영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다

영 아담 (2004) Young Adam

정희득이본명이자가명 2009. 5. 14. 15:48

영 아담 (2004) Young Adam


스릴러/에로 97 18세 이상 관람가 2004.12.03개봉



In the similar situations;


The mentioned movies are just for examples to explain the concerned situations, which have been possible by the power of Spirits as God or Angels like the instant spatial movements and conversations with the concerned peoples and some situational activities from my hometown in South Korea to lots of places in this world from country area to Kingdom area and from remote place to big city and from farming fishing wood area to technical monetary political area in a dream, or in a cubic moving talking visionary form transformed from soul or real physical body, or in a real physical body, or combination of some types, in my writings of the volume of more than 300 books since Year 2004, most of which are related to telling the existence of Spirits as God or Angels based on my actual phenomena from the world of Spirits as God or Angels and also based on my true life story since Year 1965 in this earth, and some of which are related to the linguistic knowledge,,,So, it could not be led to the bad effects on the concerned movie and actors and actresses.



I was on the cradle just a few days when I was a child around Year 1970. How could I be there? I was on the ship when I was a child around Year 1970, (How could I be there?), and I told a little child to throw a rope when a rope was stuck in the ground under the sea. I told a little child to read many books in order to become good actor. What was the reason? As far as I knew, there were many situations and roles in the movie and human being cannot have all the experiences on those situations and roles. So, it is good for good performance in the movie to read many books to understand many situations and roles in the movie.


I was on the ship after Year 1986. I talked about the location of the place and also about those kinds of ships for transportations in Korean rivers. Also, I had conversations about construction of canal from Busan to Seoul from several viewpoints; to construct a canal is impossible from the viewpoints of economical profits but to construct a canal is possible from the viewpoints of technique. So, it is no good way to construct a canal in Korean Rivers.


If Korea tries to construct a canal, it is good from AbRokRiver and DuManRiver and DaeDongRiver to BuSan or MokPo long times later.



Who were several couples of two Ys in GwangHwa Moon?

Who were several couples of two Ws in ChungMuRo?

Who were several couples of two Ys in each area?

What were their roles? one of their roles was to spend money which will be used for my writing concerned jobs in order to check the nature of a person who has talked about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels by communications with and traveling with Spirits as God or Angels at childhood or in order to check what I tried to say at my childhood through the creation of all the things which are necessary for my activities since Year 2005 which was one of the promised times to check whether it is possible or not to tell about Spirits as God or Angels by the power and method of Spirits as God or Angels.



영 아담 (2004)Young Adam


스릴러/에로 97 18세 이상 관람가 2004.12.03개봉



국가 영국

제작사 -

수입사 -

배급사 롯데쇼핑()롯데시네마



감독; 데이비드 맥켄지


출연 이완 맥그리거   (조 타일러 역) / 틸다 스윈튼   (엘라 가울트 역) / 피터 뮬란   (레스 가울트 역) / 에밀리 모티머   (캐시 디밀리 역) / 잭 맥엘론   (짐 역)


각본; 데이비드 맥켄지



“누구나 그 남자와 비밀을 공유하고... 누구나 그 남자를... 욕망한다!!


벌거벗은 여자의 익사체.., 마을로 흘러 들어온 낯선 남자..,그리고 시작되는 비밀스런 관계

젊지만 근거지 없는 방랑자 ‘조 테일러’는 글래스고와 에딘버러 사이를 떠돌다가 ‘레스’와 그의 아내 ‘엘라’ 소유의 바지선에서 직업을 구하게 된다. 어느 날 오후, 그들은 운하에 떠내려 온 벌거벗은 젊은 여자의 익사체를 발견하게 된다.


숨막히는 일상을 뒤흔드는 사건..사고일까? 자살일까? 아니면... 살인일까?

‘조’가 건져올린 시체를 두고 ‘타살’인지 ‘자살’인지 마을 사람들은 술렁이기 시작한다. 경찰의 수사가 진행되면서 타살 가능성이 제기되고, 유력한 용의자가 검거되는 과정에서 과거와 현재가 교차되며 살인에 얽힌 의문점들이 서서히 풀려나간다.


한편, 바지선이라는 폐쇄된 공간에서 시간이 흐를수록 서로의 묘한 매력에 끌리게 되는 ‘조’와 ‘엘라’. 급기야 남편의 눈을 피해 둘의 관계는 격정으로 치닫고 팽팽한 긴장감 속에 더욱 더 강렬해진다. 하지만 시간이 지날수록 ‘조’가 익사체로 떠오른 여인에 대해 뭔가 많은것을 알고 있다는 것이 밝혀지면서 이야기는 예상치 못한 방향으로 흘러가기 시작한다.