영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다

영화, Movie, ‘‘내 첫사랑을 너에게 바친다’, ‘I Give My First Love To You’, 2009’, Who was with me?

정희득이본명이자가명 2013. 10. 29. 19:35


Common comment for http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/


First of all, I have never received anything that would help to fulfill prophet's missionary and its result and what was said from me in Year 1965~1971~1976 from Europe or USA or Japan or China or other country since Year 1965~1970, even though http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written as the realization of God's prophecy in Year 1965~1970, especially in Year 1968~1970. The 30 years from Year 1977 was planned for God's work by God. The real reason was explained in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and there are very important issues. Also, that kind of miracle is in The Bible. My life including The 30 years from Year 1977 is not against the missionary work of prophet based on the contents of The Bible. The missionary work of prophet in South Korea in 20~21th century  is not against the contents of The Bible. What has happened from God and Angels, which can be seen in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, is not against the contents of The Bible, but it is related to the miralces in The Bible.


Therefore, anyone should be defraded , if he has tried to help the missionary work of prophet in South Korea in 20~21th century.


It is very impotant for the missionary work of prophet in South Korea in 20~21th century that I can remember what had happened in Year 1965~1976 by watching child's activity in real world and also by watching child and place in a movie or a drama or a CF or new article with help of God and Angels. It cannot be neglected by wrong knowledge about makind's memory and association and suggestion.

Therefore, anyone should be defraded , if he has tried to help the missionary work of prophet in South Korea in 20~21th century.



The body of this page



영화, Movie, ‘‘내 첫사랑을 너에게 바친다, I Give My First Love To You, 2009, Who was with me?



The following information is not related to the purpose of production of the movie, ‘‘내 첫사랑을 너에게 바친다, I Give My First Love To You, 2009, But, it will be a evidence of mind-reading power of God and Angels and also of someone's belief during one's life.



1. Someones medical opinion about my life span up to age 20 due to my breathing problem and my heart problem in Year 1965~1970 was wrong, which is not related to a movie scenario but a real situation, but they could not know it correctly, because there were some kind of breathing problem and heart problem at my childhood and the breathing problem has continued up to now, Year 2013.


2. And also, do not try to do any medical experiment on living physical body in order to kill the targeted person in a way of above-law and above-mindreading power of God and Angels in order to prove the truth of someones medical opinion about disease and death due to smoking and drinking and favor of meat and so on, which was based on the information as a result of watching me, when I worked in company.


My smoking and drinking were stopped about 15 years ago after about 15 years my smoking and drinking.


Basically I like most of food including instant food or artificial food, and especially I like meat, sashimi, sliced raw fish, slices of raw fish much more than vegetable diet, but I have never been in economical status in which meat and sashimi can be my daily food. Especially, usually I cannot eat one food continuously even in case of meat, sashimi, sliced raw fish, slices of raw fish.


If someone has neglected the truth of my prophet-like mission or the truth of the fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is the result of power of God and Angels since Year 1965 or the truth of the fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written by me with the power of God and Angels since Year 2004 due to my smoking and drinking and other social activity in the name of The Bible or in the name of Christ Jesus words, it is wrong and it is against of The Bible and it can be false evidence or perjury or fraud in order to get contribution and religious interest and political interests and so on which are related to http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/. The truth of this issue can be revealed by having a conversation on the contents of The Bible and http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/. So, it should be modified correctly.


If there is someone who neglected the truth of my prophet-like mission or the truth of the fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is the result of power of God and Angels since Year 1965 or the truth of the fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written by me with the power of God and Angels since Year 2004 based on my life and my religious career up to now or based on the contents of The Bible, it is wrong and it is against of The Bible and it can be false evidence or perjury or fraud in order to get contribution and religious interest and political interests and so on which are related to http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/. The truth of this issue can be revealed by having a conversation on the contents of The Bible and http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/. So, it should be modified correctly.



3. And also, if there is still someone who has tried to plan accident or medical experiment in order to get organ donation, it should be stopped.



Who was with me in some scenes which were similar to some scenes in the following movie?



The fact that I can remember what had happened to/through me below age 10 or age 5 by the power of God or Angels and also by mankind during watching movies cannot be against the truth of my prophet-like mission or the truth of the fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is the result of power of God and Angels since Year 1965 or the truth of the fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written by me with the power of God and Angels since Year 2004.


Even though the fact that I can remember what had happened to/through me below age 10 or age 5 by the power of God or Angels and also by mankind is against mankind's scientific knowledge or mankind's experience, it cannot be any evidence to deny the truth of my prophet-like mission or the truth of the fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is the result of power of God and Angels since Year 1965 or the truth of the fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written by me with the power of God and Angels since Year 2004.


Also, the fact that I can remember what had happened to/through me below age 10 or age 5 by the power of God or Angels and also by mankind is quite different from the fact that I cannot know personal or social information about the concerned. Therefore, if somebody has had personal or social information about the concerned in order to tell me about it, when http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is written by me in Year 2004~2015 like the prophecy of God and Angels in Year 1968~1970, he/she should tell me about it without neglecting it due to mind-reading power of God and Angels or the fact that I can remember what had happened to/through me below age 10 or age 5 by the power of God or Angels and also by mankind.