English. Book,

Human Being's Name and Sins and Promises

정희득이본명이자가명 2007. 10. 28. 16:46

Human Being's Name and Sins and Promises

There a lot of ways to accomplish what someone wants to do in this society. one of those ways seems to be join some organization, especially in case of political activity, due to the characteristics, because it is not easy to accomplish what someone wants to do in this society due the number of peoples and also the strong competition. Sometimes someone acts in the name of other person in order to obtain other person's and the concerned organization's support and power...especially invisible support and power...

Anyway, believable or unbelievable, there are some reasons I cannot change my name and also I cannot act in the name of other persons and some organizations, since I was born in my hometown in DeokMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea. It is not any related to religious sins based on the theory of The Bible.

Believable Or Unbelievable, the reasons I cannot change my name and also I cannot act in the name of other persons or some organizations are caused by the promise with the world of invisible, inaudible, intangible, untouchable,,,Spirits as God and Angels for my heavenly missionary works in this society, and by the promises with the persons whom I have met since my childhood at my hometown, and also by my conducting religious missionary activities in this world 20~30 years later after I finish my political economical,,,activities in this country. To do religious missionary works in this world seems to be not important to several persons, but To do religious missionary works in this world is important to several persons. Also the name of human being or the change of human being's name seems to be not related to any religious missionary, but, believable or unbelievable, reliable or unreliable, understandable or un-understandable, there are some reasonable reasons, the name of human being could be very important factor, even though human being's name could be directly related to human being's sins, because all the sins will be recorded in human being's mind or soul or spirit which is different from human being's physical body and  has not human being's physical name,,,. If there is communication between human being and the world of Spirits as God and Angels, it could be mainly possible by human being's soul or mind or spirit and also directly by human being's brain. Of course, human being may be able to hear the words of the world of Spirits as God and Angels by one's ear? So, even though I would try to do political activities in this society, I cannot change my names or I cannot act in the name of other persons or some organizations.

While I walk around this place and that place, I can hear someone' calling me by the name of other persons, such as DWJ or SHW or HWL or GSL or THK or OYJ or HRC...My these writings would be some helpful to prevent several persons' fraudulent activities deceiving one's name or someone's name...20070822. JUNGHEEDEUK. 정희득.

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