Translation Or Interpretation?
Mercy on the people related to my situations since my birth in Year 1965 in one country village of South Korea, because most of the situations have happened due to our narrow-minded knowledge about Spirits as God and His Angels and some vague concept for religion and also some non-experienced concept for the world of Spirits as God and His Angels above human being’s cognition just like human being’s soul/mind/spirit above human being’s cognition, based on our so long history of one human’s world!
How can ‘Mercy on The People’ be translated according to nation or region or situation or history?
The only reason why I, as a little child who had not any social concepts made by human and human society, liked or was happy to some peoples from other distant regions is just because free talks or free conversations were possible for the concepts of Spirits as God and His Angels or for really-important courtesy or human’s dignity between human beings in order to make human being as human being who is different from beast or beast-like animal, not from the viewpoint of biological or scientific concept but from the viewpoint of social existence, without any block or any previous knowledge or any prejudice or any fixed life style during conversations. To believe what I said was totally different issue regardless of the truth of what I said, as I told it to other village peoples. Whatever something new is right, if someone cannot understand it, it is not easy to make him/her to believe it, especially with one shot. But, how could true and frank conversations with foreigners be understood or misused for tens of years due to some political economical religious reasons, especially natural volunteer or sure candidate for POK around my age 40? Especially, the activities of a little child who is similar to original characteristics of human being and does not wear any color of social interests, as everybody knows it since his/her birth and also as that truth had been checked from children at my hometown.
If customized persons for social and traditional customs focus on the activities of their children without putting any kind of their own way of life, they might find out lots of things which can make them to know the truth of creation of this universe and human being.
(Ref.; When I say ‘courtesy’, the concept of courtesy does not mean human’s polite attitude to all kinds of social productions or tangible productions or intangible productions and so on by human beings, but human’s polite attitude between human beings as human being, as everybody knows it since his/her birth.)
One day during Year 1989 ~ Year 2001, when I studied at the German Department's Study Room on the 4th floor of building of the college of education of Seoul National University, a naked body of lady in the screen of movie came to me, when I looked at the door by someone's calling me. It was just like the junior's situation on the other day at the German Department's Office. The differences between two situations were whether upper part of body was seen or whole part of body was seen. But when I saw her again in order to say something about the situation, after she sat down next to me, she were fully dressed with a kind of black color of clothes and her face and style and image was also a little bit different from a naked one and from someone of the other day. How could this situation be translated religiously in Year 2000 in
Believable Or Unbelievable for what I try to say about the existences of Spirits as God and His Angels, especially in The Bible according to what Spirits as God and His Angels said by my questions caused by my hometown's social and personal situations of around Year 1965 ~ 1976, under my age 11, what I try to say about something (in)visible (in)audible (in)tangible (un)touchable in the Sky or in the Heaven or in the Space is similar to what someone who tries to say about The Bible and Christ Jesus from the viewpoint of the essence of Spirits as God and His Angels who are originally different from human being and human beings' soul/mind/spirit, but the person whom I would like to talk to is similar to the person who tries to say about what he and other person get to know and realize or about Buddhism.
How could this kind of situation be translated from the viewpoint of religious concepts of our society of around Year 1970 or around Year 2001?
Why could this kind of interpretation or translation be made for my phenomena regardless of what I try to say about something (in)visible (in)audible (in)tangible (un)touchable in the Sky or in the Heaven or in the Space? Especially, even in the situation of around age 40, not in the situation of age under 11 who does not know things in society and suitable human words for a lot of phenomena and situations and human affairs?
If someone tries to say about actual experiences or responses of prayer with Spirits as God and His Angels in The Bible, should someone like people or so-called Christians in the Churches regardless of their attitudes or their activities or their fraudulent life styles as human beings? Is it common truth that all the peoples in the Churches are the same as
If someone who believe in God and His Angels or The Bible or Christ Jesus, or someone who prove the existences of Spirits as God and His Angels, or someone who receives some kinds of responses of prayer to God and His Angels, or someone who receives God's Spirit or God's wholly Spirit into his/her body, dropped by Buddhism Temples during mountain climbing, should he/she pour out a lot of courses about peoples in Buddhism Temple as proof processes for his beliefs regardless of his/her religious concepts for God and His Angels, ie. Spirits, and also The Bible? Why has these kinds of words been made as confirmation processes for someone's belief or for someone's proofs for the existences of Spirits as God and His Angels in The Bible? Is it good for belief or believer for God and His Angels, ie. Spirits, and The Bible? Or is it intended to hurt or restrain someone's political economical social activities?
According to The Bible and according to actual a lot of selected peoples' experiences, the identity of Spirits as God and His Angels is (in)visible or (in)audible or (in)tangible or (un)touchable from the viewpoints of human being's cognition. Also there are a lot of barriers for human being to know the real existence of Spirits as God and His Angels whose identity is (in)visible or (in)audible or (in)tangible or (un)touchable from the viewpoints of human being's cognition through selected human beings' words and some kinds of miracles, such as social customs or previous concepts of religions or other social interests and languages and so on including the situations of selected human beings, considering my situations at my hometown during Year 1965 through Year 1976.
Regardless of each one's religion, there are also common things kind or good or conscientious as created human beings who cannot know all the things in this world and also even something in that world. Why are there a lot of, unusual, words or expressions or activities and so on in order to prove each one's belief except for those words or those activities in The Bible? Why are there a lot of the antagonism of one religion against another religion or standing-face-to-face situations for believers except for mutual conversation to know what they know and what they have to know as created human being who does not know even tomorrow. Especially, there is nothing demanded from believers or Churches except for one's saying what he has to say as much as what was expected, from 50 books of volumes around age 40 to 500 books by expected survival, and at his expected times at his childhood.
While having conversation, there is a situation or a moment to see lady's part of body by any useless action, and it leads to decide someone's belief or someone's sexual moral for doing social activities in the world of cyber space, and as a result of it someone will be put into the situation to be infringed and disturbed and loved with good purposes of making perfect man or reborn man. But, as time goes by and a lot of persons pay attention to someone’s all kinds of words and expressions and activities and so on, is. if someone is on the chopping board for reproduction as new man, what kind of results will be in front of someone? And why the answer-like results can be drawn regardless of whatever good purposes of the concerned peoples? It is not blame for them but just talking about a kind of waste of their life time and their energy and their enthusiasm due to wrong information and infatuation and bewilderment. To be continued.
The. Film. Scenario. Of. Ten. Production. 20070604. JUNGHEEDEUK. 정희득.