples who came to me at 20 years old age during their daily activities to achieve something their lives in this world, as they visited this person or that person in this village or that village,,,
But, Mr ELS seemed to be good and seemed to know lots of things about human knowledge and dictionary and this world at my childhood,,,
the problem has been,,,I have to live my life in this world, as human being, as a kind of missionary works, and I have to do something is in this country and in this world, as human being, as a kind of missionary works, even though I have been able to communicated with Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,not by my own will but by the power of Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,
but Mr ELS have tried to use or misuse me as one of Their Organizational Activities to achieve something their lives in this world. So, just I told to Mr. ELS that I have to live my life in this world, as human being, as a kind of missionary works, and I have to do something in this country and in this world, as human being, as a kind of missionary works, even though I have been able to communicate with Spirits as God and Angels,,,
I live in here, you live in here, I have to live my life in here, you have to live your life in here. What will we do or how can we live?
This expression was understood by someone as justifying to attack other peoples and their lives for each one’s own interests and to harm other peoples and their lives for each one’s own interests and also to commit sins or crimes for each one’s own interests,,,so, supplementary words or additional words were said, ‘Do not attack other peoples and their lives for your own interests, because they have to live their own lives in here,,,instead you have to live your life or you have to do your works, such as cultivating or fishing or teaching or making money or making politics or making religions and so one as one of examples, within your own boundary and with your abilities,,,never forget, ‘Do not attack other peoples or their lives and do not harm other peoples or their lives and do not commit sins or crimes and so on’,,,
To attack other peoples or their lives and to harm other peoples or their lives can be sin or crime. As a result of it, you can go to bad world after you live or end your life in this world,,,it is real, real, situations,,,it is not just one of words of old peoples, such as grandmothers or grandfathers,,,You can know what is sin or crime, if you do not stick to your own thoughts or your own interests or your own desires or your own ambitions,,,
Do you think how can I what say these kinds of things in this remote village where only several peoples live in and only one elementary school is in and it is not easy for peoples to go out of,,,if I have not had communications with Spirits as God and Angels or if I have not known really the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, even though Spirits as God and Angels in the sky cannot be directly cognized by other peoples, even though there are a lot of difficulties for me to say what I want to say because of my little age and my insufficient language knowledge and insufficient religious knowledge and also insufficient sciences,,,
(As a comment, at my childhood, the expression for Spirits as God and Angels could not be expressed as concepts or words in The Bible until I can say clearly something about what I know and also about Some Existences who can communicate with me, because I could not exactly say what I want to say or what I cognize in human words or in human expression or in human knowledge due to my little age and insufficient language knowledge and insufficient religious knowledge and also insufficient sciences,,,even though Some Existences who can communicate with me told me about The Bible with which peoples can know Them in this world due to our traditional social situations and our traditional custom and our traditional religious concepts and my little age,,,
It was some kinds of reasonable promises between me and our powerful old peoples in our society, because I also have to wait until my age 40 in order to say something about what I get to know about Some Existences in the sky through my own mental physical experiences by Spirits as God and Angels or by my own communications with Spirits as God and Angels due to my communications with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, and due to our traditional social situations and our traditional custom and our traditional religious concepts and my little age, because my all the words and activities related to Spirits as God and Angels had happened to be understood as other peoples’ own traditional religious knowledge by our society’s social customary elements and by our strong religious traditions regardless of each one’s personality, and because also there could be no change in essence or in true(intrinsic) nature or in substance of Spirits as God and Angels and there could be no change in human being’s life, or how to live as human being, in this world. Instead there will be no disturbance or interruption or interference, around my age 40 when I say something about what I get to know about Spirits as God and Angels and The Bible by myself or by the power of Spirits as God and Angels from the viewpoint of human society or this world.
In 20010816 when I worked in some company in GwangHwaMun in Seoul City and there were situations of communications between I and lots of peoples in other spaces, that kind of expression on ‘ESSENCE’ seemed to be some kind of controversial issue for religion from the viewpoints of some organizations which seemed to have some kind of influences on The Bible or Catholic or Protestant in Korea, and also from the viewpoint of missionary works, which had been caused by wrong or insufficient or alienated-by-mischief-maker information about me and especially about my 11 year’s childhood at my hometown and also about 37~8 years’ life story at that time, and which had been caused by wrong or insufficient or alienated-by-mischief-maker knowledge about The Bible and about the essence of Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible and the relation or the communication between human being and Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible.
During 30~40 years there have been lots of risky tests or dangerous temptations or threatening experiments, which have been caused only by humans’ several verbal expressions about the power of Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible who are originally and essentially different from human being and human being’s soul, in the name of Ours or The Mind Of Belief or The Bible or Saint Mary or Christ Jesus,,,actually according to each one own personal interests. The common backgrounds for abnormal risks might be related to the words which had been said at my childhood during my communications with Spirits as God and Angels and also with some concerned peoples in this world, such as Becoming President in Korea or Becoming Pope in Rome or Making money enough to buy Korea or furthermore some words related to proving the existence and the identity of Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible with some phenomena which can explain the miraculous contents of The Bible through me in Korea and also with some other phenomena which can be guessed from The Bible but are not in miraculous contents of The Bible through me in Korea, where The Bible is some kind of alien or stranger or foreigner and The Bible is regarded only as worshiping western countries’ ancestors like our worshipping our ancestors.
The imagination made by reading The Bible or by talking about the mind of belief among human beings for the power or the miracle or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels could be a little different from actual phenomena of the power or the miracle or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels. A little example could be the response from Spirits as God and Angels for prayer’s sincere prayer to Spirits as God and Angels.
Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible are originally and essentially different from human being and human being’s soul.
The communications or the relation between human beings and Spirits as God and Angels also could be a little different from some alienated-by-mischief-maker concepts based on our traditional Shaman or Aladdin of The Thousand and one Nights or 신밧드의 모험 or other fairy tales or other comic strips,,,so the performance of the power or the miracle of Spirits as God and Angels could be different from what human beings can think from the viewpoint of physical existence in this world, or from the imagination by reading The Bible which had been written by human beings who are 성령에 의해서 감동 감화 된 by communicating with Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible, or from the imagination by talking about belief among human beings for the power or the miracle or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, or from some alienated-by-mischief-maker concepts based on our traditional Shaman, or from the imagination by reading Aladdin of The Thousand and one Nights or 신밧드의 모험 or other fairy tales or other comic strips,,,.)
Competition? Contest? 경쟁? What is 경쟁? or Competition? or Contest? Is it something to eat or to drink? What is it? Competition or Contest or 경쟁 is,,,,중얼중얼,,,JungEolJungEol,,,Ah-Ha, that is Competition or Contest or 경쟁 in human words in human society,,,Competition or Contest or 경쟁 can be good to developing each one’s talents or abilities which can make this country to look good or peoples to live well.
But actually, it is some kind of issue of time from the viewpoint of each one’s life in this world and this country’s life in this world and this world’ life in this world. With Competition or Contest or 경쟁 and without Competition or Contest or 경쟁, everybody works very hard in their lives in this world except several persons who walk around this village or that village to find out something to attack other peoples or their lives and to harm other peoples or their lives and also to commit sins or crimes, as if they are preparing to go to HELL in the next world after this world, as if this world seemed to be so simple and so bored and so uninteresting to several persons, because there were no fighting and no sins and no crimes,,,however, as a result of their activities in this world, the day will come when they can really realize what they have done in this world, but at that time it will be so late for them to go back to this world again in order to live again, at that time they cannot come back to this world again in order to live again, they have to live like Hell in HELL in the next world after this wordl,,,
There was a question from someone, do you know what will happen in HELL world,?,,,
It is no good world, but actually I do not know what will happen in HELL in the next world after this world, because I am also human being and I cannot see or recognize or cognize the world of Spirits as God and Angels and also the next world after this world, even though I can tell something about the world of Spirits as God and Angels and also the next world after this world through communications with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky or in the space,,,
If I close my eyes, I cannot see anything in this world like any other human being in this world,,,sometimes I can see something invisible inaudible intangible to other human beings, or I can see something after I close my eyes but that is possible by the power of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky or in the space, but it is also possible as one of human being in this world,,,do you know what I mean?,,,
Why do peoples in The Bible call human being God or Angel?,,,
I do not know it, I talk about The Bible about Spirits as God and Angels who can communicate with me, because I cannot explain what I know or I have to say about Spirits as God and Angels through communications with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky due to my age and my insufficient human knowledge and words and so on, but I do not know well the contents of The Bible, because the contents of The Bible is the story of other peoples who had met and communicated with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, and because I do not know human language or human words or human knowledge,
However I can know what The Bible say about human life in this world and the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, however for your question, ‘Why do peoples in The Bible call human being 신 or God or Angel?, one thinkable thing is that you can know Spirits as God and Angels through me or by having conversations with me, even though you cannot have direct communications with Spirits as God and Angels and cannot know directly Spirits as God and Angels, and the other thing is that some person like me can communicate or see or touch or hear Spirits as God and Angels by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, not by my own will but by the power of Spirits as God and Angels,,,
Also, as human being in this world, one thing is sure that there are next worlds, good world and bad world, where you can go according to your life in this world, even after you live or end your life in this world,,,so, do not worry about your place or your home where you will go, after you die in this world,,,Spirits as God and Angels are so nice, kind, good,,,,your next world is well prepared for you according to your life in this world, after you live or end your life in this world,,,it is really nice,,,kind,,,good,,for Spirits as God and Angels to prepare your next world after this world,,,Is it right? You also think so? Right?
The only thing that you can worry about in this world is that you have to live your life well without sins or crimes, or according to 10 Commandments or 2 Commandment of Christ Jesus in The Bible, or according to what your good heart says, if you cannot know what is sin or crime during your daily life,,,
The only thing that you can worry about in this world is to know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,the existence of Soul or Spirit or Mind of Human Being, the world of human being's soul or spirit or mind after human being's death in this world, how to live in this world to live together well among human beings according to 10 Commandments or 2 Commandment of Christ Jesus in The Bible and so on,,do you know what I mean?
Even I cannot tell about Hell in the sky, because I also one of human being and actually my situation, also other missionaries, is like between the world of human beings and the world of Spirits as God and Angels, of course that is not the concept of physical place or position or location.
There was one thing which could be similar phenomena to understand the world of human being’s soul or mind or spirit, or the world of Spirits as God and Angels. Do you know Sun, 태양, 해, 해와 달 할 때의 해? If you put Sun in the inside of me or you, not actual, 태양, 해, 해와 달 할 때의 해 but something Sun-like, there was someone who said ‘Heat’, what kind of situation will happen? It was very painful, agonizing, or suffering, i.e. it was a kind of real pain, agony, anguish, suffering, throes, or 격통 pang(s), as if you put your hands in the fire of 아궁이, or as if you happen to touch fire, but I am still alive and nothing happened in the inside and outside of my physical body,,,
Is there any understanding which comes to you or which comes into inside of you or which knocks on your head? Do you feel any understanding which flies to you? You are not intimate with understanding. You are not familiar with understanding. If you can know Some Existence in the sky or Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, as I know it, sometimes any understanding will come to you or into your inside or into your head from Some Existence in the sky or Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, when you need some understanding about some issues. It is not any evangelical work or any mission work, just I am telling what actually have happened to me, just I am telling the phenomena which have happened to me, because nobody cannot believe what I say about something related to Spirits as God and Angels, because what have happened to me by the power of Spirits as God and Angels can be visible audible tangible to me but invisible inaudible intangible to other peoples, and also because I can only say some phenomena from Spirits as God and Angels instead of some religious knowledge which peoples want or need for some religions,,,,this is so simple one among what I have said,,,is it understood? Or can you make any understanding?
Catholic or Protestants or Judaism? What is it? I do not know it!
Even though they do not know it well, they try to explain that Catholic or Protestants or Judaism is 중얼중얼,,,JungEolJungEol,,,AH-HA,,, Catholic or Protestants or Judaism is 중얼중얼,,,JungEolJungEol,,,
There are also some peoples who try to say about it in my hometown, but actually I do not know what they try to say about it, because what they try to say about The Bible is different from what I know about or what I try to say about The Bible,,,only the name of The Bible is same,,,only the name of Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님, is same,,,more accurately what they try to say about The Bible after peoples get to know The Bible and to believe The Bible is different from what I know about or what I try to say about The Bible after peoples get to know The Bible and to believe The Bible,,,
If Catholic or Protestants or Judaism is related to The Bible, they talk about same thing, but if there is some differences among Catholic or Protestants or Judaism, it is caused by human being or human being’s misunderstanding or human being’s interesting like several persons in my village, It is some kind of words or expressions by human being in this world! Do you know what I try to say?
As human world is in this world, there is the world of Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky,,,and then sometimes there are peoples, like me, who can communicate or see or hear Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky, of course, according to the will of Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky,,,and among lots of thins in this world only The Bible says about it! Do you know what I try to say?
If we talk a little bit more about the peoples, like me, who can communicate or see or hear Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky, which one can be selected by Spirits as God and Angels or which one can communicate with Spirits as God and Angels, Western Peoples or Eastern Peoples or Old people or Young Peoples or Yesterday’s Peoples or Today’s Peoples or Jew? What is Western Peoples or Eastern Peoples or Old people or Young Peoples or Yesterday’s Peoples or Today’s Peoples or Jew? I do not know about those words as human affairs, but I think that they are some kinds of human being’s words or concepts. Those words and concepts had been made by human beings, as someone told it to me. The power of Spirits as God and Angels does not work, as human being works or makes something in this world, as I have tried to explain the phenomena which have happened to me from the power of Spirits as God and Angels.
How can this earth, such as soil or rock or water or tree or cloud or wind and so on, be made? Can this earth be made by human being’s work?
How can this earth, such as soil or rock or water or tree or cloud or wind and so on, happen to be made? If so, by whom or by unknown phenomena? If so, why do you talk about all the things by human beings in this world? If everything happens to exist and all the living things happen to die or disappear, why do you talk about all the social traditional customary things by human beings in this world? If everything happens to exist and all the living things happen to die or disappear, why do you talk about our soul or mind or spirit? If everything happens to exist and all the living things happen to die or disappear, why do you talk about our religions and other regions and countries’ religions? If everything happens to exist and all the living things happen to die or disappear, why do you talk about lots of abnormal, supernatural, things in this world? If everything happens to exist and all the living things happen to die or disappear, why have been there lots of peoples who talk about the existence of human being’s soul or mind or spirit who are originally essentially different from human being’s physical existence? You can know that something, what is called as human being’s soul or mind or spirit, is in the inside of you, even though you cannot say HOW about its existence in the inside of you, if you try to know yourself?
However, the more important thing about you is that you are human being who has parents and children and family and relative, and who can think or imagine or make or create something in this world, and also who can know yourself and Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, and who can naturally know what is right or wrong and what can be done or what cannot be done as human being or as a creature in this world, if you do not stick so much to your own thoughts or your own interests or your own desires or your own ambitions,,,even though you cannot cognize your own soul or mind or spirit and also you cannot cognize or communicate with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky due to your own unspeakable interests or desires or ambitions.
That’s one of the reasons why The Bible had been recorded and has been up to now and also so many men in The Bible had lived in this world and also the persons like me are still in here, do you think so? If not, I am so sorry. Instead the time will solve it or other peoples will solve it or other chances will solve it. It is not the problem of my ability or the ability of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, it is because you have your identity, such as your own soul or mind or spirit and also body, and also you live your life by yourself in this earth, even though you and this earth had been created unknown long time ago, it is not related to the problem of the creation of human being and all the other things in this world. Who are you? You are you. Who are I? I are I. Who live your life? You. Who live my life? I. Who eat your delicious food? You. Who eat my delicious food? I, but sometimes my mouse and sometimes my ant and sometimes my fly and sometime my mosquito and so on any living animals in my house, anyway I eat my delicious food. Who sleep your sweet sleep? You. Who live my sweet sleep? I. You are you and I are I. You live your life and I live my life.
Can you know, or at least can you feel, a little feel, or at least can you guess with your own smart brilliant brain, that Spirits as God and Angels exist in the sky of my hometown and watch us and listen to our conversation? No? Why not? That’s the problem which make me difficult in living freely in here. But it is not your problem, it is not my problem. You live your life with your own thought, knowledge, will, mind, soul,,,and I live my life with my own thought, knowledge, will, mind, soul,,,and one more with conversations with Spirits as god and Angels in the sky which has been revealed to only me up to now, even though you and I are created, also your parents and my parents are created to make you and a birth,,,I know I was born of parents and I had parents,,,but how can I be born of parents? How can my parents be born of parents’ parents? Can my parents make me? Can my parent’s parents make my parents? No! Absolutely No! Who make something in this earth? Who make house in this earth? Who make money in this earth? Who make food in this earth? Who make this earth?
These kinds of things do not always happen, but sometimes these kinds of things happen in order to find out something to tell the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, who are originally and essentially different from human being, through my communications with Spirits as God and Angels during our conversations or by using the situations of our conversation, when I meet someone and have conversations with him/her. If just the performance or the miracle by the power of Spirits as God and Angels will happen without cognizing the identity or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, what kind of responses are expected from human being, considering it without competition or comparison between human being’s ability and the power of Spirits as God and Angels, especially considering it without competition or comparison with visible me instead of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels?
If everything happens to exist and all the living things happen to die or disappear, why have been there lots of peoples who talk about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels who are originally essentially different from human being and other creatures?
If everything happens to exist and all the living things happen to die or disappear, what kind of human beings’ lives could be expected from its beginning, if you do not stick to eastern or western or Korean or other human society’s interests, i.e. alone in the island?
If human being or all the things except for produced by human beings in this world are created or made by human being or human being’s soul after human being’s physical death in this earth, those kinds of questions can be questioned or answered or what human beings try in this world has been needed?
If human being or all the things except for produced by human beings in this world have happened to be or exist, those kinds of questions can be questioned or answered or what human beings have tried in this world has been needed?
I do not know about Jew from the viewpoints of human knowledge or human society’s affairs. But as far as I know about Jew, peoples who can communicate with Spirits as God and Angels can be called as Jew in this world from the beginning of this world. How can I hear The King of Jew in this world from Spirits as God and Angels in Korea, even though I do not know about Jew and I do not know about King, either? For the beginning of this world, you can guess whether this world is first time world or not by your own knowledge and imagination!
Human beings are human beings in this world or in next world, Spirits as God and Angels are Spirits as God and Angels who exist above time and space, there are communications between human beings and Spirits as God and Angels. Spirits as God and Angels exist in here above our head, and also Spirits as God and Angels exist in the end of this universe and Spirits as God and Angels are making another universe in the end of this universe,,,believable or unbelievable, in here I can communicate with Spirits as God and Angels,,,long time ago in long distance place Christ Jesus could communicate with Spirits as God and Angels,,,what is about his birth, or the birth of Christ Jesus, can be told by Spirits as God and Angels who were related to Christ Jesus long time ago, but as far as I know something about Spirits as God and Angels, it is to show the power of Spirits as God and Angels in order to show the existence of Spirits as God and Angels,,,
Human beings are human beings in this world or in next world, Spirits as God and Angels are Spirits as God and Angels who exist above time and space, there are communications between human beings and Spirits as God and Angels. Understood?
If there are no communications between human beings and Spirits as God and Angels, and if the communications between human beings and Spirits as God and Angels seem to be impossible due to peoples’ mind. the end of days in this world come near! Currently old peoples try to hinder my talks about this kind of information with our old customs and our old habits and our old religions which seem to be good by themselves but which have wrong concepts about The Bible and Spirits as God and Angels and the world of Spirits as God and Angels and also the next world after human being’s death in this world and so on, but long time later when I try to do politics and religious activities and making money, peoples who talk about The Bible and Spirits as God and Angels and the world of Spirits as God and Angels and also the next world after human being’s death in this world and so on try to hinder me,,,do you know what is the common thing between today’s peoples and tomorrow’s peoples, who hinder my life and my proofs to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels? If you are still alive till that time, help me! Understood?
èç competition,
If everybody works very hard in their lives in this world without attacking other peoples or their lives and harming other peoples and committing sins or crimes, the result of this country or this world will be same to human beings from the viewpoints of human being’s life in this world, ‘With Competition or Contest or 경쟁 and without Competition or Contest or 경쟁’. If you hurry up to do something in this world with Competition or Contest or 경쟁 and there are sins or crimes during those days, finally only sins or crimes will remain in this world to say something about this world, after everybody dies to go to HELL in the next world after this world due to their own sins or crimes.
Competition or Contest or 경쟁 is different from attacking other peoples or their lives and harming other peoples or their lives and committing sins or crimes. Competition or Contest or 경쟁 should be good Competition or Contest or 경쟁. If Competition or Contest or 경쟁 is not good, it also can lead to attacking other peoples or their lives and harming other peoples or their lives and committing sins or crimes. The result of Competition or Contest or 경쟁 will lead to going to bad world after you live or end your life in this world. Competition or Contest or 경쟁 is Competition or Contest or 경쟁, but Competition or Contest or 경쟁 can be Competition or Contest or 경쟁 and also Competition or Contest or 경쟁 can be sins or crimes, according to each one’s activity in this world, can it be understood?
There was question, ‘Is there good Competition or good contest or good 경쟁 or bad Competition or bad contest or bad 경쟁?
There was one young student who could understand a little what I tried to say. At that night, I said that there was only one person who could understand my easy words about sins or crimes, in other expression: ‘겨우 한 명 건졌다.’
I am talking about sins or crimes. I am talking about the existence of the world of Spirits as God and Angels, I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,the existence of Soul or Spirit or Mind of Human Being, the world of human being's soul or spirit or mind after human being's death, how to live in this world to live together well among human beings and so on,,,
The above situations is the combination of several conversations with several persons during different periods which had happened about 30~40 years ago,
The actual conversation could be not like this as everybody can easily guess it; lots of normal words and expressions about religions and social things had been explained by other old peoples by my questioning during conversations; my words and expressions for what I got to know about Some Existences in the sky or Spirits as God and Angels had been expressed usually or mainly by several words and by concepts and by actual phenomena from Spirits as God and Angels instead of human knowledge,,,
and also my conversations could not be like this, as everybody can easily guess it, if we consider from o year old child to 11 years old child, and also if we consider the situations of a small country in South Korea about 30~40 years ago,,,
even though I talked about The Bible mentioned by Spirits as God and Angels due to our tradition-related situations and society-related situations and my little age and my insufficient knowledge on religion, even though I talked about how to live in this world according to 10 Commandments in The Bible or 2 Commandments of Christ Jesus in The Bible, even though I talked about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible, my main jobs were to have conversations with peoples who tried to tell Buddhism and Confucianism to me in order to prove the superiority or the predominance or the supremacy of Buddhism and Confucianism, and another main jogs were to verbally fight or argue with peoples who tried to tell about The Bible or Saint Mary or Christ Jesus in order to make use of me for the purposes of their organizations or their other interests,,,
the reason is simple, if you think the above situations of 35 years ago in small country side of
(There were lots of phenomena, 피나미나, 피나, 핀아, 미나, 민아, 민화, but phenomena was not Korean word, Also there were lots of feel, 필, but feel, 필, was not Korean word, However, if someone did not know foreign language, and he/she was not directly involved in conversations and he he/she heard it over the fence of my house, he can hear it as one of Korean words,,,because I was a little child and my voice was not so loud and my pronunciation was not clear and what I tried to say seemed to murmur in my mouth due to my insufficient knowledge.)
If someone wants to know the creation of this earth or any creature, what kind of activity will be reasonable?
Pray to Spirits as God and His Angels for what someone wants to see, and then go to the place where his kind of planet or any creature in it is being created by the power of Spirits as God and His Angels, such as movement through space-to-space or dimension-to-dimension or place-to-place through some invisible moving tunnel,,,and then watch it, is it clear? Actually I do not know HOW? Or peoples can go the place to see the creation of planet or solar-system-like system by space ship made by peoples, but I do not know how long does it take for you to get to the place by space ship, but one thing sure is that you will never come back. If peoples can move to that the place to see the creation of planet or solar-system-like system by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, it depends on the will of Spirits as God and Angels, i.e. in an instant or in a day or in a month or so so, is it reliable to you?
Try to think about the situations, here are several big mountains, and if these kinds of big mountains are made again in this village, what will happen? Nothing will happen, if we build up mountain with mud and soil and so on like our house. It could be your way. That could be one way to make mountain but it seems to make mountain on the mountain or on the ground. How about original mountain? Can you see some big red post or mountain with lots of flowing red water? This village will be destroyed or disappeared. And also this kind of big mountain or this kind of planet is made in here by the way of Spirits as God and Angels or by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, This village will be destroyed or disappeared. It is not easy to say what peoples want to know about Spirits as God and Angels or the power of Spirits as God and Angels or the way by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, because I do know only what I know by the communications with Spirits as God and Angels or by the phenomena by Spirits as God and Angels, i.e. by my own mental and physical experiences on the power or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels. Of course, the performance of the communications and phenomena of Spirits as God and Angels absolutely depends on the will of Spirits as God and Angels. But as far as I know, peoples have peoples’ own way and Spirits as God and Angels have Their Own way. There cannot be competition and comparison between human being and Spirits as God and Angels, because human being and Spirits as God and Angels are totally, originally, essentially, different existences. Especially human being has weak physical body which cannot fly or cannot live forever and so on. It is not humiliation for human being and it is not competition and comparison between human being and Spirits as God and Angels, but it is just a talk about the difference between human being and Spirits as God and Angels. Can you feel to understand it? A little? A little of a little? A little of a little of a little? How about thinking it in other way which will give you easy understanding? Do you know cow, dog, pig, chicken, snake, elephant, lion, tiger…? Do you know those animals? Do you know rock, tree? However, those are made by Spirits as God and Angels. Do you know book, car, airplane, house, bridge,,,made by smart and brilliant human being? Can there be any competition and comparison between human being and mentioned creature? It is just a talk about original, essential, difference between human being and mentioned creature!
I am not God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, but I am human being. Actually I am a Sein or a Being or an Existence between human being and god, because I can make eye-to-eye communication with human being in this earth and also I can make invisible inaudible intangible communication with God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, in the Heaven, and it is one of the reason why I am so lonely man or melancholy man. However, one sure thing is that human being is not God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, because I as human being have communicated with and will communicate with God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels. It is easy for me to tell it, is it right? The problem is that nobody believes it, as you think whether you can believe my words or not. There is one of person who has said that he can believe me as human being, but he do not want to believe what I try to say about the identity or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels. I do now know the reason and I cannot know the reason and I will not know the reason also, because what I try to say about the identity or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels is true and what I know by or through my own mental and physical experiences on the identity or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, as you can easily guess it by considering my hometown’s natural environments and social situations and historical flows and absolutely my little age, and furthermore I will have to say it after my age 40, i.e. BulHok, do you know what is BulHok, it is not France People’s Hok (Lump or Swelling or Wen) but it has some kind of social meaning, so it is so natural to me. That’s all. Now, what will I do? Or, wow what can I do? Do not answer me about it, because just I am talking about my difficult and embarrassing situations. That is all.
God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, is not influenced or is not swayed or is not shaken by human being, God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, moves by God or Angel’s own will, as human being moves by himself/herself, even though God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, responses to the sincere prayer of human beings, even though God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, have conversations with human beings like in The Bible, as our traditional words say that human being’s sincere prayer can be communicated to Heaven, or God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, because God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, is in Heaven. When someone is regarded as God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, it is some kind of figurative expression like King in this world, and also it is because human being can know God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, through other selected human being, and also it is because a selected human being can see or communicate with God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels,,,That’s all.
So, if someone is on trial by using the words or the expressions for God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, in The Bible, it can be some kind of misunderstanding for the identity or the existence of God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, and also the way or the performance of the power or the abilities of God or Angel, i.e. Spirits as God and Angels, and also the contents of The Bible.
Even though there are the words of Spirits as God and Angels, even though All Scripture(of The Bible) is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, even though there are history or life story or miracles by the communication between selected human being and Spirits as God and Angels,,,The Bible is written in human language or words or logic or knowledge,,,,Especially, there are some words or expressions for the power or the abilities of Spirits as God and Angels, such as the omnipotent and omniscient power or the creation of the universe or the mind-reading or the above-time-space,,,
Reading and understanding and conversation and preaching in Korea,,,usually,,,makes some kind of imagination or image or concept by human being’s own intelligent abilities,,,
Now lots of human knowledge and sciences are on the world and human beings are being brainwashed by the flow of logical knowledge and lots of knowledge and information are filed up in human being’s mind or spirit or soul,,,
So, it is not easy for human being to communicate with Spirits as God and Angels by the difference or the gap between imagined image or concept and actual image or concept for Spirits as God and Angels,,,also by he difference or the gap between imagined image or concept and actual image or concept for the way or the performance of the power or the abilities of Spirits as God and Angels, such as the omnipotent and omniscient power or the creation of the universe or the mind-reading or the above-time-space,,,also by the fact that human beings cannot fully cognize the identity of Spirits as God and Angles in the sky like some physical existences in the world, such as human beings or beasts or plants or natures or etc., even though he/she is in the status of invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space communications or company with Spirits as God and Angles like some one in The Bible, because Spirits as God and Angles cannot be cognized like some physical existences in this world, such as human beings or beasts or plants or natures or etc., due to the truth that the figure or existing status of Spirits as God and Angles would be invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space and, as a result of it, usually, not always, only invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space communications or company with Spirits as God and Angels could be possible from the viewpoint of human being’s cognition,,,especially only when Spirits as God and Angles in invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space figure or existing status try to communicate with this world or try appear in the front of someone in this world,,,
If Spirits as God and Angels try to communicate with some peoples in modern earth according to those situations, in the way of face-to-face or in the way of full association like prophets or John the Baptist or Saint Mary or Christ Jesus or twelve apostles in The Bible, what kind of responses would be expected from some peoples, especially from some peoples how knows only the words or the names, The Bible or Saint Mary or Joseph or Christ Jesus or Twelve Disciples, in the earth? Usually they try to close their minds or try to make some kinds of protective barriers for unknown invisible inaudible intangible Existences only with the words or the names, The Bible or Saint Mary or Joseph or Christ Jesus or Twelve Disciples, as if unknown invisible inaudible intangible Existences are Evil Devil Existences, because most of human beings do not know Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible and most of human beings knows Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible only with The Bible and human beings’ words and their own imaginations, even though Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible exist above-time-space,,,
èç Some Comments For The Causes Of Wrong or Misled Concepts For The Bible Or The Spirits As God And Angels In The Bible in order to help to understand the above words,,,repetition from the one part of this writing,,,
Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible are originally and essentially different from human being and human being’s soul.
The communications or the relation between human beings and Spirits as God and Angels also could be a little different from some alienated-by-mischief-maker concepts based on our traditional Shaman or Aladdin of The Thousand and one Nights or 신밧드의 모험 or other fairy tales or other comic strips,,,so the performance of the power or the miracle of Spirits as God and Angels could be different from what human beings can think from the viewpoint of physical existence in this world, or from the imagination by reading The Bible which had been written by human beings who are 성령에 의해서 감동 감화 된 by communicating with Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible, or from the words themselves, such as 성령에 의해서 감동 감화 된 by communicating with Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible, or from the words themselves, such as omnipotence omniscience and creation of the world and all the things in the world and mind-reading and above-time-space existence,,,about Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible, or from the imagination by talking about belief among human beings for the power or the miracle or the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, or from some alienated-by-mischief-maker concepts based on our traditional Shaman, or from the imagination by reading Aladdin of The Thousand and one Nights or 신밧드의 모험 or other fairy tales or other comic strips,,,.)
Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible are originally and essentially different from human being and human being’s soul.
The communications or the relation between human beings and Spirits as God and Angels also could be a little different from some alienated-by-mischief-maker concepts based on our strong regional, racial, national, social-status-related concepts for religion and Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky in The Bible. Those alienated-by-mischief-maker concepts based on our strong regional, racial, national, social-status-related concepts for religion and Spirits as God and Angels in the sky have had effects on understanding and believing The Bible and The contents of The Bible and also Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky in The Bible and also on peoples’ religious lives in this world, and as, a result of it, have had effects on misled understanding and concepts for The Bible and The contents of The Bible and also Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky in The Bible and also on peoples’ religious lives in this world.
Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible are originally and essentially different from human being and human being’s soul.
The communications or the relation between human beings and Spirits as God and Angels also could be a little different from some alienated-by-mischief-maker concepts based on our strong traditional religious concepts from human being’s realization on human being and this world and next world or realized spiritual status or realized on any other things. Those alienated-by-mischief-maker concepts based on our strong traditional religious concepts from human being’s realization have had effects on understanding The Bible and The contents of The Bible and also Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky in The Bible and also on peoples’ religious lives in this world, and as, a result of it, have had effects on misled understanding and concepts for The Bible and The contents of The Bible and also Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky in The Bible and also on peoples’ religious lives in this world.
To know or to believe Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,선지자님 세례 요한님 성모 마리아님 조셉님 그리스도 예수님 그리스도 예수님의 제자님,,,is same to human being in this world from the viewpoints of human being's life in this world; to believe in the existence of invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space Spirits as God and Angels in the sky or in the space and the existence of the worlds of human being’s soul having only human being’s shape without physical body, like cubic living picture of human being, to go according to the life in this world after human being’s death,,,,and to live according to 10 Commandments in ‘Exodus’ or ‘Deuteronomy’ of The Bible or 2 Commandments of Christ Jesus or what The Bible tries to say in this world,,,and there will be (natural or religious) repentances whenever we commit sins or crimes during our lives in this world, because we are not perfect existences and we cannot be free from all the things which happens by us in this world,,,but currently most of human beings stick to only the words or the names, The Bible or Saint Mary or Joseph or Christ Jesus or Twelve Disciples, in the earth?.
If someone lives in the region where peoples do not know The Bible, or where The Bible is not yet known to most of peoples, or where peoples do not know the contents of The Bible well enough to make it to be one part of life, or where peoples do not know Spirits as God and Angels in the way of what The Bible says or in the way of the expressions in The Bible, even though lots of The Bibles are spread out all over the place and the name of The Bible is known to most of peoples and also there are lots of peoples who try to say The Bible or The Contents Of The Bible in the way of that place or in the way of powerful someone in that place, what or how can we say the meaning of the following expression; To live according to 10 Commandments in ‘Exodus’ or ‘Deuteronomy’ of The Bible or 2 Commandments of Christ Jesus or what The Bible tries to say in this world,,,and then doing (natural or religious) repentances for one’s sins,,,
At least, Try to not commit sins or crimes by one’s own will or by oneself, if someone do not know what sins or crimes are, try to not commit sins or crimes which violate what one’s own heart says, one’s heart above interests or desires or etc, 최소한 스스로 범죄, 범죄를 모르면 양심에 어긋나는 짓은, 하지 말 자,
At least, Do not risk one life or do not take one’s neck or do ot throw away one’s life or do not give one’s life or do not sacrifice oneself or do not lay down one’s life or do not give up one’s life,,,for doing human being’s affairs or words in this world,,,even though there are lots of reasons and causes and affairs,,,because one’s life from one’s parents are important, and human being’s life who is created to lie one’s own will by Spirits as God and Angels is also important, and everything in the world exists, only when one’s life is alive,,,이런 것 저런 것 중요한 것도 많겠지만 부모님으로부터 태어난 목숨도 중요하고 또 각자 자신의 삶을 살도록 신, 즉 영, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Some Existences in the sky, Some things in the sky, Some Beings in the sky, Some Seins in the sky, I AMs in the sky, Spirits in the sky, Lords in the sky, Gods in the sky,,,,에 의해서 창조된 목숨도 중요한 것이니, 각자의 생명이 살아 있어야 이 세상에서의 만사가 존재를 하는 것이니, 이 지구 상의 사람의 일로서, 말로서, 목숨 걸지 말자,
At least, Try to have time to reflect on one’s life and sins and crimes and also to do repentance for what one has done wrong during one’s life, 혹시라도 죽기 전에 꼭 스스로 잘못한 것에 대해서는 알고 반성할, 회개할, 시간을 가지자,,,
At least, If the above situations cannot be possible in one’s life, first of all, try to change this world and try to change peoples in this world, and then try to run away from the place, if you cannot keep yourself from all the evil devil activities,,,There is human's soul in human's body, even thouth only human's own experiences and experimental proofs can say it up-to-now's scientific level, and there seems to be next world consisting of human's soul who seems to have the same figure of human body except for human's physical existence after human being's death, and it seems to be real that the existence of Spirits as God and Angels or I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel,,,하나님 여호와님 여호와 하나님 천사님,,,in the sky in The Bible have been proved by, small or large, visible or invisible, audible or inaudible, tangible or intangible,,,human's own experiences and experimental proofs, and it seems to be possible that movement from one place in Korea to one place at any continent or at any country or at the end of The Solar System in a moment or in a year or in tens of years or etc only by the power of Spirits as God and Angels without any physical equipments made by human beings,,,,so as a human being who is born and live in this world and also who will go next world according to the activities in this world after human being's death, he/she will try to live without committing sins or crimes, but if the visible or invisible direct or indirect circumstances do not allow human being to live in this world without committing sins or crimes, especially by human networks or by stone-like tradition's networks or by stone-like custom's networks or by human's thoughts losing flexibility and vitality, which have been regarded as existing in visible or invisible way or in visible or invisible or in direct or indirect way in every human society of the estern and western or the old and modern, we will try to change the world and the contents of the world as a creative human being, but if it is so difficult to change the world and the contents of the world, because the menioned reason or causes are so strong due to time or tradition or habit or etc, it can be one of ways for human being to go to other places in this earth from the viewpoints of human being's existential concpet and human being's life in this world or in next world and also the existence of Spirits as God and Angles,,,앞의 상황을 지키기 힘들면 (세상을 바꾸고(변화를 시키고) 사람을 바꾸도록(변화시키도록) 노력하고 그래도 상황이 여의치 않으면) 도망이라도, 야반도주라도, 하자 등의 말을 하는 것이고, 즉 사람에게 사람의 영혼이 존재를 하고 사람의 사후도 존재를 하고 영, 즉 신, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels도, 존재를 하니 이 세상에 태어나서 삶을 살아 가는 개인의, 물론 국가도 마찬가지지만, 삶의 입장에서 볼 때 이 세상에서 삶을 살아 가는 동안이나 사후를 위해서나 범죄를 하고 살 수가 없으니 사람이 살고 있는 곳이 범죄를 하지 않고는 살 수가 없을 때는 세상을 및 사람을 변화를 시키려고 노력을 할 것이고 그것도 역부족일 때는 오히려 다른 곳으로 이주를 하는 것 더 낫다는 의미의 말이다.
앞의 말이 약 30~40년 전 어릴 때 경상남도 고성군 하이면 덕명리란 곳에서 언급이 될 수 있었던 것도 누군가가 사람이 이 세상에서 살아 갈 때 죄를 짓지 않고서는 이 세상에서 살아 가기가 힘들 다고 말을 한 것에서 비롯된 것이고 그래서 사람의 죄는 사람이 행하는 것이니 사람의 죄를 행하지 않으면 된다고 대답을 하지만 사람이 이 세상에서 살아 갈 때 혼자서 살아 가는 것이 아니고 사람과 사람이 더불어 살아 가게 되니 혼자서 죄를 짓고 싶지 않다고 해서 죄를 짓지 않을 수 있는 것이 아니란 말에서 비롯된 것이고 또한 비록 사람의 종교적인 개념 및 지식으로 명확하게 말을 할 수 있는 상황은 아니지만 어린 나의 이런 저런 언행으로 볼 때 또한 이 세상에 존재를 하고 있는 다수의 사람들이 말을 하는 것을 볼 때 영, 즉 신, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels이, 존재를 하는 것도 확실한 것 같고 사람에게도 사람의 영혼이 존재를 하는 것이 확실한 것 같고 사람의 사후 세계도 존재를 하는 것이 확실한 것 같고 그렇다고 영, 즉 신, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels의, 실존에 대해서 말을 하고 있다는 성경의 내용을 알 수가 있는 것도 아니고 성경의 내용대로 지킬 수 있는 것도 아니니 약 30~40년의 상황에서, 비록 오래전부터 전래되어 오고 있는 종교가 존재를 하고, 종교적인 마인드도 강하지만, 사람들이 하늘이라고 말을 하는 곳에 존재를 하고 있는 신, 즉 영의 존재에, 대한 개념 및 믿음 및 신앙은 막연한 형태로만 존재를 했었고 종교에 대한 개념이 단지 사람의 언행의 결과 및 사람의 사후 영혼과 관련된 것이 대부분이었고, 성경 및 성경의 내용에 대한 깊이 있는 통찰 및 사람들이 영, 즉 신, 즉 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels이라고, 말을 하는 존재의 실존이 아직까지 낯선 존재로서, 특히 몇몇 사람들의 사회적인 영리 추구 현상에 의해서 골수 깊이 세뇌된 동서양의 지역이나 민족이나 국가 등의 개념에서 볼 때는 대립적인 적대적인 개념이 강하게 작용을 하게 된 곳에서의, 더욱이 몇몇 사람들의 사회적인 영리 추구 현상에 의해서 사람의 능력 및 인본주의와 누군가의 이간과 농간의 말에 순간적으로 꼭지가 돌게 된 몇몇 사람들이 시비를 걸고 경쟁을 하고 그 과정에서 원인도 모르게 죽어서 한 많은 이 세상을 하직 하고 싶어도 사람이 시비를 걸 수가 없도록 사람의 인지 능력을 초월하여 존재를 하는 영, 즉 신, 즉 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels의, 능력 및 신본주의와의 경쟁이라는 새로운 조류가 형성이 되고 있는 곳에서의, 보편적인 사람의 삶의 기준으로 말을 한 것에 불과한 것이고,
그런데 누군가에게는, 특히 어느 지역에의 정치 활동 단체에게는, 이런 말이 국가의 정치 활동을 하는 것에 대한 사소한 시비거리의 말이 될 수가 있었던 모양이었고 비록 이런 말 자체가 말을 하는 사람만 우스꽝스럽게 될 것이고 어느 누구도 개의치 않을 것이지만 사람 사는 사회의 모습으로서 경쟁 관계가 형성이 되는 곳에서는 그 때 그 때마다 사람과 사람의 말과 말에 의해서 수 십 년 동안 입가심이 될 수도 있는 모양이다. 1986년도 국방의 의무를 위해서 입대를 했을 때도 종교인의 마인드와 국방의 의무에 대한 대화가 있었지만 개개인이 신앙심을 가지고 각자의 삶을 선하고 올바르게 사는 것과 그런 개개인의, 특히 다수의, 자유롭고 평등한 삶을 보호하기 위해서 존재를 하는 국가 및 국가의 활동이 대립 될 것이 없는데도 몇몇 단어들에 의해서, 즉 단지 동서양의 지역 감정이나 민족 감정이나 국가 감정이란 말로서 인위적으로 만들어진 극단적인 상황들에 의해서, 마치 대립이 되는 것처럼 몇몇 사람들에 의해서 이간과 농간의 말들이 만들어지듯이 또한 국가나 국가의 활동이 마치 몇몇 사람들의 전유물인 것처럼 다른 사람의 삶 및 가치관에 대한 초법적인 언행들이 만들어지듯이 앞의 몇몇 표현들이, 즉 To live according to 10 Commandments in ‘Exodus’ or ‘Deuteronomy’ of The Bible or 2 Commandments of Christ Jesus or what The Bible tries to say의 또 다른 표현들이, 사람의 아 다르고 어 다른 말과 말에 의해서 수 십 년에 걸친 시비 거리도 될 수가 있는 모양이다.
국가란 공동체를 위해서 국방의 의무를 수행 하는 것과 개인이 각자의 삶 속에서 각자의 목숨을 소중히 하는 것이, 특히 이런 저런 이해 관계 및 영리 추구에 휩쓸려 사람의 목숨 및 삶을 가벼히 여기지 않는 것에 대한 말이, 서로 대립 될 것이 없는데도 서로 연관을 시켜서, 특히 사람과 사람의 말로 이간과 농간을 부리는, 즉 신앙을 가지는 것이 국가의 활동을 긍정적인 요소가 많은 것임에도 불구하고 오히려 부정적 시작으로 보게끔 말을 만드는, 구 시대적인 사람도 존재를 하는 모양이다. 우리가 국가라고 말을 할 때 누구를 국가라고 말을 하는지, 즉 국방부나 검찰청이나 경찰청이나 국정원이나 국회 등을 국가라고 생각을 하는지 또는 그 속에서 절대 권력을 행하는 사람을 국가라고 생각을 하는지,,,생각을 해 볼 일이 아닐까 싶다. 자신만의, 또는 단지 몇몇 사람들만의 당의, 영리 추구 및 이해 관계 추구를 위해서 온갖 편법과 불법과 반 인륜의 삶의 방식이 몸에, 습관에, 젖은 경우가 아닐까 싶다.
조금은 경우가 다르지만 동전의 양 면으로 동전을 말을 하는 것처럼 약 2천 년 전에도 동일한 종교 및 신앙 및 신앙심을 가진 제사장 서기관 장로님 등의 전래적인 몇몇 신앙심들과 그리스도 예수님 사이의 논쟁이 사람의 인지 능력을 초월하여 존재를 하고 있는 영, 즉 신, 즉 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels의, 정체성 및 기적의 능력이 나타날 수 있는 것에 대한 이해의 차이와, 즉 기도의 응답 및 교통 등이 있다고 하지만 성경이라는 사람의 언어적인 표현으로 기록된 사실을 바탕으로 한 사람의 추상력 및 상상력에 의한 Spirits as God and Angels 존재 및 세계에 대한 이해와 실질적으로 Spirits as God and Angels과의 교통 및 동행 및 기적의 능력을 통한 Spirits as God and Angels 존재 및 세계에 대한 이해의 차이에 대한 것과, 십계명을 바탕으로 사람이 사람의 일거수일투족의 언행에 적용을 할 수 있는 법과 같은 사람의 계명, 또는 율법을, 만들고 그 결과 사람의 삶이, 즉 신앙 생활이, 오히려 사람이 만든 계명, 또는 율법에, 구속이 되어 사람의 삶을 본질 및 신앙의 본질 및 사람의 존재론적인 본질 및 사람에 대한 창조성의 본질을 잃어 버리게 되는 현상과 그렇지 않고 십계명의 의미를 잘 이해를 하여 2 Commandments of Christ Jesus에 따라서 사는 것의 차이와 같은 것인데 신앙과 국가의 활동이 서로 대립 되는 것과 같이 이해를 하는 경우도, 그러나 그런 이해가 5천 만 명 속의 개인의 이해로만 끝나는 것이 아니고 다른 사람이 사회에서 및 국가란 공간 안에서 활동을 하는 것에 대한 침해로 나타나는 경우도, 가끔은 존재를 하는 모양이다. 특히 근래의 발달된 지식을 바탕으로 하고 지능범의 범죄 행위를 모방을 하고 특히 가상의 공간에서의 사람의 상상력의 산물인 영화나 소설의 범죄 행위를 모방을 하여 국방부나 검찰청이나 경찰청이나 국정원 등에 신고가 힘들게 발생을 하는 경우도 가끔 있는 모양이다.
그런데 A란 곳에서 살기가 힘든 사람이, 특히 성격이나 기질이나 생업으로 할 수 있는 직업 등의 사유로 살기가 힘든 사람이, 또한 한 순간의 잘못으로 살기가 힘든 사람이, B라는 곳에 가면 사람으로서의 존엄성을 지키며 살 수가 있는 곳도 있을 수가 있으니 강제로 이주를 시킬 것은 아니지만 각자에게 보다 적합한 곳을 찾을 수 있도록 국가 간의 왕래 및 여행 및 이동의 폭을 넓혀 가는 것도, 즉 국가 및 국가 조직과 관련된 활동들은 다수의 개인의 존엄성을 지키기 위한 것 등 어떤 경우로도 중요하고 필요로 할 것이고 국가마다 사회마다 특색이 있고 개인은 개인 나름대로 고유의 특성이 있으니 개인의 인적 정보에 대한 보완은 필요를 할 것이지만 점차적으로 국가 간의 왕래 및 여행 및 이동의 폭을 넓혀 가는 것도, 개개인의 사람으로서의 소중한 삶을 위해서, 개개인이 다른 사람 및 그 삶에 범죄를 하는 것 없이 각자의 소중한 삶을 추구를 하는 것을 국가가 돕기 위해서라도, 필요하지 않을까 싶다. 국가 간 왕래 및 여행 및 이동의 폭을 넓혀 가는 것의 이미가 매 년 몇 명이 이민을 신청을 하고 이민을 간 것이냐 하는 것으로 판가름이 날 것이 아니고 또 A란 곳에서 범죄를 저질러도 B란 곳이라는 도망갈 곳이 존재를 하는 것에 그 의미가 있는 것도 아니고 지구란 곳이 이 세상에 살고 있는 어느 누구에게나, 즉 비록 부모님으로부터 부모님이 계신 곳에 태어나기는 했지만 지구란 공간이 이 세상에 태어나서 살고 있는 어느 누구에게나, 사람이 살 수 있는 곳으로 열려 있다는 것 자체가 더욱 더 의미가 있는 일이 아닐까 싶다. 골수 깊이 세뇌된, 어릴 때의 표현으로 말을 하면 돌과 같이 딱딱하게 굳은, 사고 방식으로 비웃거나 수 십 년 동안의 또는 1986년도부터 약 20년 동안의 조직적인 삶의 침해의 결과로서 근래의 단세포적인 적성 판단 법이나 적재 적소 배치의 방식에 따라 여행사 직원이 나이 마흔 무릎의 제 2의 직업으로 맞겠다는 말을 할 것이 아니고 이 세상에 태어난 사람으로서 삶을 살아가다가 몇 년 정도는 사람이 살고 있는 지구란 곳을 둘러 볼 수 있는 삶도, 즉 기차만 타면 몇 년 간에 걸쳐서 이 지구상의 가보고 싶은 곳들을 가볼 수 있는 삶도, 우리가 생각을 해 볼 필요가 있는 것이 아닐까 싶다. 여행자 수나 이민자의 수처럼 몇 명이 그렇게 할 수 있느냐 없느냐 하는 것이 중요한 것이 아니고 서로 다른 삶의 활동 공간, 삶의 방식, 사고 방식, 성장 방식,,,등에 의해서 탄생하게 된 환장한 식인종의 비린 내를 맡으며 매일 같이 십 수 년 또는 수 십 년의 삶을 살다가 언젠가 기회가 닿을 때 그렇게 해 볼 수 있는 것이 더 중요한 것이 아닐까 싶다. 몇 년은 고사하고 몇 개월이라고 그렇게 살 수 있는 사람이, 즉 이 세상에서의 자신의 삶을 사회로부터 분리 시키지 않고 그렇게 살 수 있는 사람이, 또는 평생 저축한 전 재산을 탕진하고 여생을 빌어 먹게 되는 것 없이 그렇게 할 수 있는 사람이, 지금 현재 몇이나 될 수 있을까? 보험? 좋은 말일 것이다. 계? 좋은 말일 것이다.
조금은 다른 경우이지만 단지 불교니 유교니 무속 신앙이니 기독교니, 그 중에서도 카톨릭이니 프로테스탄트니 또는 성모 마리아님이니 그리스도 예수님이니 등등의 단어 차이로서, 특히 종교 및 신앙과 관련된 몇 마디 말로서, 사람과 사람이 서로 간에 등을 돌릴 수 있고 사람과 사람 사이에 대화가 단절이 될 수가 있고 나아가 사람과 사람의 삶이 조직적으로, 지속적으로, 장기간에 걸쳐서, 침해를 받을 수 있다는 사실이 그 근본적인 이유나 목적이 무엇이든, 또는 의식적인 사고이든 무의식적인 사고이든, 또는 다원화 이원화 전문화 감각화 순간화 망각화 즉흥적인 물리적 반응의 시대상의 반영이든 종교 및 신앙 및 특히 신앙과 연관이 된 사람의 삶 자체를 보는 시각이 어느 정도로 단순화 및 세포화 된 것인가 하는 것을 알 수가 있지 않을까 싶고 또한 종교 및 신앙 및 특히 사람의 삶 자체를 보는 시각이 사람이란 존재 자체가 상실된, 또는 사람의 삶 자체가 그 자체로서의 가치를 상실하고 목적을 위한 수단화가 도구화 된, 것인가 하는 것을 조금이라도 엿볼 수 있는 현상이 아닐까 싶다. 우리 사회의 현상에 대한 말은 아니고 21세기의 사람과 사람이 사는 사회의 일로서 말을 하면 복잡다다한 사람 사는 사회의 현상으로 볼 때 그런 현상 자체를 이해 못할 것은 아니지만 지속적으로, 존재하는 듯 마는 듯, 다수에 의해서, 마치 불감증에 걸린 듯이, 타인의 삶에 대한 침해로 이어질 수 있는 것이 문제가 아닐까 싶다.
단순히 동서야의 지역 문제가 아니고, 민족이나 국가의 문제도 아니고, 나와 관련된 실질적인 Spirits as God and Angelsd의 실존과 관련된 현상들이 존재를 했으니 약 30~40년 전 아주 어릴 때도, 그리고 약 20년 전 국방의 의무를 위해서 입대를 했을 때인 1986년도에도, 나아가 6~7년 전에도, 인류사적인 차원에서 및 사람의 존재론적인 차원에서 및 Spirits as God and Angelsd의 실존의 차원에서 이런 저런 주제가 언급이 된 일이 있었고, believable or unbelievalble, 이미 상세히 언급이 된 배경처럼 약 30~40년 전 어릴 때에도 언급을 했듯이, 그리고 약 20년 전에도 언급을 했듯이, 나아가 6~7년 전에도 언급을 했듯이, 최근 몇 년 간의 Spirits as God and Angelsd과 관련된 현상들 및 나의 30~40년 동안 관련된 현상들 및 특히 나의 고향에서의 약 10 여 년 동안의 현상들에 대해서 지금처럼 글을 쓸 기회가 있으니 글을 쓰는 것을 통해서 말을 하고 있는 것이고 관련 당사자들이 있을 수 있는 곳에 또 내가 쓴 글을 보내고 있는 것이다.
성경에서의 몇몇 현상들을 단지 외형적인 현상들만, 즉 사람의 오감 및 육감으로 볼 수 있는 현상들만 두고 볼 때, 즉 인류사적인 차원 및 사람의 존재론적인 차원 및 Spirits as God and Angelsd의 실존의 차원,,,등이 아닌 현상론적인 것만으로 말을 할 때, 요즈음과 같이 과학 문명 및 물질 문명 및 사람의 지식 및 사람의 지식과 언어적인 마술과 현란함으로 불감증 및 중독증이 발달한 사회에서는 사소한 것처럼, 미미한 것처럼, 그렇고 그런 현상처럼, 보일 수 밖에 없다. 핵 폭탄 하나의 위력을 고려 하면 바닷물 갈라지는 것이 그렇게 상상속의 가공할 일이 아니고 현재 지구상에 존재 하는 무기의 위력이면 40 주야를 비를 내려 인류가 멸망하는 것이 우주에 존재할 수 없는 기 현상도 아니고 요즈음의 의학의 발달을 고려를 하면 성령으로 잉태 된 것이, 물론 현상만 두고 볼 때, 다른 우주의 일도 아니고 성령, 즉 영, 즉 신, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels의, 능력으로 질병이 치료가 되는 것도 그렇게 다른 차원의 일만은 아닐 것이다. 즉 보다 근원적이고 실질적인 다른 이슈들을 접어 두고 눈에 보이고 귀에 들리는 물리적인 현상론만으로 말을 하면 성경 속에서 볼 수 있는 Spirits as God and Angels의, 몇몇 능력들이 사소한 것처럼, 미미한 것처럼, 그렇고 그런 현상처럼, 보일 수 밖에 없다.
특히 Spirits as God and Angels의, 실존을 증거하는 것이 목적인 차원에서 이 세상의 사람과의 동행으로 Spirits as God and Angels의, 능력이 나타나니 그렇게 될 수 밖에 없다. 지구를 창조하는 또는 파괴를 할 수 있는 능력이, 힘이, 파워가, 사람에게 또는 이 지구상에 나타나면 사람의 몸이 감당이 안 되니 죽을 수 밖에 없고 이 세상의 어딘가가 부정적인 영향을 받을 수 밖에 없고 다른 무엇보다도 그런 능력 자체는 마치 영화의 한 장면처럼 웅장하고 화려할지는 몰라도 사람으로서 하여금, 그 장소에 존재를 한 사람으로 하여금, Spirits as God and Angels의, 실존을 믿게 하는 것에는, 특히나 Spirits as God and Angels의, 실존에 대한 믿음을 바탕으로 올바른 삶을 살게 하는 것 및 신앙 생활을 하게 하는 것에는, 그렇게 실질적인 도움이 되지 않을 것이다.
Invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels의, 능력으로 누군가가 대한민국에서 미국 및 지구상의 국국의 영화 촬영 세트 장으로 또는 태양계의 끝인 명왕성까지 순간적으로, 더구나 당사자는 공간이 다른 공간으로 바뀐 것 외에 알 수 있는 것도 없이, 갔다가 올 수가 있으면, 이런 저런 대화를 나눌 수가 있으면, 그런 현상에 대해서 당사자나 그 장소에 있었던 사람들이 말을 할 수가 있는 것이 무엇이 있을까? 사람의 눈으로 보이고 귀로 들리는 현상론적으로 말을 하면 스펙트클한 영화 한 장면 본 것보다도 할 말이 없을 것이다. 자신도 알지 못할 무언의 힘에 의해서 공간 이동 또는 차원 이동이 된 것 외에 사람이 볼 수 있는 것도 알 수 있는 것도 없으니 그럴 것이다.
(Invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels과 사람의 존재론적인 차이 및 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력과 사람의 능력이 나타날 수 있는 현상에 대한 차이 등등에 대한 것은 성경과 나의 Spirits as God and Angels과의 이런 저런 경험과 체험을 통한 현상들을 통해서, 그리고 사람과 이 세상에 존재를 하고 있는 각종 존재들과의 관계를 통해서, 또한 사람과 사람에 의해서 창조가 된 각종 창조물들과의 관계를 통해서 말을 했듯이 다른 글들을 참조 바랍니다.)
If someone who can actually communicate with or travel together with Spirits as God and Angels appear in the front of Saint Vincent Hospital, what kind of thins can be expected? Is there something that someone who can actually communicate with or travel together with Spirits as God and Angels can say what kind of miracle will happen in that case? Is there something that sister of the Catholic church or a Catholic priest or a (holy) Father or a minister or a clergyman or a pastor or a vicar or a rector or a par-son say what kind of miracle will happen in that case? Actually, or according to actual experienced human beings’ experiences on the existence or the power of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky or in the space even though no records in The Bible for their experiences, or according to The Bible, Nobody know it!, only God knows it!, Because the miracles can be performed by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, even though someone can actually communicate with or travel together with Spirits as God and Angels, and also because there is nothing to tell about the existence or the power of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky or in the space except for their own real actual experiences and the concerned phenomena from the existence or the power of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky or in the space due to already mentioned reasons and causes.
It not criticism for Catholic or Protestant or The Bible, but it is just talks about the existence or the identity of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky or in the space, even though everything in The Bible is true and the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky or in the space is true,,,so I really wish that it would not be led to attack someone in the name of The Bible or prophets or John the Baptist or Saint Mary or Christ Jesus or twelve apostles in The Bible, till or even after the end of knowing what is going on this world or this universe!
(참조; minister 미국에서는 「프로테스탄트(Protestant)의 목사」. 영국에서는 「비국교파․장로 교회의 목사」란 뜻. cler-gyman 영국에서는 「국교회의 목사」를 가리키나, 미국에서는 「성직자 전반」을 뜻함. parson 「영국 국교회의 교구 목사」란 뜻이나 구어에서는 일반적으로 Protestant의 목사를 말한다. pastor 「교구․교회의 목사」로 특히 로마 가톨릭․ 영국 및 스코틀랜드 국교 이외의 성직자를 가리킨다. rector 「영국 국교회의 교구 목사」. vicar 「미국 성공회의 회당 목사, 영국 국교회의 rector 대리를 담당하는 목사」를 뜻한다. )
If someone wants to know the creation of money, which made by human beings, in human society, what kind of activity will be reasonable? Go to someone who can make money. If Spirits As God and Angels create money, I do not know how it can be created or I do not know what kind of material it can be, only God knows it.
If someone wants to know the creation process of oneself or the origin of oneself, can he go back to the pregnancy of oneself or can he go back the beginning of his father or his mother to the beginning of this world? No! Each one’s life span in this earth is from the pregnancy of oneself from one’s parents to the end of the life of the physical body in this earth. one’s existence is the combination of one man and one woman, if it applies to this mankind from the beginning of this world, what kind of concept or idea will be made for human being’s Existence and human being’s personal life and human being social life in this earth? If the existence of Spirits as God and Angels who are originally essentially different from all the creatures or all the things in this world has been actually proved by lots of human beings’ actual physical and mental experiences which can be one method to tell the truths of human being and this world and also long time later even by human being’s scientific methods, what kind of concept or idea will be made for human being’s Existence and human being’s personal life and human being social life in this earth?
부가적인 의미로 말을 한 것이, 보충 설명을 한 것이, 즉 supplementary words or additional words가, 사족이란 말로서, 즉 쓸데 없는 말로서, 영어를 모르는 사람에게는 통역이 되었다. 다수가 모여서 대화 중 언급이 되는 말들을 자신의 의도대로 악용한 해석으로 이 사람 저 사람에게 말을 하여 다른 사람을 곤란하게 만드는 것은 약 30~40년 전이나 지금이나 여전한 것 같다. 개개인의 수준에 따라 상대방이 하는 말을 이해를 못하는 것과 상대방의 말에 대해서 고의적으로 시비를 걸거나 유언비어를 만들거나 이간과 농간을 부리는 것이 전혀 다른 것인데도 결과론이란 말로서, 사람 사는 사회에서 다른 사람에게 미치는 결과가 동일하다는 말로서, 악용을 하고 있는 것도 여전한 것 같다.
내가 이 땅에 태어난 이후 나의 고향에서만 약 10년 동안 숱하게 많은 사람들과 많은 말들이, 물론 개인으로 보면 몇 마디 되지 않을 것이고 특히 연령에 따라서 0살 때부터 10살 때까지가 또 다를 것이지만, 있었지만 누군가 자신이 나에 대한 모든 것을 알고 있는 것처럼 말을 하는 것도 여전하다. 즉 누군가가 나에게 다른 누군가를 보내서 나와의 대화의 내용을 확인을 한다고 해도 그 당시의 관습 미 종교 및 신의 존재, 즉 영의 존재, 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels, 등에 대한 개념에 따라서 나아가 성경에 대한 이해에 따라서 천차만별로 다를 수 밖에 없는데도 마치 자신이 나에 대해서 모든 것을 알고 있는 것처럼 유언비어를 만드는 것도 여전하다. 나의 고향에 살지 않았고 부산에 살고 있으면서 또는 다른 지역에 살고 있으면서 잠시 얼굴만 내비친 사람도 자신이 나에 대해서 모든 것을 알고 있는 것처럼 유언비어를 만드는 것도 여전하다.
종교학과 교수와 영, 즉 신, 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels과의, 교통이 가능한 사람 사이에 종교에 대해서는 단지 불교 유교 도교 무속 신앙,,,이라는 단어 밖에 모르는 사람이 중간에서 종교 및 영, 즉 신, 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels의, 실존 및 정체성에 대한 말을 전하는 메신저 역할을 하는 것과 비슷한 현상이 아닐까 싶다. 그것도 눈에 보이는 것만 믿는다는 말로서, 또는 눈에 보이는 것만 존재를 한다는 말로서, 다른 사람의 말에 시비를 거는 것과 유사한 것이 아닌가 싶다. 그래서 나를 둘러 싸고 조직적으로 시비를 걸고 있는 몇 사람들에게 나의 집 안에 있는 나에게 나의 마을 앞에 있는 학교가 존재를 하는 것인지 아닌지 질문을 한 것도 유사한 사유에서 발생을 한 것이다. 사람 및 이 세상에 대해서 말을 할 수 있는 것으로는 사람의 언어 학문 과학 의학 등등의 지식도 존재를 하고 있지만 사람이 오감과 육감 등도 그리고 유형 무형의 경험과 체험도, 있다. 사람의 경험과 체험에도 객체가 다른 사람들의 시각이나 청각으로 알 수 있는 것이 있고 그렇지 못한 것도 있다.
단어에 따라서, 즉 불교 유교 도교 무속 신앙 카톨릭 프로테스탄트 유태교 등의 단어에 따라서 그리고 부처님 조상님 도사님 신령님 성모 마리아님 그리스도 예수님 하나님과 그의 천사님들 등의 단어에 따라서, 상대방의 모든 것을 결정을 짓는 단세포 동물론 원형동물론 하나로도 여전한 것 같다. 비록 단어는 한 단어에 불과할지라도 지금 현재 50권이 넘는 분량의 글을 쓰고 있듯이 그리고 누군가는 수 십 년을 설교 및 전도로 삶을 살고 있듯이 종교 및 신앙 자체가 그 종교 및 신앙에 실제로 영, 즉 신, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels에, 대한 것이 있든 없던 사람의 삶과 관련이 되니 상대방이 말을 하는 것을 단정하기가 쉽지가 않고, 특히 선악에 대한 판단이 쉽지가 않은데, 한 두 마디의 단어에 따라서 상대방의 모든 것을 결정을 짓는 단세포 동물론 원형동물론 하나로도 여전한 것 같다. 이런 모든 배경의 이유는 무엇일까?
약 30~40 년 전 몇 살 되지 않은 어린 아이로서 경상남도 고성군 하이면 덕명리란 시골에서 다른 사람들과 나눈 대화에서 나와 다른 사람들의 의견 차이가 날 때가 대체로 세상 물정과 관습 등에서 비롯된 것이 많아서 내가 나의 말을 하는 것이 힘들게 만드는 것으로서 또는 사람이 사실을 사실대로 아는 것을 막는 것으로서 세상 물정과 관습을 말을 하니 나와의 대화 중에서 나를 힘들게 할 수 있는 것으로서 사람과 사람 사이의 계층에 대한 것과 사람과 사람 사이의 대화가 한 가지 요소로만 판단이 되는 것이 새로이 만들어 진다.
지금까지 나를 둘러싸고 약 30~40년에 걸쳐서 또는 약 20년에 걸쳐서 발생을 하고 있는 일들의 대부분의 성격이 정치 종교 경제 등 무슨 분야의 활동에 대한 것이든, 특히 정치 및 컴퓨터 분야와 관련된 것에 대해서, 나를 가르친다는 명목으로, 또는 나와 관계를 맺는다는 명목으로, 이런 저런 상황들이 발생을 하지만 실제로는 사람과 사람 사이의 지배 관계를 형성하기 위한 계획 및 기획의 시나리오의 일부가 아닌가 싶다. 심지어 신앙 생활을 하는 곳에서 조차도, 매일 같이 그리스도 예수님의 사랑과 용서란 말로 시작하고 또 끝이 나는 곳에서 조차도 그리스도 예수님의 사랑과 용서란 말을 가르친다는 말로서 사람을 시험 들게 하고 그 결과 사람의 삶을 파괴하는 일만 난무를 하고 있는 것이 아닌가 싶다.
약 30~40년 전의 어릴 때 경상남도 고성군 하이면 덕명이란 시골에서 나를 둘러 싼 사람들이 나의 일거수일투족에 대해서 하나의 행동이나 하나의 말로서만 전체를 판단하고자 하는 현상들이 빈번하게 많이 발생을 하고, 특히 사람의 죄에 관련된 것으로서 ‘한 것은 한 것이다.’라는 등의 말로서 시비가 많이 걸려서, 나를 둘러 싼 상대방의 언행이 세상 물정 및 관습 등을 모르는 어린 나에게 조차도 어떻게 비췰 수 있는가를 보여 주기 위해서 리어카 위에 있는 감귤을 살펴 보기 위해서 집었다가 지나가며 잠시 후 리어카 위에 다시 놓고 간 일이 있었다. 영, 즉 신, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God and Angels의, 실존에 대한 증거라는 간단한 표현이지만 나의 삶 속에서 발생한 크고 작은 사건 사고 및 일들과 연관이 된 사실들로 증거를 하고 있으니 지금껏 3년 반에 걸쳐서 50권이 넘는 책의 분량으로 글을 작성하고 있어도 끊임 없는 오해와 곡해의 현상들이 각자의 입장과 처지에 따라서, 특히 시시비비를 떠나서 그리고 종교 및 신의 존재, 즉 영의 존재에, 대한 나의 개념 및 이해와 상대방의 개념 및 이해의 차이를 떠나서 각자의 기존의 관습이나 관례나 습관이나 타성에 젖은 종교 관련 개념이나 관념이나 가치관이나 입장 등에 따라서, 발생을 하고 있듯이, 어린 내가 볼 때도 다수가 살고 있는 사회 속에서의 사람의 언행이, 특히 invisible inaudible intangible 한 존재인 Spirits as God and Angels의 실존과 관련된 것 및 사람의 죄에 대한 것이, 한 두 마디로 쉽게 말을 할 수 있는 것이 아닌데도 무슨 말을 하고 무슨 행동을 하던 칼로 무 자르듯이 한 두 마디로 정리 하여 이곳 저곳으로 같다 붙이고자 하는 모습들이 이 사람 저 사람에게서 나타나서 그런 현상에 대해 말을 하기 위해서 나는 내 나름대로 취한 감귤과 관련된 행동을 두고서 인간성에 대한 말들이 언급이 되고 세 살 버릇 여든까지 간다는 말로서 지금까지도 인간성에 대한 말들이 만들어지고 있는 상황이 반복되고 있는 것 같다.
약 30~40년 전의 어릴 때 경상남도 고성군 하이면 덕명이란 시골에서 어릴 때 나를 둘러 싸고 여러 사람들이 행하는 갖가지 언행들이 비록 내가 나이가 어리지만 상대편 입장에서 볼 때 어떻게 나타나 보일 수 있는지 보여 주기 위해서 내가 거꾸로, 역으로, 취한 언행을 두고서 예의 범절 등에 대한 말이 만들어지고 나아가 ‘될 성 싶은 나무는 떡잎부터 알아 본다는 말’로서 인간성에 대한 말들도 만들어지더니 지금까지도 유사한 현상들로 인간성에 대한 말들이 만들어지고 있고 반복되고 있는 것과 유사한 것이 아닌가 싶다.
약 30~40년 전의 어릴 때 경상남도 고성군 하이면 덕명이란 시골에서 누군가가 담배와 사람의 죄에 대해서 사람의 관점이 아닌 Spirits as God and Angels, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들의, 관점에서 알고자 하고 내가 담배란 것이 무엇인지 모르니 내가 Spirits as God and Angels, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들에게, 질문을 하기 위해서 담배를 한 두 모금 피워 본 상황을 바탕으로 인간성에 대한 말들이 만들어지고 세 살 버릇 여든까지 간다는 말로서 또 말들이 만들어지더니 지금까지도 유사한 상황으로 인간성에 대한 말들이 만들어지고 있는 것이 반복되고 있는 것과 유사한 것이 아닌가 싶다.
약 30~40년 전의 어릴 때 경상남도 고성군 하이면 덕명이란 시골에서 병원 놀이란 말로서 진행이 된 기도의 능력 및 Spirits as God and Angels, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들의, 능력에 의한 치료 놀이의 상황이 누군가가 나의 접어진 팔을, 즉 매일 같이 다른 사람들이 알 수 없는 invisible inaudible intangible 한 Spirits as God and Angels, 즉 하나님과 그의 천사님들로부터의, 현상들에 대한 것을 말을 하고 있는 나를 상대로 나의 접어진 팔을, 고친 것처럼 말을 하고 또 마치 나에게 성령을 부어 준 것처럼 말을 하는 상황이 지금까지 만들어지고 있고 반복되고 있는 것과 유사한 것이 아닌가 싶다.
약 30~40년 전의 어릴 때 경상남도 고성군 하이면 덕명이란 시골에서 어른들을 쫓아 다니면서 놀리고 욕을 하는 아이들이 몇 명 있었다. 그런데 그 아이들의, 물론 그 뒤에는 누군가가 있었지만, 자신들과 같이 활동을 하지 않으면 그 당시 시골에서 있었던 부정적인 상황들의 나의 언행으로 만들 것이란 말을 한 아이들이 몇 명 있었다. 그런데 그 때와 유사한 현상들이 지금까지 약 30~40 년 동안, 특히 내가 신앙 생활을 하는 공간에서 약 10여 년 동안, 어린 아이에 대한 성, (아마도 여기서는 정치 활동을 위한 가족의 ‘성’씨를 말을 하는 것이겠지만), 추행에 대한 루머를 비롯하여, 끊임 없이 발생을 하고 있는 것과 유사한 것이 아닌가 싶다.
앞의 현상들이 나의 삶에 미친 영향이 무엇이던 비웃음이나 비난의 말로서가 아니라 진정으로 감사를 드릴 일이다. 앞의 크고 작은 일들이 지금 현재 그 당시, 즉 약 30~40년 전에, 나의 고향에서 나에게 발생한 일들을 기록을 하는 것에, 특히 Spirits as God and Angels과 관련되어 발생한 현상들을 기록을 하는 것에, 도움이 되고 있으니 당사자들의 본래의 목적이나 의도가 무엇이었던 진정으로 감사를 드릴 일이다.
Justify; Such violence cannot be justified by any excuse or under any pretext.
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year! Herzliche Glueckwuensche zum neuen Jahr!
Something Good! Vieles Gute!
The Film Scenario Of Ten Production,
There are lots of ways to tell the things or the truths in this world, especially the things or the truths related to human being.
Our science and knowledge can be one of ways to tell the things or the truths in this world, especially the things or the truths related to human being. Our science and knowledge develops day by day, as everybody can know it by the things or the truths in this world, especially the things or the truths related to human being, even though everybody is not scientist. But our science and knowledge cannot tell all the things and all the truths in this world, especially the things or the truths related to human being, up to now.
However, our science and knowledge cannot be one of ways to tell the things or the truths about the existence or the identity of Spirits as God and Angles, such as I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or The Lord God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel or 성령 or 영 or 신 or 하나님 or 여호와님 or 여호와 하나님 or 야훼님 or 천사님,,,who have been proved as existing invisibly inaudibly intangibly above-time-space, as the proof can be identified in The Bible. But there will come the day when our science and knowledge can be one of ways to tell the things or the truths about the existence or the identity of Spirits as God and Angles, such as I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or The Lord God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel or 성령 or 영 or 신 or 하나님 or 여호와님 or 여호와 하나님 or 야훼님 or 천사님,,,who have been proved as existing invisibly inaudibly intangibly above-time-space,,,
Our physical and mental experience can be one of the ways to tell the things or the truths in this world, especially the things or the truths related to human being. What kind of devices and equipments can perfectly tell the truth about each one’s daily living metal and physical activities, especially which cannot be revealed to other peoples’ cognitions in the form of physical phenomena or verbal identity, furthermore which will have happened during whole life from the baby in the pregnancy to the baby in the senility, dotage, second childhood and to the baby who is ready to die of infirmity or senility or decrepitude or anility of old age.
There have been lots of peoples who have talked about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, such as I AM or Spirit or Lord or God or The Lord God or Jehovah or Yahweh or Angel or 성령 or 영 or 신 or 하나님 or 여호와님 or 여호와 하나님 or 야훼님 or 천사님,,,who have been proved as existing invisibly inaudibly intangibly above-time-space, by our physical and mental experience, as the proof for the existence of Spirits as God and Angels can be also identified in The Bible. There are lots of human’s physical and mental phenomena and other actual physical phenomena which can be performed by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, such as the cure of disease in human body or the change of weather condition or the vision which seem to be cubic moving living real animation or etc, even though those lots of human’s physical and mental phenomena and other actual physical phenomena cannot be proved by other peoples’ direct physical and mental experiences or by our up-to-now science and knowledge. However, the results of those lots of human’s physical and mental phenomena and other actual physical phenomena can be proved by our up-to-now science and knowledge, if we try to want to know it, even though the process of so-called miracles by the power of Spirits as God and Angles cannot be detected by our up-to-now scientific level, as if Spirits as God and Angles are invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space, and even though such miracle-like cases by the power of Spirits as God and Angles are rare and only possible, only when Spirits as God and Angles try to reveal any kind of power into this world. As a real situations, if someone can move from some place in Korea to some place in USA or in Europe or in Asia or in Africa or in South America or in South Pole or Around the end of solar system invisibly inaudibly intangibly, i.e, appearance and disappearance through space, without any transportation equipment, such as car or ship or airplane or rocket,,,how can it detected by our up-to-now scientific level. Or, those kinds of situations with conversations between the concerned can be possible even in a dream or even in a form of vision, as if it happens in real world, how can it be by our up-to-now scientific level. Long time later there will be any possible scientific methods to tell the existence of human’s soul or mind or spirit in human body. Also, long time later there will be any possible similar methods to tell the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, even though anything related to Spirits as God and Angels can be cognized or recognized by human being and human being’s science, only when Spirits as God and Angels appear in the scope of cognition ability of human being, considering up-to-now knowledge or science or experiences.
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