영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다

Information and result,,,

정희득이본명이자가명 2010. 9. 2. 00:53


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아래의 글은 위의 사실과 직접적인 관련이 없는 것이니 서로에게 피해가 없기를 바랍니다.

대학교 입학하던 때에 태어난 사람,

그래서 그 사실이 2001. 8. 16일 오후의 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)의 심령관찰의 능력으로 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)의 실존과 정체성에 대한 증거를 하는데 그 화두가 될 수 있었던 경우,

그런데 그런 화두를 생각을 한 주체 및 그런 생각의 중심 인물에 대해서 아는 것은 없다.

Information and result,,,

I have never received any information about new suggestion about new job or new business or things to do from Year August 16 of Year 2001 or from the middle of Year 1986, which has seemed to be scheduled according to the result of my proof activity.

As far as I know, the situation has been connected to the anti-verification on my communication with God and Angels(Spirit) or the existence of God and Angels(Spirit) by the anti-verification on the mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit), because these days are the days when I would write about the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit) by remembering what has happened to/through me since Year 1965 by the power of God and Angels(Spirit) with the help of power of God and Angels(Spirit), which had been told through me by the power of God and Angels(Spirit) from Year 1965-70 to Year 1977.

I can remember some of what had happened to/through me during Year 1965-1968 or Year 1969, while I watch the scenes of movies, but I did not know it in the concept of mankind's linguistic expression. I think that it can be possible, because God and Angels(Spirit) had appeared to me/through me at that moment.

It was around 3 years old, when I could start to remember all the things in the concept of mankind's linguistic expression. I was at DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea around my age 3 years old, may be Year 1968-9. At that time, I saw the birth of a child, who seemed to be regarded as a girl, with an old man, who seemed to be around age 60, in the room of my house in DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea.

The situation was made by misunderstanding on the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit), the miracle and power of God and Angels(Spirit), the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit), the relation between selected human being and God and Angels(Spirit), the promised communication method between I and God and Angels(Spirit), and so.

However, the situation has been misused by many social, political, religious reasons and the result will be critical to some one's life.

I wish the concerned multiple peoples would not be in difficult by someone's personal interests which are in the area of religion and politics and other businesses.


A J-man has tried to support 5-6 children to grow for this country. But, one man has tried to do many things which has neglected other ones' interests and also one man has tried to attack other ones in order to get something related to J-man in the areas of religion and politics. The sinful things toward other peoples have been regarded as those of other 4-5 members. It can be possible with reason of the anonymous society and the theory of competition. 

The Film Scenario

2010. 9. 1.