종교(Religion)와 사명

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 15

정희득이본명이자가명 2006. 11. 16. 20:52

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 15

Subtitle; A little memory related to 'Hello! Mr. Monkey', 'Go to Hell', 'Devil Woman', at my childhood.

When I got some experiences from the Existences of 'I AM's who are invisible, inaudible, intangible and so on to normal persons except me, but also when I could not explain those phenomena to other persons in humans' words and for humans' reasonable and logical understanding due to my so-young age, there were really clever and smart persons who tried to show religious activities of the society in order to know which one was more matchable or close to what I wanted to say. Do you now what was the result?

There was no religious activities which were exactly the same as what I tried to say.

The contents of one religion, The Bible of Catholic Church, from foreign country are almost the same as what I tried to say but the religious activities of believers of our society are not same as what I tried to say. May be, as I guess it right now, the appearances of the religious activities of believers of our society seemed to be almost the same as one of our traditional religious activities.

And the appearances of the miracle-like activities of what I tried to say seemed to be a little bit similar to one of our traditional religious activities. But totally both religions could not be compared because the contents of both religions were quite different from each other.

So, when I continuously wanted to do something for The Existences of 'I AM's and they particularly wished to know about it due to me at my childhood, my best expression which I could describe for The Existences of 'I AM' I tried to say in human words by me and in a way of miracles through me by the power of the Existence of 'I AM' was just to tell it as the combination of The Contents of The Religion from foreign country(The Bible of Catholic Church) and The supernatural or preternatural phenomena whose appearances can be guessed from one of our Traditional Religions. I do not know 'How much or How different concept and image what I tried to say was distorted to and twisted to during last 30 years'.

And do yon know what was another words which I said for what I tried to say?

All the writings related to 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit' and especially to my 40 years' life story are not 'produced scenario' or cooked-up report or pure fabrication or figment of imagination for certain purposes. All the writings related to 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit' and especially to my 40 years' life story are not  or groundless rumor or fictitious narrative or made-up story or put-up job or frame-up or got-up affair or build-up for religious purpose and political purpose. You had better think that all the writings related to 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit' and especially to my 40 years' life story have been a little twisted by social custom or social tradition or prejudice or preconception for religion and God/The Lord God/Yahweh/Jehovah/Angel/Sin/SanSin/HaNeul/, ie. I AM, ie. Spirit, ie. The Lord. Just try think about our custom or our tradition or our religion and what we got to know about God/The Lord God/Yahweh/Jehovah/Angel/Sin in Korean/SanSin in Korean/HaNeul in Korean/, ie. I AM, ie. Spirit, ie. The Lord, about 30-40 years ago or during 30-40 years ago.

Just try think about our normal concept about '신(Sin(Korean word in English Alphabet);神;God)' about 30-40 years ago or during 30-40 years ago.

One really important thinkable issue for the Existence of ' I AM', ie. Spirit, ie. The Lord, ie. God/The Lord God/Yahweh/Jehovah/Angel/Sin in Korean/SanSin in Korean/HaNeul in Korean, are as follows, especially from the viewpoint of relation between The Existence of God and human's prejudice or preconception or existing knowledge; If all the miracles were performed through selected human being by the power of The Lord God and His Angels about 30-40 years ago, those miracles of The Lord God and His Angels could be surely regarded as those of Buddha or as those of the soul of dead ancestor according to our custom or our tradition or our existing and traditional concept or knowledge for religion and '신(Sin(Korean word in English Alphabet);神;God)'. It would have been almost the same case or phenomenon up to now, if there have been not any written book to explain the subject of all the miracles performed by the power of The Lord God and His Angels in human's words or for human's reasonable and logical understanding, or if there have been not any person who could explain the subject of all the miracles performed by the power of The Lord God and His Angels in human's words or for human's reasonable logical understanding, even though there have been the proofs for the Existences of 'I AM', ie. Spirit, ie. The Lord, ie. God/The Lord God/Yahweh/Jehovah/Angel/Sin in Korean/SanSin in Korean/HaNeul in Korean, through selected human beings and also through responses to sincerer prayers by the power of The Lord God and His Angels in a lot of ways and methods due to the regional historical cultural intelligent situations. This can be guessed by the accumulated knowledges of mankind and also by a lot of empirical experiences regardless of 'big or small' 'miracle-like or supernatural or preternatural' phenomena by a lot of selected human beings and also by prayers and their responses, even though we cannot know when The Lord God's Spirit dwelled in Jesus Christ will come to this world with The Lord God's purpose.

'Hello! Mr. Monkey', or 'Go to Hell' caused by their thoughts for other human beings and their activity styles, or 'Devil or Evil Woman' were the words chosen or said by me during the conversations with the below two tall men.

'The reason I do not go to school is that Devil Woman or Evil Woman live in there. But devil woman or evil woman is like an angel to other students. only to me devil woman or evil woman is like a devil or an evil. This is the answer to the question raised by the below two tall men about my not-going to school sometimes. But the actual reason is that the time for me to go to school is up to my decision, because others were doing the same study during a week or several days from only my viewpoints. So, the time decision for my going to school was absolutely given to me. It was really good ideal school. It could not be thinkable at all in big school or in city.' What would be next question from the two men? Devil or Evil is Devil or Evil. Why could the devil or the evil be like angel to other students and a devil or an evil to me? They tried to say that 'I was wrong'. What would be next answer from me? As far as you knew the truth or within your intelligent ability, it could be right, considering what you were saying about several issues to me.

The above conversation with The  Song, 'Devil Woman' which was one of famous songs of Cliff Richard, was proceeded during following conversations. Some words were chosen by me among the words spoken by them, because I did not know so many words enough to express my thoughts or ideas in words, and also some words were spoken out in English, 'Believable Or Not', by the unknown power of the Existences of 'I AM's in the inside of me and also in the air. Some of The Song 'Devil Woman' was sung out by reading what was in someone's mind long distance away through the two tall men by the power of the Existences of 'I AM's. Was it believable? Do you know what was spoken out by one of them for future and for religion activity as the result of the conversation? Do you know what was additional words related to 'Go to Hell' and 'Hello! Mr. Money'. Some of them are related to our respectable expressions for elder persons. Also do you know what did I say to the dog and the owner of the dog, when I was trying to go home? Also, when they said they came to our village to take someone for their political reason, especially for long-time-later political future, do you know what did I say to them? Of course, for that point I made some hasty conclusion as I admitted it because of other peoples' cases who came to our village to take someone to work for their political activities. As ensuing result of it, there were my mentions about our village's fast dogs and strong cows which were in every house of our village according to the reason for them to come to our village, or according to what they thought and said, or according to their intelligent levels, of course, absolutely from the viewpoint of little child. Do you know what was my mentions related to human beings' sins about their future political activities which are assumed to be opposite to me, when I was going to home after that conversation? Also, at that moment, there was someone who tried to bet something on what I was saying about sins on my way to home; 'Human beings have so much greeds, therefore sins are conceived by so much greeds, and then as a result of it only human beings go to Hell, Oh How So Sad it is!, so much greeds cause human beings to conceive sins but as ensuing result of it only human beings alone go to Hell. So much greeds work together or are being with human beings when human beings are making sins but only human beings alone go to Hell as a result of sins! Who will be blamed for that? Not Hell, or Not Greed, but only human being alone who has so much greed will be blamed.'

There were several conversations and talks with dog at my childhood at my hometown about the customs and also about adult's way of thought and way of life and some activities related to customs.

Before reading the story, one thing which should be remembered is that some of what was spoked out through me at my childhood was from the viewpoint of real child who did not know anything about social or human concepts and knowledges which can be obtained especially by the lapse of time or the lapse of age or also the accumulated social experiences. However, as I have written a lot of yesterdays' my stories on the computers, not other's story or not blames for others but just my life story, for the Existence of 'I AM' I am writing what I have experienced since my birth in the words and in the expressions which every one can understand logically and indirectly. At my age 40, I am translating my experiences, which could not be expressed in human beings' words and expressions at my childhood, into logical and understandable Words and expressions. There have been a lot of persons who have almost empirical or real or direct experiences for the Existences of Spirit during about 20 years, which could be kept silent due to a lot of reasons. one of those will be to use it in other purpose. 

One thing is related to 'dog' as 'the name of animal'. Dog is the name of certain animals which usually listen to human beings well. So, the person who so strongly sticked to custom that he classified or decided human-related thing or other social thing according to his/social custom was called as dog of custom by me, just as one figurative expression for adult's way of thought and way of life and some attitudes toward human being or society or the Existence of God and so on. But the difference between so-called animal dog and custom dog is that animal dog knows as human being as human being but custom dog knows human being as something of custom, not human being itself. So, I used the word, 'dog of custom', just as one expression for adult whose way of thought or way of life is so strongly controlled by social custom. Even though some adults were talking to me face to face, their way of thought or decision is not by me or not by the result of conversation but by other thing which is called as something customary. I did not spread it to other person except when I explained the meaning to other children but I told the fact just to dog, when someone passed by me at the gate of my father's house at my hometown. How can I call human being as dog? Just I used the word as a figurative expression for adults sometimes under serious ununderstandable situations. Do you know what was adult's response at hearing my words to dog? Do you know what was dog's response at hearing my words? If there are some kinds of responses from dog, do you think how those kinds of responses are possible by only words of little child who did not know even the word 'training', 'training of dog'? What kind of think can you have from the scene? What kind of think can you have especially for the child's future or future work or future job?

The other thing is related to 'playing the game named as 'KawiBawiBo' with dog'. The Result was my loss of the toss of the game. Of course, during the game, I talked something, which could not be understood to dog in normal case, as if I talked to human being. It was nothing but just several talks and activities to show how even dog is smart or clever and also to show something through dog's movement and response about the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirit, ie. The Lord, ie. God/The Lord God/Yahweh/Jehovah/Angel/The Spirit dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ.

During that process, there were two tall boys whom I did not know, just another useless incredible monster-like existences among some other useless incredible monster-like existences who had been to my hometown and had showed whose decisions or whose thoughts are less smart or clever than that of customs or other clever creatures. In short, their decisions and thoughts could not be regarded as those of human beings only from the viewpoints of little child. Do you know what one of two men told me about the situation? However, also, as a little elder boy, he tried to tell me about our customs and also about how people in our country think 'The Existence of 'I AM's, ie. Spirit, ie. God, whom I have tried to show or to prove or to verify or to authenticate? Also, in order to let me know what kind of custom or traditional religion I have to know or for it what kind of things I have to do, in case I will become politician later at my adult. Of course, there was some misunderstanding of our people by thinking the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirit, ie. The Lord, ie. God, as just something western or foreign or not-ours regardless of the actual knowledge or information about The Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirit, ie. The Lord, ie. God, even without thinking what they got to know or they had been accustomed to from custom or tradition or 'long time'. It was really thankful attitude, but do you know what I said about that? Do you think what kind of words did I speak out by hearing what was said by the persons, who have the same name to custom with dog to human, ie. who are the same rank to custom with dog to human in name only, ie. who are friends with dog in mame only? Also, do you know what they said in return? I did not know what kind of purposes they had or with whom they worked together, when they came to talk to me. one clear thing was that I was so little child that they did not try to listen to or believe whatever I tried to say, because I was little child? Of course, the biggest reason was that I could not explain what I got to know by real experiences with logical and understandable words and expressions. That kind of situations was also the largest reason why the ways and methods of the world of Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirit, ie. God, could not conducted or performed through me or through the Spirit in the inside of me by the omniscient and omnipotent power of The Lord God and His Angels.

This is some of my explanations in order to help every normal persons to fully and easily understand The Bible which is actual historical written records for the events, happenings, and fulfillments of promises and prophecies between God and selected human beings for the Existences of 'I AM's, ie. Spirit, ie. The Lord, ie. God/The Lord God/Yahweh/Jehovah/Angel/Sin in Korean/SanSin in Korean/HaNeul in Korean. If it is readable like a novel, it can be helpful to solve the mysterious or fiction-like truths in The Bible.

A lot of prophets and The Highest Priests about 2,000 years ago were very faithful to The Lord God and The Bible and their missions from The Lord God. Also Jesus Christ who had The Lord God's Spirit from the world of The Lord God in the inside of him was very faithful to The Lord God and The Bible and his missions from The Lord God. Jesus's Christ Disciples who received Something holy spiritual or some holy spiritual Ability from Jesus Christ were very faithful to The Lord God and The Bible and their missions from Jesus Christ and also The Lord God. And then They all had worked very hard for What The Lord God said and for The Bible and for other religious activities. What would be the differences among them?

Still, there seem to be a lot of persons who think the Existences of 'I AM's as the production of human's imagination and the production of society's necessity. Also, there seem to be a lot of persons who think the Existences of 'I AM's as those of human being, such as human's soul or human's mind or human's spirit or something like that or even powerful human, even though every knows the limitation of each one. Furthermore, there seem to be a lot of persons who think the Existences of 'I AM's as the concepts of region and nation and race and something social. It is just relation between the Existences of 'I AM's and human beings. Those phenomena are usually caused by social economical or political situations. So, what is the best worldwide way for human beings and societies in this world, not for just one country or not just for a matter of religion but for every human being's life in this world and for every human being's world after his/her death, each society or each nation has to try to open each society or each nation to each other. - The End, Das Ende, 끝 -


Hui-Deuk Jeong

One thing to bear in mind! This is just related to the proofs of the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. The Lord, ie. in other words as far as what we could know Yahweh, Jehovah, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, whom I have tried to say or I have tried to find the way to prove since my childhood by remembering what has happened to me from the viewpoint of Spiritual Phenomena since I was born in Year 1965 and just by telling what has happened to me at my daily lives about 40 years due to human being's political, economical, religious, and other social reasons without my involvement or perception and regardless of my mission or will or hope or desire. However, nobody's personal interest would be related or no harm would lead to certain person due to this proof process. Also, I really hope that no prejudice will be made about person or religion or nation for the process of the Existences of 'I AM's, because all the things related to the process of the Existences of 'I AM's are just the problem of The Essence of The Existence of The Lord God and His Angels, and also just the problem of the relation between God and Human Beings. It's not the problem of region and nation and race and expecially religion and patriotism. I really wish and pray to God that this would be lead to the belief or any knowledge or at least any enlightenment about the Existence of 'I AM's, ie. Spirits, ie. The Lord, ie. in other words as far as what we could know Yahweh, Jehovah, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ. Thanks. - The End, Das Ende, 끝 -

여호와 하나님(여호와님, 하나님, 야훼님; 영; 스스로 존재하는 존재님)과 그의 영이신 그리스도 예수님의 살아 있는 전지전능한 지혜와 끊임없는 축복이 늘 함께 하실 수 있기를 진심으로 바랍니다.

The Lord God's(Yahweh, Jehovah, God; The Lord; Spirit; I AM) and Jesus Christ's, His Spirit, Living Almighty Wisdom And Inexhaustible Blessings Be Always With You With All My Hearts.