편지(Letter)와 사명

From No. 1 draft pick to prison inmate: The Matt Bush story, To the concerned.

정희득이본명이자가명 2014. 5. 11. 12:38



From No. 1 draft pick to prison inmate: The Matt Bush story.

From http://www.msn.com/ To the concerned.




참고) 동영상





The following issues are not related to the above news.
There have been invisible inaudible intangible rumors, which can be seen in the above news, about me

There has been not any kind of traffic accident by my driving car, even though I have had driver's license. Especially there has been not any kind of hit and run accident.

Once I drove a car in GangWonDo Province, but at that time there was not any traffic accident. There has been not any kind of thought offense or a political offender by the Anti-Communist Law.

Of course, false charge and false incrimination can happen by human network and by misusing law, as it can be seen in the movie like a 'NamYoungDong 1985'. But, it is false charge and false incrimination.

Many concerned peoples have been deceived by rumors, which have been made in order to justify some organization's misuse of contribution which should be used for JeongHuiDeuk's prophet-like mission, especially for the concerned issues in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ of Year 2004~2015, and political activity in Year 2005~2035.

The peoples, who has acted as JeongHuiDeuk or assumed JeongHuiDeuk's name in order to prevent prophet-like proof in many places including government area, should stop one's activity and also should stop waiting for the heavenly punishment by invisible inaudible intangible God and invisible inaudible intangible God's prophet.


Even though the existence of invisible inaudible intangible God is true and the mission of prophet by invisible inaudible intangible God is true and the hinderance is true, there is not the heavenly punishment by invisible inaudible intangible God and invisible inaudible intangible God's prophet.


The purpose of heavenly punishment by invisible inaudible intangible God in The Bible is not heavenly punishment by invisible inaudible intangible God. Believable or unbelievable, there had been many heavenly punishments by God during about 1,000 years or during about 1,500 years, while God had tried to do something with prophet and Jacob's descendants in order to tell the existence and the identity of God to mankind.


The invisible inaudible intangible Existential Origin does not mean  non-existence but it means that the existence itself cannot be seen or cognized by mankind's eye and telescope and microscope and the machine, which found out the atom, and the machine, which found out the Higgs, and other physical material machine which was made of physical material concept of mankind. But, when there is a prophet by God, something happens by God and Angels, and that are many cases enough for proofs.


If you has taken the contribution for prophet's mission in the reason of nation and politics and Christ Jesus and other traditional religions, it should be returned to JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) for the completion of prophet's mission. You can see http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ which has been written by JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) since Year 2004.


http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is not related to anyone's theology nor anyone's knowledge nor anyone's sermon(or preach). The relation can be checked and investigated by current mankind's knowledge. Is there any novelist who thinks that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ can be written by anyone's theology or anyone's knowledge or anyone's sermon(or preach)?


http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is not replica of anyone's theology or anyone's knowledge or anyone's sermon(or preach). http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is not replica of The Bible, as The New Testament of The Bible is not replica of The Old Testament of The Bible, when The New Testament of The Bible is true. May be there has been that kind of rumor in order to prevent the realization of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ in Year 2004~2015 by the realization of God's prophecy through JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) as child of 3~5 year-old boy in Year 1968~1970 in order to take the contribution for it, because it will be very similar to what is in The Bible. Do you know the reason that the realization of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ in Year 2004~2015 by the realization of God's prophecy through JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) as child of 3~5 year-old boy in Year 1968~1970 will be very similar to what is in The Bible?


There was a word, verification, for the truth of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ in Year 2004~2015 by the realization of God's prophecy through JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) as child of 3~5 year-old boy in Year 1968~1970 regardless of the reason and the purpose, when there was a talk about the contribution in Year 1965~1971. But, the verification should be proper and right and legal, because there was a talk about it from JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) as child of 3~5 year-old boy in Year 1968~1970 and there has been The Bible and Koran from long time ago and also there is national law. 


The proper and right and legal verification can be discussed between JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) and http://www.catholic.ac.kr/ or http://www.puts.ac.kr/ or 5 top universities in South Korea or  http://www.police.go.kr/ or http://www.spo.go.kr/ or  http://www.scourt.go.kr / or http://www.vatican.va/ or  whatever religious organization in this world, if they wanted to know it based on what had been said from JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) at childhood and The Bible and Koran instead of wrong order based on wrong knowledge in the name of http://www.catholic.ac.kr/ or http://www.puts.ac.kr/ or 5 top universities in South Korea or http://www.police.go.kr/ or http://www.spo.go.kr/ or http://www.scourt.go.kr / or http://www.vatican.va/ or whatever religious organization in this world.


Those concerned organization might be destroyed by God and Angels about 3,500~2,500 years ago according to The Bible due to their wrong verification method, which has happened in the name of commission(Do you need any proof for it?), regardless of the dignity and the power, but in 20~21st century that kind of activity from God and Angels cannot be expected. Do you know the reason?


http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written by JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) in Year 2004~2015 by the realization of God's prophecy through JeongHuiDeuk(JungHeeDeuk) as child of 3~5 year-old boy in Year 1968~1970, and the content can be investigated, even though the existential origin of God and Angels cannot be physically cognized by mankind's eye and telescope and microscope and the machine, which found out the atom, and the machine, which found out the Higgs, and other physical material machine which was made of physical material concept of mankind. 



The Film Scenario


2014. 5. 11.