
동영상, 출애굽기 3장 440_1~5 of 1 of Acts of The Bible is not against what I said at my childhood

정희득이본명이자가명 2015. 1. 11. 15:25


동영상, 출애굽기 3장 440_1~5 of 1 of Acts of The Bible is not against what I said about Christ Jesus at my childhood.


The combination of 1~5 of 1 of Acts and 49 of 24 of Luke in The Bible is not against what I said about Christ Jesus at my childhood. 






If man is alive till the time comes, he can know correctly about something disputable and repent of his wrong doing, but if man dies, there is no that kind of time. So, if you are a believer in The Bible or even a man in this world, you should not hurt other person in any way, even in chemical way, due to different understanding and knowledge about The Bible and this world. If someone violates National Law due to understanding about The Bible, you should tell it to The Police or to The Public Prosecutor instead of personal revenge. It is not against the way of The Bible but for 'Obedience' in The Bible.


Even though we know that a priest in church violates the contents of The Bible, which will lead to the heavenly punishment of God but can avoid National Law's punishment, it is not easy to say about it due to many real reasons. There are many The Eldest in church who think that if someone criticizes the priest in church due to his words and actions which are deserve to be criticized, it is wrong. There are many The Eldest in church who think that if someone says different understanding about The Bible that that of priest, even though priest's understanding about The Bible is wrong, it is wrong. Do you know how difficult it is to change your bad habit to good habit? Do you know how difficult it is to change your wrong knowledge, especially by you, to new knowledge, especially by other one, which is related to your life and all the other things?


Do not compare the value of mission of Christ Jesus or the value of mission of prophet by God and The Bible with the value of mission of priest in church by The Bible. The Two Missions has one's own mission and cannot be compared. The Contribution for JeongHuiDeuk cannot be used for the missionary works of Christ Jesus and The Bible by neglecting JeongHuiDeuk's mission, even though USA has good plan for Southern America. Do you think which mission is important between the mission of Christ Jesus and the mission of all the priests in that country in that era? Do you think which mission is important between the mission of Prophet Elijah and the mission of all the priests in that country in that era?


However, I have never received any contribution since Year 1965~1970 from England and USA and the men who received the contribution, because I was child before age 8 and there would be 37 years while I couldnot remember my religious mission from the world of God by the power of the world of God. So, do not set up any plan to take it back for the missionary works of Christ Jesus and The Bible in Southern America. There were the peoples who talked about several places where I can talk about the contribution in Year 2005~2015 regardless of the truth.


The concerned books about the missionary works of prophet-like mission in The Bible in South Korea since Year 1965~1970 will be published sequently from the books about Introduction and about The Bible and about the prophet-like mission in The Bible in South Korea since Year 1965~1970 from Year 2015. If SNU(?)(http://www.snua.or.kr/ or http://www.snu.ac.kr) understands it correctly and adjust or correct the wrong plan, the book publishing will be led easily to the book publishing like the one of Prophet Moses or the one of Christ Jesus or The Bible, but if not, it will be pursued by myself with the help of the world of God, as you can see that the http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written by computer and by myself since Year 2004.


Have you compared the level of the contents of The Bible to that of your knowledge in order to know the creation of the solar system or the level of knowledge of omniscient omnipotent God? Have you compared the level of the contents of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ to that of your knowledge for the purpose?  Have you compared the level of knowledge of JeongHuiDeuk to that of your knowledge for the purpose? Do you think that Prophet Moses did know the computer which one we use in 21st century? So, do you think that B. G., the computer programmer in USA, is better than Prophet Moses and also the omniscient omnipotent God?


However, if there was any contribution for it since Year 1965~1970, it should be back to JeongHuiDeuk instead of trying to solve it long time later, especially in a political way. It was not mankind's plan nor mankind's control that what happened from Year 1965~1970 by the world of God was led to God's new plan and prophecies which included what would happen in Year 2005~2015 through me by the world of God. So, if SNU tried to postpone the works to complete what would happen in Year 2005~2015 to another 40 years later by comparing mankind's something between the peoples of Year 1965~1970 and its religion and the peoples of Year 2005~2015 and its religion, it should be cancelled and it should be corrected. The investigation by National Law and The Heavenly Punishment by the world of God cannot be any evidence for it,


The concerned books about the missionary works of prophet-like mission in The Bible in South Korea since Year 1965~1970 are not the way to raise money for political movement and political election. The missionary works of prophet-like mission in The Bible in South Korea since Year 1965~1970 is not a show nor any plan nor any fraud for political movement and political election. The prophet-like mission in The Bible in South Korea is different from the political movement and political election. Each one is independent one and especially each one has one's own way to be conducted and achieved. So, any concerned planner should stop the plan to achieve the two things in one way, such as in political way or in religious way, especially by a church's way. Also, do not set up any situation to replace it with novel or movie or song or mankind's performance or science or someone's preaching or someone's policy. The result of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ can be led to novel or movie or song or mankind's performance or science or someone's preaching or someone's policy.



The missionary works of prophet-like mission in The Bible in South Korea since Year 1965~1970 have been written in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, as it was mentioned in Year 1965~1970, and it concludes the controversary religious issues which happened around Year 1965. Do you think that what has been said in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ since Year 2004 or since Year 1965~1970 can be manipulated by mankind's way for economical prophets? The fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written since Year 2004 or since Year 1965~1970 cannot be neglected by your high knowledge of Year 2005~2015 nor by the low knowledge of the peoples who were around JeongHuiDeuk in Year 1965~1976 nor by low writing skills nor by low knowledge in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/. Especially if you are any religious man or any political man, you should think about what is your religion and what is your political purpose. 



National Law, Public Official Election Actshould be referred to for Political movement and Political election of the person who cannot belong to any political party. If the political party wants to talk about the works of my family(?), the political party should talk it to me instead of surrounding of peoples in the name of help and verification on the truth of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/. Even the political party of a group of man, which receives big money from Government and also does many political, national, businesses from Government for one's interests, does not respond to a man's action. You by yourself should not forget it regardless of your knowledge in the contents of The Bible and in this world. 


One thing sure is that Big Bang cannot be the origin of the universe and cannot be proved in a way of mankind. Big Bang is possible even when the universe is created by the world of God. 


The evolution cannot be the origin of mankind in this earth and cannot be proved in a way of mankind, even though the discovery of evolution theory is very important for mankind's science and medicine. The evolution is possible even when the universe is created by the world of God but the concept of evolution should be changed.