세브란스, Severance, 2006,
스릴러/코미디/호러| 95 분| 19세 이상 관람가| 2007.11.08 개봉
Where was the place to set a trap for animals? Who was the man to try to do some games with his film regardless of other one’s mind? What was the issue or the problem of some games? Where was the telephone booth? How did peoples understand the phenomena from God or Angels?
I exchange pleasantries with other peoples. I have a joke at something with other peoples, I poke fun at something with other peoples, I pass a pleasantry to other peoples.
But, I do not play a game, or I do not gamble with my future, in order to do something. If there is something for me to do, I try to pursue it directly and really instead of playing cards for the result of it.
If I have to prove the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, I try to prove directly and really the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the ways which I can do, i.e. I do not stake my proof activities for the existence of Spirits as God or Angels on the outcome of some games.
If I have to become Parliament or President or Pope, I try to become directly and really Parliament or President or Pope instead of staking my activities to become Parliament or President or Pope on the outcome of some games.
I do not pick[seek] a quarrel with a person in order to depress a person’s spirits or to shake a person’s courage, cast a damp over a person’s spirits. If there is something wrong to tell about other peoples, I just try to tell about the problems which have been exposed to the narrow eyes of other peoples in lot of ways, usually in a figurative way, but all the activities can be exposed to the narrow eyes of other peoples, because the eyes of human beings are narrow and the eyes of human beings can see something in one’s eyesight and in a moment and,,,,
To prove the existence or identity of Spirits as God or Angels by the power of Spirits as God or Angels is absolutely dependent upon Spirits as God or Angels, because the power of Spirits as God or Angels comes from Spirits as God or Angels. However, it is also dependent upon peoples to believe it or not.
Human being who talk about Spirits as God or Angels can try to become Parliament or President or Pope as human being who live in the society with the help of Spirits as God or Angels, if there are some reasons by the communications with Spirits as God or Angels, but there are also other peoples and peoples have one’s own will or metal power or mind or spirit or soul regardless of the existence and power of Spirits as God or Angels. Some peoples are used to sticking to one’s opinions, even though peoples see the results of their opinions in front of them, especially in case the process of the outcome of the results of their opinions cannot be seen with their own eyes and knowledge and understanding and intelligence,,,just like the existential identity of Spirits as God or Angels.
Several Years of Year 2005, my age 40, is one of my promised times with Spirits as God or Angels in order to check whether the existence or identity of Spirits as God or Angels can be proved only by the power and method of Spirits as God or Angels or not. If the situations of these days, such as the status of believers or peoples, are suitable for proving the existence or identity of Spirits as God or Angels by the power and method of Spirits as God or Angels, it can be done in that way, but it is absolutely dependent upon the decision of Spirits as God or Angels who read this world.
(C.f., The existence of Spirits as God or Angels is said to human being through human being, and if human being close one's mind toward Spirits as God or Angels regardless of indirect experience with Spirits as God or Angels with one's own will or interest or avarice, or if human being tries to say other religion or knowledge about Spirits as God or Angels by making use of the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels, or if human being tries to make mischief-making words, such as magic formula or incantation or magic words or spell or charm or incantation or sorcery or occult art or magical tricks or conjury or magic or mysteries or art of divination or fortunetelling or JUJU which can give wrong concept about belief or religion or religious life as a believer, or if human being tries to make mischief-making words, as if human being can manage and control the power of Spirits as God or Angels or the appearance and disappearance of Spirits as God or Angels which will lead to wrong concept about belief or religion or religious life as a believer, and so on, based on lots of mischief-making testaments, what kinds of results can be expected about telling the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through human being? Lots of similar situations can be guessed from The Bible also. Is there any reason to tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through human being?)
So, I will go on my ways as have been said since my childhood of around Year 1970, Year 1986, and 20010816, till my another promised times with Spirits as God or Angels in order to check whether the existence or identity of Spirits as God or Angels can be proved only by the power and method of Spirits as God or Angels or not. I will try to do print out writings, or to publish books, or to find out the way to produce film to tell the existence or identity of Spirits as God or Angels, or to do political economical activities regardless of the results,,,after I almost finish my writings for the existence or identity of Spirits as God or Angels based on some stories and phenomena of my 42 years life which are related to the existence or identity or power of Spirits as God or Angels.
Which one is easier from the viewpoints of Spirits as God or Angels, to change one person’s mind during whole life or to change all the minds of mankind in a moment or change all the minds of mankind during whole lives?
Which one is more suitable or appropriate work from the viewpoints of Spirits as God or Angels, to change one person’s mind during whole life or to change all the minds of mankind in a moment or to change all the minds of mankind during whole lives?
I am not a priest, I am not a missionary, I am salaried man in international financial company, I am close to social man, I am close to social life, but I am religious man, if we try to say something from the viewpoint of religion or the existence of Spirits as God or Angels,
(참고, 농담을 주고받다 exchange pleasantries. / 농담을 건네다 make a joke (at), poke fun (at), pass a pleasantry (to) / 그는 선거 결과에 정치 생명을 걸었다 He staked his political future on the outcome of the election. / 돈을 걸고[걸지 않고] 카드놀이를 하다 play cards for money [for love] / 있는 돈을 몽땅 걸다 bet one’s bottom dollar / 기를 꺾다 depress a person’s spirits, shake a person’s courage, cast a damp over a person’s spirits. / 기를 펴다 feel relaxed[easy, at ease] / 기를 돋우다 cheer a person up, encourage, heighten one’s spirit, / 시비를 걸다 pick[seek] a quarrel with a person, provoke a person to a quarrel, challenge a person,)
국가 영국
제작사 댄 필름
수입사 -
배급사 (주)미로비전
감독 크리스토퍼 스미스 -
출연 대니 다이어 스티브 / 로라 해리스 매기 / 팀 맥이너니 리차드 / 토비 스티븐스 해리스 / 클로디 블레이크리 질 / 앤디 나이맨 고든 / 바부 치세이 빌리
각본 크리스토퍼 스미스 - / 제임스 모랜 -
제작 제이슨 뉴마크 -
음악 크리스찬 헨슨 -
촬영 에드 와일드 -
편집 스튜어트 가자드 -
미술 존 프랭키쉬 –
피가 튈 때, 폭소도 튄다!
국제적 무기회사의 한 부서 전체가 높은 판매성과를 인정받아 헝가리의 깊은 산속 호화산장으로 포상성 워크샵을 떠난다. 그러나 그들을 기다리고 있는 것은 폐허직전의 산장. 그 곳에서 자기 회사의 오래 전 직원 명부가 발견되고 그날 밤 그들은 저마다 알고 있는 자기 회사에 대한 세간의 음모론을 털어놓는다. 그 뒤부터 한 명씩 끔찍하고 참혹하게 그들을 죽이는 괴한들에게 쫓기기 시작한다. 그들은 왜 쫓기는 것이고, 그들이 어떻게 살해당할지는 그들의 말과 행동 속에 있다.
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