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[스크랩] 세라의 눈물

정희득이본명이자가명 2009. 7. 23. 19:45
  인터넷을 통해 우리나라 연예인 소식을 보면서 깔깔거리더니만 자기방에 들어간 딸. 잠을 자려나보다 생각해서 나는 그냥 거실에 앉아 TV를 보고 있었다. 이밤도 여전히 뜨끈뜨끈하여 잠자리가 불편할까싶어 조용히 딸 방으로 가서 누워있는 딸의 이마를 만져봤다. 땀을 흘리고 있다면 선풍기를 틀어줄까해서.... 잠...
출처 : 심천 향나무
글쓴이 : 심천 향나무 원글보기
메모 :

The following is not directly related to the picture.


If I put this school into my blog, can it be remembered by the concerned?, And if the concerned can remember it, can it be any proof for belief or evidence for my words or for the existence of Spirits as God or Angels with the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels?


The existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels is non-material invisible inaudible intangible to the person who can meet with and communicate with and travel with Spirits as God or Angels by the appearance of Spirits as God or Angels toward the concerned.


And the phenomena of Spirits as God or Angels by the power of Spirits as God or Angels is also one of just phenomena which happen abruptly to the concerned and disappear soon.


So, we cannot see anything about the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels and also the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels in a way of physical material which can be seen to eye or ear or skin or tongue or nose or the 6th sense of human being, and the result can be seen as cure of disease or change of physical body or etc,,,according to miracle which is performed from the power of Spirits as God or Angels.


So, to test physical body of human being in the name of verification on the power of Spirits as God or Angels or the contents of The Bible or the existence of Spirits as God or Angels can be jsut to test physical body of human being, even though what has happened to physical body of human being can be cured or handled by the power of Spirits as God or Angels. because Spirits as God or Angels do not have physical body of human being and we cannot affect the performance of power of Spirits as God or Angels,,,please refer to my writings for detail.


I wish, 'When I appear in some places where some peoples are who are ignorant of the existence of Spirits as God or Angels and of the existence of soul with physical body and also who misunderstand the contents of The Bible enough to attack different opinions in a direct  or indirect way, do not use the communication method between I and Spirits as God or Angels which is made to tell about that there is a person who really wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in order to misuse it due to religious political purposes, because Spirits as God or Angels exist regardless of one's concept about existential origin of human being and this world and the world after death of one's physical body and the world of Spirits as God or Angels, as there is the communication method between I and Spirits as God or Angels to experience the power of Spirits as God or Angels when there is a persn who really wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels and also as there have been many real phenomena and situations, which can be told literally physically, during about 40 years, and also as there have been some evidences of physical materials.'

