
[스크랩] 낯선 땅으로 입양됐던 아이…佛내각 최고의 女정치인으로…

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 5. 16. 12:45
낯선 땅으로 입양됐던 아이…佛내각 최고의 女정치인으로…

출처 :  [미디어다음] 국제일반 
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낯선 땅으로 입양됐던 아이…佛내각 최고의 女정치인으로…

생후 6개월만에… 佛 입양 양아버지는 핵물리학 박사

서울신문 | 입력 2012.05.16 03:06


Who were in the similar situation?

Just a moment,

I, actually,,,,need to talk to her before her leaving Korea,

Do not compare her to me. I was here and I was there and I am here. I have my own things to do with the world of God and Angels in my life.  Why do you always try to say bad things about me. If you want to do something in religion or in politics, you can do it by bringing up someone or by yourself but you do not try to control other peoples and you do not say lies about me and you do not hinder what I have to do in my life regardless of religion or politics or what else. It is illegal from the viewpoint of human activity. Who was she and he?
