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영화 '엔드오브왓치:NYPD': What will you do at the end of watch?

정희득이본명이자가명 2018. 7. 2. 18:13

영화 '엔드오브왓치:NYPD': What will you do at the end of watch?





The followings are not related to the movie but it is for mutual communication among the concerned who have tried to hinder JHD’s religious mission in the name of traditional religions or The Bible or science or medical science or any reason since Year 1970. So I wish that there will be understanding from the movie-concerned.



What will you do at the end of watch on what has been pursued by JHD himself with the world of God during Year 2005~2015 in the name of religious mission, that was prophesied through JHD by the world of God around Year 1969 and has happened like that of a prophet in The Bible by the world of God since Year 1965~1970 according to what JHD as a child said in Year 1965~1970 based on mankind’s religious knowledge and JHD’s experience from the world of God? Will you kill JHD in the name of mistake which can be seen in the Movie ‘엔드오브왓치:NYPD’ or will you give the contribution to JHD which was given to JHD by his grandparents and by the old people of age 50~80th around Year 1970 and should be given to JHD during Year 2005~2015?


About JHD’s future books of Year 2005~2015


Is it possible by mankind’s manipulation? If so, is it impossible to reveal it in South Korea in 20~21 century?

Is there any problem in revealing it by any official public organization?

Do you know the reason that the writing and publishing of books will be the 1st thing for JHD to do with the world of God around Year 2005~2015?

Do you know the reason that JHD’s writing and publishing of books will be possible around Year 2005~2015 without JHD’s any previous mission like Prophet Moses or Christ Jesus or any other prophet in The Bible during Year 1970~2005?


JHD’s  books have been written and published by JHD himself during Year 2005~2015, as it were prophesied through JHD as a child by the world of God around Year 1969 in DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea. Do you know what was prophesied through JHD as a child by the world of God around Year 1969 about JHD’s future books of around Year 2005~2015? If there is someone who thinks that JHD’s books or JHD’s religious mission is against the contents of The Bible or against Christ Jesus’ mission, he or she had better talk it to JHD before any crime by wrong knowledge about The Bible or Christ Jesus’ Mission.


Do you know the persons who got to know what was prophesied about JHD’s future books around Year 1969 in DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo?

Do you know the persons who heard ‘444’ ‘777’ ‘666’ ‘222’ ‘555’ ‘500’,,,about JHD’s future books from JHD as a child around Year 1969 in DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea? Why were such numbers mentioned as a kind of proof about JHD’s future books, even though such numbers themselves are not the realization of prophecy of God? 


Do you know the person who said about a song ‘500 miles (away)’?

Do you know the person who said about what happened historically on June 10?

Do you know the person who said about more than 10 movies for the books ‘야호의 유래(The Origin Of YahHoh)’?

Do you know the person who suggested the title ‘야호의 유래(The Origin Of YahHoh)’?


Do you know the persons who heard ‘펄스널 컴퓨터(personal computer)’ ‘인터넷(internet)’ ‘블로그(blog)’ ‘http://blog.daum.,,,’ ‘3개의 네모난 박스(3 square boxes) 이루어진 글을 쓰는 기계’ ‘밧줄(rope)’,,, from JHD as a child around Year 1969 in DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea?


The realization of the number 444 happened in Year 2015 and how?

The realization of the number 777 happened in Year 2016 and how?

The realization of the number 666 happened in Year 2016 and how?

The realization of the number 222 happened in Year 2018 and how?

The realization of the number 555 is going on in Year 2018 and how?


The 1st book was published in Year 2015.

The 2nd book was published in Year 2016.

The 3rd  book was published in Year 2017.

The 4th book was published in Year 2018.

And then something bad happened to one of JHD’s family. So the publishing of the 5th book,,,are delayed and instead the 4th book has been proofread. What will be the number of pages? Is it manipulation?


You can see the blog in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/

You can see the books in http://www.nl.go.kr/



JHD’s opinion about the mission of Christ Jesus


Around Year 1970 JHD as a child did not deny the mission of Christ Jesus but JHD as a child denied the knowledge of some Christians about Christ Jesus and The Bible.


Also around Year 1970 JHD as a child said that Christ Jesus, i.e. wrong knowledge about Christ Jesus and The Bible, would be kicked out of Korea Peninsula and Earth since Year 2005~2015, when JHD would do his own religious mission and write books about the world of God, The Bible, mankind’s religions and so on since Year 2005~2015, as it was prophesied through JHD by the world of God in Year 1965~1970, especially around Year 1969.

And around Year 1970 JHD as a child said that Christ Jesus would not be kicked out of Korea Peninsula and Earth, because Christ Jesus’ Physical Body died and disappeared long time ago, and so Christ Jesus’ Physical Body did not live in Korea Peninsula and Earth any more, and so Christ Jesus’ Physical Body could not be caught by mankind any more, and what Christ Jesus’ Physical Body did during his religious mission long time ago is only in The Bible,,,. Therefore when JHD as a child said that Christ Jesus would be kicked out of Korea Peninsula and Earth since Year 2005~2015, it meant mankind’s wrong knowledge about Christ Jesus and The Bible would be kicked out of Korea Peninsula and Earth since Year 2005~2015, as it was already said at that time.


Also around Year 1970 JHD as a child did not deny the mission of Christ Jesus but admitted the mission of Christ Jesus as the mission by the world of God, if the contents of The Bible are true. However, JHD as a child could not become the disciple of Christ Jesus nor become Christian nor accept Christ Jesus as Lord, because JHD as a child should do his own religious mission during lifetime with/by the world of God, as Christ Jesus and other prophets in The Bible did one’s own religious mission during lifetime with/by the world of God.


You can see more information about what has happened through JHD from the world of God in DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea in Year 1965~1970~1976 in the blog http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and in the books in http://www.nl.go.kr/


Believable or unbelievable?

Do you think that to say those words by a child was possible in DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea in Year 1965~1970~1976, if a child received any religious education and training from any person? If so, was it impossible to reveal the person in DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea in Year 1965~1970~1976?

However, it is not for any competition among religious persons or among political persons or among broadcasting persons for mankind’s abilities or religious positions or political positions, so I wish there will be no misunderstanding or no competition by religious organization or political party or broadcasting station.


If there is someone who thinks that JHD’s books or JHD’s religious mission is against the contents of The Bible or against Christ Jesus’ mission, he or she had better talk it to JHD before any crime by one’s wrong knowledge about The Bible or Christ Jesus’ Mission.

If you think that what was told in the above is against mankind’s science and Korea’s scientific development, you had better communicate with JHD instead of any crime by one’s wrong knowledge about The Bible or Christ Jesus’ Mission.




The Film Scenario


2018. 7. 2.


정희득(JungHeeDeuk, JungHuiDeuk, JeongHeeDeuk, JeongHuiDeuk)










기본정보: 미국, 95

개봉일: 2014.10.23. (제작:2013)

등급: 청소년 관람불가

장르: 액션

감독: 알렉스 매소네트

주연: 마이클 라이트, 알렉스 메소네트