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Soapbox on MSN Video

정희득이본명이자가명 2009. 6. 19. 17:32

Soapbox on MSN Video

On the day of Year,,,을지로에 있는 교회,
A little child who was with old fat lady, when there was shits on the bathroom and when there was a kind of smell of (be) somewhat fishy or a little bloody on the bathroom.


On the day of Year 20090618,,,군자역

There was a little kid on the subway station of GunJa Subway Station, who acted several activities as a little child, as if he opened one’s eyes toward this world a few moment ago after his birth in this world. It seemed to be very similar to my activities at my childhood. When I opened my eyes toward this world, the sunshine was so bright that it is not comfortable for me to open my eyes in a while.


But, the problem is that the concerned peoples try to deceive me and other concerned peoples by using those situations which had happened at my childhood during my journeys with peoples or during my journeys by the instant spatial movements with Spirits as God or Angels, because it happened about 3-40 years ago.


Especially, the problem is that the concerned peoples try to deceive me and other concerned peoples by using one scene and one word which had happened at my childhood during my journeys with peoples or during my journeys by the instant spatial movements with Spirits as God or Angels, because it happened about 3-40 years ago.


The problem is that the concerned peoples try to deceive me and other concerned peoples by using one scene and one word which had happened even at my school days and adulthood during my journeys with peoples or during my journeys by the instant spatial movements with Spirits as God or Angels, because there are many peoples enough to make rumors and lies about one’s words and life stories and what has happened to one’s life.


How to put on shirt and actions to make something for the future to know about child.

And there is some reality or some mind of greed or avarice to make rumors and lies about what had happened about 3-40 years ago from a child who seemed to be regarded as having communication with and traveling with Sprits as God or Angels, because peoples have wrong knowledge and concept and understanding about human being and this physical world and the world after one's physical body's death and the world of Spirits as God or Angels.




<a href="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-US&vid=017dda78-41b9-40f5-906f-0e26a0cfa766" target="_new" title="Kid Can't Put

Shirt on"><img src="http://img2.catalog.video.msn.com/Image.aspx?uuid=017dda78-41b9-40f5-906f-0e26a0cfa766&w=112&h=84" border=0 alt="Kid

Can't Put Shirt on" width=112 height=84><br />Kid Can't Put Shirt on</a>



What a wonderful world! 아이와 수박




<a href="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?vid=16c78c71-5711-4a81-b053-96f36e58b754" target="_new" title="Dont Disturb"><img

src="http://img1.catalog.video.msn.com/Image.aspx?uuid=16c78c71-5711-4a81-b053-96f36e58b754&w=112&h=84" border=0 alt="Dont Disturb"

width=112 height=84><br />Dont Disturb</a>



Children with their pet



<a href="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?vid=3c67cce0-4e2f-403d-8df3-7a0bc1115f8f" target="_new" title="Childrens with their pet"><img

src="http://img1.catalog.video.msn.com/Image.aspx?uuid=3c67cce0-4e2f-403d-8df3-7a0bc1115f8f&w=112&h=84" border=0 alt="Childrens with

their pet" width=112 height=84><br />Childrens with their pet</a>