허스, Hers, 2007,
드라마| 100 분| 19세 이상 관람가| 2007.08.02 개봉
Why did the girl get angry at me, as if she seemed to know me, when she saw me? There have been lots of peoples who seem to know me and who have something to tell me and also who have something to receive from me during several years. Why?
At where did I see the cover picture?
In the similar situations;
What was my comment for this movie, when I heard the outline? Where was the last cabin? Where was the 1st scene of departure and car? Where was the room which was made of veneer board or plywood on the basement? Where were several abnormal places, such as and underground passage and market and toilet and river so on?
How could I tell about these kinds of scenes which are similar to this movie, if my words are based on truth without any fake or team play?
While I slept, did somebody tell me about one’s experience during one’s journey for movie production or for taking a picture and could I tell about the results right now by my memory? Is it possible?
While I slept, did I travel these kinds of scenes which were similar to this movie in the dream when the movie was produced at one day and could I tell about the results right now by my memory?
While, I slept, did I travel these kinds of scenes which were similar to this movie in a form of cubic living visionary physical body in a visionary world by the power of Spirits as God or Angels which was caused by the promised communication method between I and Spirits as God or Angels and did the results of my instant spatial movements transferred into me during my 30 years’ lapse of memory from age 10 to right now, around Year 2005, age 40, and could I tell about the results right now by watching the concerned movie by my memory or by the power of Spirits as God or Angels?
While I was on the way to my appoints with one of my friends or colleagues or intimates, did I travel these kinds of scenes were similar to this movie in a form of real physical body in a real world by the power of Spirits as God or Angels which was caused by the promised communication method between I and Spirits as God or Angels and did the results of my instant spatial movements transferred into me during my 30 years’ lapse of memory from age 10 to right now, around Year 2005,age 40, and could I tell about the results right now by watching the concerned movie by my memory or by the power of Spirits as God or Angels?
I scream, You scream, I cry You cry, I shout You shout, I say You say,,,,Is the results of conversations about the relations between human beings at my childhood from someone who wanted to know me, and the relations between human beings of the place where I was in a while before I came back again to DeukMyungRi, HaiMyun, GoSeongGun, GyungSangNamDo, South Korea, or the relations between human beings from the viewpoint of a little child who seemed to be a little special smart supernatural Spirits-concerned and stupid-from-normal-human-viewpoint boy,
국가 한국
제작사 프리콤 프로덕션
수입사 -
배급사 스폰지
홈페이지 cafe.naver.com/spongehouse.cafe
감독 김정중 -
출연 김혜나 20대의 지나 / 수지 박 40대의 지나 / 윌 윤 리 - 루카스 / 칼 윤 -
생은 모든 아픔 뒤에 날개를 숨기고 있다...
다급히 도망치는 20대 여성, 지나. 목숨을 걸고 매춘조직에서 탈출하여 자신이 어디로 가고 있는지 모른 채 마냥 동쪽으로 향하고 있다. 갱 조직으로부터 도망간 여자를 잡아달라는 부탁을 받은 한국계 경찰 루카스. 이 두 사람은 우연히 몇 차례 마주치며 기묘한 인연을 시작하는데….
30대의 지나. 비록 몇 년 째 콜걸로 살아가고 있지만 패션 디자이너의 꿈을 가슴 한켠에 품고 있다. 진정한 사랑을 통해 삶의 탈출구를 찾고자 하지만 자신을 있는 그대로 드러내기가 너무 힘들다. 그러던 중 채팅을 통해 자신을 화가로 소개하는 K를 만나게 되는데….
40대의 지나. 고독과 시련 속에 만신창이가 된 자신의 생에 마지막 선물을 주기 위해 알래스카로 간 그녀. 오로지 아름다운 한 순간을 보기 위해 사십 평생을 거칠게 살아온 듯, 그녀의 마지막 선물은 이제 삶의 유일한 희망이 되어 알래스카를 비추는데….
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