사진과 그림과 사명 160

의정부에서 만난 아일랜드계의 레인저 맨을 기억나게 하는 절경

의정부에서 만난 아일랜드계의 레인저(Ranger) 소울저(Solider)를 기억나게 하는 절경, 영어가 미숙하니 반복해서 질문을 해서 기억나는 곳, Cliffs of Moher; http://shellingford.tistory.com/136 참고) 부탁) 누구로부터 무슨 부탁을 받았던 1970년경(경상도의 고성군) 또는 1986년도 중반(충청도의 논산군) ..

사진, Who was with me in Year 1965~1976 in the similar scene to the following scene?

사진, Who was with me in Year 1965~1976 in the similar scene to the following scene? Who was with me in Year 1965~1976 in the similar scene to the following scene? Who was with me in Year 1965~1976 when I saw the simialr camerae to the following camerae and what was said from me at that time? What was in the place, where http://www.sarang.org/ was built, in Year 1965~1976? W..