3만원 짜리 PC 20일 고객 손에
한겨레 | 입력 2012.04.16 20:50
Thanks for your new pc development.
The following information may not be directly related to the article or the concerned person.
As far as it is related to the trial of August 16 of Year 2001 to know the mind-reading power of God and Angels, which was said from me at my childhood, or to know the existence of God and Angels and the truth of The Bible through the mind-reading power of God and Angels, which was said from me at my childhood, or to know the truth of my words about my communications with God and Angels in the sky and the identity of God and Angels in the sky in Korea and also the truth of The Bible, which was said from me at my childhood, or to deny what I have said about God and Angels in the sky in Korea and also the truth of The Bible, which was said from my childhood, or any other purpose including what was said in my current writings,
1) there will be some difference between someone who thought something to know the mind-reading power of God and Angels or the existence of God and Angels as a result of it in August 16 of Year 2001 and someone who performs the thought in the area surrounding me from Year 2005.
2) there will be accidental coincidence or correspondence.
3) there will be any performance to deny whatever I try to say during 10 years from Year 2005 in the name of someone's training course, because I said I will prove the existence of God and Angels in the sky and the identity of God and Angels in the sky in Korea and the truth of The Bible and so on at least 10 years from around Year 2005. There have been a group of peoples who have tried to regard the physical body of Saint Mary or the physical body of Christ Jesus as the original image of God in The Bible due to several reasons based on the expression in Genesis of The Bible and so on. There has been a group of peoples who have tried to regard soul of mankind as the original image of God in The Bible due to several reasons based on the expression in Genesis of The Bible and so on. There has been a group of peoples who have tried to regard some of mankind as the original image of God in The Bible due to several reasons based on the expression in Genesis of The Bible and so on.
If you have tried to know about what will happen through Korean Boy of Year 1965-70, now in the age of 40th in Year 2012, from the power of God and Angels, especially from mind-reading power of God and Angels, since August 16 of Year 2001, the middle of Year 1986 or Year 1965-76, Please refer to the blog,
I will also try to make computer or robot for me, as it had been known since my childhood of Year 1965-70.
However, my original main job or duty or mission during my life is to tell about the existence of God and Angels through me by what happens by the power of God and Angels. But, what had happened through me by the power of God and Angels had been misunderstood by old men from the viewpoint of religion due to wrong knowledge about mankind's religions, especially The Bible. Also, there had been a kind of physical experiments by unknown men in order to prevent God and Angels from performing their power in order to tell about God and Angels. Of course, it had been caused by wrong knowledge about mankind's religions, especially The Bible. So, I had been in the lapse of memory during 30 years from Year 1977 about my relation with God and Angels or about what has happened from God and Angels till I will write about what has happened from God and Angels since my birth by myself with the power of God and Angels or about what I have to do in order to prove the existence of God and Angels by the power of God and Angels.
사람을 찾습니다, Wanted, 로봇, Robot,
1965-70년도 사이에 경상남도의 시골의 마당에서 컴퓨터 및 로봇에 관한 대화를 나눈 환갑의 연세 및 그 사실을 알고 있는 사람을 찾습니다. 특히, 제가 환영으로 보고 있는 것에 관해서 미래의 로봇일 것이라는 말을 한 사람 및 그 사실을 알고 있는 사람을 찾습니다. 물론 앞의 사실이 영상기계에 의한 영상이라고 말을 하는 사람 및 그 사실을 알고 있는 사람을 찾습니다.
I am looking for someone of age 60th who talked about computer and robot with me at my childhood of Year 1965-70 in GyungSangNamDo. I am looking for someone of age 60th who talked about future robot about what I saw in a way of visual vision in the ground and in the sky by the invisible inaudible intangible non-physical-material power of invisible inaudible intangible non-physical-material living God and Angels, Of course, I am looking for someone who can say that it is the result of cine projector.
The Film Scenario
2012. 4. 16.
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