디센트, The Descent, Crawlspace, 2005,
모험/스릴러/호러| 98 분| 연소자 관람가| 2007.07.05 개봉
Interesting and start-good movie, too dark in the scene of cave, nothing can be seen to excite the watcher’s curiosity and concerns and interests, too condensed focus on mental or psychological game of participators to lose some point as a movie, too long flip up or jump up from the middle of story to the end of the movie, however, generally or overall, it seems to be not dull or not tedious or not tiresome or not wearisome or not boring.
Who was the man who said about being beaten by snake as a response to my words, ‘Be careful of snake in the mountain like this one’, when I and my traveling companion came out of the Exit of the Cave in the middle of mountain? Is there a real Exit of the Cave or just a bush or a thicket or a shrub for a kind of show?
I do not know it at all, because I do not know the area around mountain at all and I do not know how I can appear in that area from my normal daily life in (South) Korea, either, even though the communications with Spirits as God or Angels is true like a prophet in The Bible? Also, believable or unbelievable and regardless of one’s religion or belief, in order to know about something in this world by the omniscient and omnipotent power of Spirits as God or Angels as a result of communications with Spirits as God or Angels, first of all, one should know something about what one wants to know. There are old sayings about praying to Spirits as God or Angels, ‘Try to pray to God, i.e. Spirits as God or Angels, in detail about what he/she wants and also what he/she wants should be fit or suitable or proper to what The Bible tries to say or what Spirits as God or Angels try to say or what prophets and Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus try to say!’, because human being cognize this world in the cognition way of human being’s physical body regardless of soul or mind or spirit of human being in the inside of human being’s physical body and then live one’s life or exist according to human being’s way, and Spirits as God or Angels cognize this world in the cognition way of Spirits as God or Angels regardless of the omniscient and omnipotent power and then Spirits as God or Angels exist according to the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels, such as invisible inaudible intangible above-time-space above-human-cognition and so on. And, as said lots of times in my other writings, all the things related to human beings through the communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels are dependent upon Spirits as God or Angels, because human being, such as prophets and Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus and so on, can cognize Spirits as God or Angels, when Spirits as God or Angels appear to human being, as it can be easily guessed by reading The Bible. There are lots of miracle-like activities through prophets and Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus and so on in The Bible, but try to understand how and when and why those miracle-like activities can be performed through prophets and Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus and so on in this world, and try to understand what kind of visible things can be seen in HOW and during HOW LONG, when those miracle-like activities can be performed through prophets and Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus and so on in this world, and also try to understand what prophets and Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus and so on try to say through the performance of miracle-like activities through the communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels in this world, instead of being mad and crazy and single (or one)-celled and unicellular due to the word ‘Belief’, ‘Repentance And Salvation’, ‘Miracle’, ‘Omniscient And Omnipotent’, ‘Christ Jesus’, ‘Heaven And Hell’, and other word or expression in The Bible, according to our usual way of thought or education or human relation due to the difference of human origin caused by human social status of Monarchy.
What can we see about Christ Jesus right now in the age Holy Spirit, who dwelled in or who traveled with Christ Jesus, exists like one of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky and the soul or mind or spirit of Christ Jesus as Human Being exist in the sky also, even though everything in The Bible is true considering the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels or the limitation of the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels or the limitation of the power of Spirits as God or Angels in this world or etc? Of course, we can know lots of visible results of miracles, and Holy Spirits who appeared visibly like a dove in the sight of human beings in a while, and Holy Spirits who could make peoples and Christ Jesus’ disciples to speak foreign language and words to peoples in a while, and also Angels, or Spirits as God or Angels, who told about Virgin Mary’s conception by Holy Spirit and who traveled invisibly with Saint Mary and Christ Jesus at childhood to guide and protect them. Basically, what we can know about Christ Jesus is what Christ Jesus tried to say through his activities in The Bible, such as 10 Commandment of Exodus and Deuteronomy or 2 Commandments of Mathew which were said by Christ Jesus about 2,000 years ago by his traveling and communicating with Spirits as God or Angels and by the dwelling of Spirits as God or Angels in the inside of Christ Jesus, as those are in The Bible also.
To believe what other say in this world is up to each one, there is no compulsion or enforcement or coercion or exaction or extortion, but in the Bible or according to what experienced human beings with Spirits as God or Angels say, there is the existential difference between human being and Spirits as God or Angels and also the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels is mainly up to Spirits as God or Angels, because all the things related to Spirits as God or Angels are possible, only when Spirits as God or Angels appear to the concerned human being, even though there is response from Spirits as God or Angels and human being is selected by Spirits as God or Angels for the purpose of the performance of heavenly missions and so on. only what can be seen about knowing the power or the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, who have been really mysterious to the selected experienced person due to the existential origin and the performance of non-physical non-material power, is just to listen to other person’s noble authoritative authentic dignified prestigeful presitigious words in 21st century. That is a constant truth during abut 30~40 years since my childhood. What kind of visible things can be seen to the person who wants to be PRIEST or PASTOR or etc, even though the person has have lots of own prayer’s response and one’s own inspirations and so on.
If a dog or a cow, which exist as one of creatures in this world, tries to do something to you in order to prove you as a human being in this world on the conditions that you should listen to what a dog or a cow tries to tell you, what kind of things will you do? It is not comparison between a dog or a cow and human being. It is just an example for the existential difference between human being and a dog or a cow or between human being and Spirits as God or Angels. Also it is a talk about basic attitude or courtesy among human beings as human being regardless of one’s belief or one’s religion or one’s knowledge or one’s number of Drs or one’s social status which can be nothing, if times go by or if it lose fit or suitable or proper purpose or activity or if it loses one’s ground of activities.
(Here is one conversation with someone about my Existence and the existence of Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood about 30~40 years ago. This is just something that happened at my hometown at my childhood as a result of communications with Spirits as God or Angels believable or unbelievable.
But, there are some ones who misunderstand the situations related to Spirits as God or Angels at my hometown at my childhood, such as the existential identity of Spirits as God or Angels or the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels or the phenomena from the power of Spirits as God or Angels and the world of Spirits as God or Angels, as if they can control Spirits as God or Angels, which shows just ignorance of themselves.
It is similar to the case, as my promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels to show the power of Spirits as God or Angels for the person who really wants to know is misunderstood due to religious interests and social interests an political interests and so on. When the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels was said to peoples for the first time? How peoples could get to know my communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels for the first time? Is there anything related to human ability for my communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels from the viewpoints of common senses without religious scientific knowledge, in the situations that nobody could not believe in what I said about Spirits as God or Angels and what I said about Spirits as God or Angels was tried to be translated into one of our traditional religious phenomena and also our traditional religious concepts due to my age and my ignorance of human knowledge and society and, as a result of it, several other methods had been made to prove the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, because the existence of Spirits as God or Angels could not be proved by the method and the power of Spirits as God or Angels, or in the situations that what I said about Spirits as God or Angels has been regarded as a kind of produced show, or what I said about Spirits as God or Angels has been regarded as a kind of 귀신이나 도깨비에 홀린 현상, or what I said about Spirits as God or Angels has been regarded as Devil or Evil or Anti-Christ Jesus, or what I said about Spirits as God or Angels has been regarded as heresy, or what I said about Spirits as God or Angels has been regarded as the opposite against our tradition or our current social movement ‘Ours’ ‘Our tradition’ ‘Patriotism’ and so on by unidentified group of peoples, or in the situations that even though my physical conditions had been influenced into becoming weak by Spirits as God or Angels due to what I would do about Spirits as God or Angels and about political economical religious activities, there had been no harm or influence on other peoples who tried to misuse me for their social interests and who tried to make plans to hurt or to isolate me and who tried to tell the evolution of human beings by misusing my situations to see the visions of King Kong or Gorilla or Monkey in the scenes of movies by reading someone’s minds or thoughts by Spirits as God or Angels, or in the situations that my physical conditions by Spirits as God or Angels has been regarded as a comparison among Spirits as God or Angels by misusing the case of several Shamans or by misusing prayer’s response from Spirits as God or Angels, based on wrong concepts or misunderstandings about the identity or the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels or the relations between human beings and Spirits as God or Angels or the purpose of the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels or the purpose of the proof of the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, or based on several Myths and Aladdin Lamp of The Arabian Nights and children’s fairy tales and do on which seem to be novel-like scenario from one’s understanding the world of Spirits as God or Angels without actual experiences with Spirits as God or Angels?
Human soul exist in the inside of human physical body, which can be cognized by lots of human empirical knowledge in our normal lives and which has been said in our and Asian and mankind’s history and which can be said in The Bible, but human soul has not that kind of power which can be seen through Shaman or The Bible, which can be checked by human being oneself who consists of soul and physical body or by the relation between mankind and mankind’s ancestors, and each one can easily know each one’s physical injury or harm by even a needle or even a small accident. Spirits as God or Angels exist above-human-cognition above-time-space, i.e. Spirits as God or Angels can move freely, all over the space and all over the universe, as if Spirits as God or Angels move with the will or the thought of Spirits as God or Angels, regardless of our words and expressions and knowledge about ourselves and his world and that world and the world of Spirits as God or Angels, except for the certain cases, such as promises with human beings in this world or heavenly missions with human beings in this world or etc. which can be seen in The Bible and in normal lives in this earth. There are lots of communications with Spirits as God or Angels, which happen at sometimes or which happen during certain periods at certain areas or etc, but which are not like the communications in The Bible, as if there are Spirits as God or Angels of region or race or nation or etc. Just try to think about human’s existential origin or mankind’s history or the birth of human being or the movement of human being or the characteristics of human being regardless of one’s region or skin color or race or nation or country or all ages and all countries human physical condition regardless of one’s region or skin color or race or nation or country or all ages and all countries…And also as far as mankind’s experiences and knowledge, the communications with Spirits as God or Angels usually happen by the existence of the world of Spirits as God or Angels, even in case of a patriarch in the patriarchal age in The Bible or Korean Shaman or the ceremony of succession of patriarch with the rights of communications with Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible or the ceremony of the possessed Shaman, i.e. as my understanding, a ceremony of a possession as a Shaman or a ceremony of a communication ability as a Shaman or (a ceremony of a praying ability) as a Shaman, which can be explained as an ability whose mind is open to and well communicated with some existence of the world of Spirits as God or Angels, even though some existence of the world of Spirits as God or Angels are not like the ones of the world of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible...
There can be no comparison among Spirits as God or Angels by the comparison among human physical conditions. There can be no comparison among Spirits as God or Angels by the comparison among human beings’ praying activities. There can be no comparison among Religions or Spirits as God or Angels of Religions or Spirits as God or Angels of believers by the comparison among human beings. There can be no comparison among human beings by the comparison among the results of human beings’ praying activities from Spirits as God or Angels.
As for my communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels, there is nothing that can be done or handled or controlled by human being’s abilities or powers. My promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood is just one of lots of activities among I and Spirits as God or Angels to prove or to tell the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels for the peoples who really want to know the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, because the peoples did not have direct experiences and communications with Spirits as God or Angels like in The Bible. My promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels are just a kind of communications methods that there is a person who really wants to know the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels by direct or indirect experiences with Spirits as God or Angels. The performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels is absolutely upon the decision of Spirits as God or Angels about the concerned situations and the results of the concerned situations, even though peoples try to see or try to do something by using My promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels. So, sometimes the concerned peoples can see something in any kind of phenomena, in the real world or in the cyber world or in the visionary world or in a dream or in an imagination or etc and in actual physical body or in a vision of an actual physical body or in a combination of actual physical body and a vision of an actual physical body or in a form of soul from separated from actual physical body or etc, from only lots of my positional statuses, such as in sleep or in drunken or in a walk or in any kind of real actions, or from a party of journeys to all over this world including domestic area with several mentioned religious political social reasons. on the contrary, sometimes the concerned peoples cannot see anything except for my images of lots of my positional statuses, such as in sleep or in drunken or in a walk or in any kind of real actions.
My promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels is abnormal from the viewpoints of the relations between human beings and Spirits as God or Angels, but that kind of situations happened, because my communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels could be translated to those of our traditional religions which have totally different identities and concepts what can be seen from my communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels, and because it was not easy to make peoples to believe in Spirits as God or Angels as they are due to lots of mentioned reasons including an invisible inaudible intangible existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels.
It is also similar to the case, as the contents of the conversations were misunderstood, after I asked several peoples about the proper relation between human physical conditions and heavenly missionary works with communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels in order to give chances to tell about Spirits as God or Angels to peoples before most or some or a little of knowledge of 30~40 years ago about Spirits as God or Angels will be changed and in order to know what and how peoples know about Spirits as God or Angels and also communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels before I tell about Spirits as God or Angels, after some actual influences already had happened to my physical muscles and structures by Spirits as God or Angels? As everybody knows it, there is no specified one answer about the relation between human physical conditions and heavenly missionary works with communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels, because human being lives in the society, and human is a living creature, and the society changes by the activities of human beings as times go by, and communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels can be done in the society.
What kinds of reasons were told about some actual influences to my physical muscles and structures by Spirits as God or Angels about 30 ~ 40 years ago?
It is also similar to the case, as the contents of the conversations were misunderstood, after what happened to me from Spirits as God or Angels was represented by several peoples by several times, whenever I told about cubic living visionary phenomena from Spirits as God or Angels. The cubic living visionary phenomena about lots of issues from Spirits as God or Angels have been somewhat contrary to what peoples tried to say about The Bible and about Spirits as God or Angels and about Saint Mary or Joseph or Christ Jesus up to now. That is one of the reasons why I was called as a person who lived with Ghost or Devil or Evil.
It is also similar to the case, as a rumor about my nationality was made by a group of peoples of MR ELS according to a foreigner who had conversations with me in a moment, especially a foreigner of Asia who looked like a Korean, after some conversations was possible by my speaking foreign language which I do not know by the power of Spirits as God or Angles after Spirits as God or Angles read foreigner’s language information in foreigner’s brain or thought or mind or soul, or by the translation of Spirits as God or Angles like simultaneous interpretation, even though each one speak each one’s language. How many ways are possible for conversations among foreigners, who do not know the opposite’s language, by the power of Spirits as God or Angles considering my cases except for the above two cases? (*** As for my cases about Spirits as God or Angles considering my ten years’ communications with Spirits as God or Angles at my childhood when the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angles at my childhood are not necessary for the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angles at all due to frequent communications with Spirits as God or Angles and also a party of travelers all over the world to look for suitable places and methods for heavenly missionary works by the method and the power of Spirits as God or Angles, and also during 30 years’ phenomena since I left my hometown around my age 10, all the things related to Spirits as God or Angles are possible only when Spirits as God or Angles try to do something by using my situations in order to tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angles, as all the things through selected human beings by Spirits as God or Angles are tried as some of lots of methods to prove the existence of Spirits as God or Angles due to invisible inaudible intangible existential origin of Spirits as God or Angles from the viewpoints of human cognition. Even the performance of the power of between I and Spirits as God or Angles by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angles at my childhood as one of ways to tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angles to the peoples who want to know and believe in Spirits as God or Angles by experiencing some real phenomena from Spirits as God or Angles is absolutely dependent upon the decision of Spirits as God or Angles about the concerned situations where the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angles was used. My promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angles at my childhood is a kind of communication between I and Spirits as God or Angles that there is a person who really wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angles by experiencing some real phenomena from Spirits as God or Angles. So, my promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angles at my childhood is not related to an incantation or a sorcery or an occult art or magical tricks or conjury or magic or mysteries or the art of divination or fortune-telling or the black art from the viewpoints of our traditional understanding about Spirits as God or Angles or religions or myths or fairy tales or etc.
Even though there are responses of prayers from Spirits as God or Angles and also several situations which make peoples to be confused about the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angles by the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angles through a kind of simultaneous telepathy or inspiration and a kind of mutual communications with human beings and Spirits as God or Angles due to existential origin of Spirits as God or Angles, there is no case to directly effect Spirits as God or Angles by human being, as human being cognize Spirits as God or Angles only when Spirits as God or Angles appear to human being.
According to frequent communications with Spirits as God or Angles at my home and village or on mountain or under sea and also a party of travelers all over the world to look for suitable places and methods for heavenly missionary works by the method and the power of Spirits as God or Angles at my childhood, Spirits as God or Angles seem to move all over the places of this earth and the universe to do one’s own works or travel, and during those activities, there are communications with human beings all ages and all countries or residences in certain place of this earth…)
(Refer to my other writings about detailed reasons why the existence of Spirits as God or Angels could not be proved by the method and the power of Spirits as God or Angels at my hometown about 30~40 years ago like in The Bible including other reasons of other issues.)
I am Human Being like you and other peoples who came to my house. Spirits as God or Angels are Spirits as God or Angels. For my communications and relations with Spirits as God or Angels, I stay wherever I stay, and Spirits as God or Angels come to me and tell me about the appearance of Spirits as God or Angels to me, and then we try to do something in this world, so there is nothing for me to do except for my staying at wherever I stay or my doing whatever I do. But nothing big can happen right now due to my ignorance about this world and the way of this world and the way of human beings, and also due to the ignorance of the world or human beings in this world about me and Spirits as God or Angels. Some one expressed it as ‘Same, Same.’ So, I cannot know about Christ Jesus, because Christ Jesus lived 2,000 years ago in a long distance and also I do not know the contents of The Bible, because there is no The Bible in my hand or in my pocket, and because I cannot read The Bible, even though I can speak something. So, in order to know Christ Jesus from Spirits as God or Angels, I have to know something about Christ Jesus in order to tell Spirits as God or Angels about Christ Jesus, and, as a result of it, if I do not know anything about Christ Jesus except for wrong name of original name of Christ Jesus of 2,000 years ago, (그리스도 예수님 in Korean which is known to only to Korean), how Spirits as God or Angels can know and tell me about Christ Jesus from communications with me. So, do not call me as a Devil or a Evil by misusing the contents of The Bible. Even I do not know also about Spirits as God or Angels except for what can be visible audible tangible from Spirits as God or Angels, and also as far as I know from my Spirits as God or Angels, there is nothing to tell about doing bad things to other peoples except for lots of phenomena made by the power of Spirits as God or Angels in order to tell about Spirits as God or Angels. May be The Bible is almost same to what I say, because The Bible can tell only small things about the world of Spirits as God or Angels.
Nobody can see Spirits as God or Angels except for my seeing Spirits as God or Angels sometimes, or several times, or not always, in this village. There are other persons in other regions long far away, too far away, so where I do not know, (other continents), like me or like my case, but, may be, sooner or later, only I exist like me or like my case, because this world of this time is no good for telling Spirits as God or Angels. (Refer to my other writings from the viewpoints of religious life and social environment and natural environment and social constitutional organization and etc.) Some, only Some, about Spirits as God or Angels can be told by me in the future. But it will be really important to peoples, even though it is not so much or not so many, may be hundreds of books, something like that. You can see it later. There is nothing for me to tell you about it, because I do not know about it and there are only small things that I can know about this world and also Spirits as God or Angels. (To make conversations with me is blessing to you and your life from Spirits as God or Angels in the sky. Can you see something about Spirits as God or Angels in the sky? That’s one of biggest issues up to now.
30~40 years ago when every writing could be written with a writing brush or a (paint) brush or a pen, the expression of a small thing, a little tiny thing, a dust thing, from the viewpoints of what I can do from the viewpoints of my abilities, about hundreds of books can be regarded as BBEONG-JAENG-I with my talks about human being, and the relation between human beings regardless of sex and age and social status and knowledge and so on, and also Spirits as God or Angels, and The Bible, and religious life, and religions, because to write one book was really difficult work or job at my hometown at that time about 30~40 years, as someone told it to me. There were hits or mentions about the possibility of my writings of hundreds of books in the future, including the style of my writings.
There were several disputes about a small thing, a little tiny thing, a dust thing, from the viewpoints of what I can do from the viewpoints of my abilities. There were several disputes about from the viewpoints of what I can do from the viewpoints of my abilities, such as weak in physical works and strong in intelligent works. (è This will lead to making my surrounding circumstances difficult in order to overcome my weak physical conditions in the name of ‘Where there is a will, there is a way. Or, Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.’, or to overcome by Spirits as God or Angels who had influences on my physical conditions at my childhood by harassing me continuously, which is just to show several peoples’ misunderstanding about the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels and also about the reasons of influences on my physical conditions by Spirits as God or Angels. It is similar to the case that what I had said about what would happen in my future in order to tell about the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels had been misused to make plans to put my life in difficult situations in the name of competition or competition between human being and Spirits as God or Angels or human society or social interests or customs or traditions or patriotism or etc which is just to show the way of achieving several peoples’ personal interests.)
Of course, there are lots of other peoples who are smart and intelligent in this world, as several brilliant YOUNGs came to me even at my small hometown. But the difference between I and other peoples is that I can be with and communicate with Spirits as God or Angels but other cannot do it. Of course, other peoples can communicate with Spirits as God or Angels according to their attitudes toward Spirits as God or Angels, but that case is originally different from my case. Also, from the attitudes of several peoples up to now, to communicate with Spirits as God or Angels is too far away, ‘요원’하다,’요원’의 또 다른 모습 ‘여원’, ‘여원’하다. Several peoples may know themselves. However, the attitudes of several peoples up to now, to communicate with Spirits as God or Angels is near, really near. But, do not have too big expectation(s) or hope(s) or anticipation or expectancy, because everything with Spirits as God or Angels is up to Spirits as God or Angels. Even I, The only I in this village, The only I in this world, Forever, The only I or The Last I or The Last one, as same meaning, in this world according to the attitudes of mankind toward Spirits as God or Angels do not know well about ‘WHEN and HOW and WHY and WHAT and etc’ related to Spirits as God or Angels. Do you know about anything about the attitudes of mankind toward Spirits as God or Angels? There are other persons in other regions long far away, too far away, so where I do not know, (other continents), like me or like my case, but, may be, sooner or later, only I exist like me or like my case, because this world of this time is no good for telling Spirits as God or Angels. (Refer to my other writings from the viewpoints of religious life and social environment and natural environment and social constitutional organization and etc.)))
In the similar situations, In the similar scenes in somewhere else in this earth, and
In the social improvement or reformation activities for experiencing other people’s life or job to know each other who live in the same society which has lost mutual communications among each other due to hard livelihood or the rapidly changing world situation;
Where the location of hut in the mountain in the movie? Where in the small wharf or harbor in the mountain? What was the X-Sports which led someone’s life to death like in this situation of this movie?
Who was a kind traveling companion who talked about the English Word and Spelling, Wharf, for the Harbor in the mountain in the name of some help for me from the viewpoint of someone’s social activity who tried to do something regardless of religious concerns?
Also who were the persons or the groups or the organizations who tried to make lots of trial situations which would make the concerned peoples’ lives difficult without gaining something except for sinful criminal activities to the concerned peoples as human beings who fraudulently used lots of visible invisible situations and utilities and money in the name of working together with the concerned peoples, because Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible exist above-time-space above-human-cognition and also the communications with Spirits as God or Angels is totally up to Spirits as God or Angels since the beginning of this mankind, even though there are communications between human being and Spirits as God or Angels and, as result of it, there are miracles from Spirits as God or Angels based on religious beliefs of the concerned peoples for Spirits as God or Angels.
Who was the girl on the alley of mountain and what was said from me by watching a girl’s jogging? Where is the small lake or pond which can be seen in the sky? Is the small lake or pond related to one of the places of movie production or the trap to deceive lots of peoples who are related to the concerned someone?
What was something near by fallen tree in the front of cave? How many pictures were taken for the dead animal? How to jump down to the bottom of the Cave from the whole in the middle of mountain without rope? How many foreigners were in the entrance of the Cave to see the situations of the Cave before movie production? What kind of communications had been said among the concerned peoples? Where was the Cave where it was so dark to see something? How could we come out of the Cave? Where was the Exit of the Cave located? How could we reach Cars in the beginning of the mountain?
What kind of words can be said by the persons in the front of the Cave, if they could not see me and my traveling companion any more during their activities for checking the safety of the Cave for movie production and especially for the safety of actors and actresses, and if there was no normal exit in the Cave without seeing each other again, after they say me and my traveling companion in the entrance of the Cave? Disappearance, or Death, or Just explanation about the situation which they see in the Cave?
Who was the lady in the front seat of the car? What kind of communications had been said among the concerned peoples? How could we come back to (South) Korea?
Who were the persons who were in the places where I had appeared in since Year 1986 when some abnormal phenomena had happened from me by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood and also some conversations were communicated among the concerned peoples about religions and also the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, such as the places of summit-level statesmen or the places where movie productions are prepared by the concerned peoples or the worldwide famous scenic spots or dangerous cliffs and lakes and waterfalls and seas and car-running road and train-running railroad or other risky and dangerous places, as if it was expected, by the abnormal phenomena by the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels or by the actual traffic facilities made by human beings?
As far as I know since my childhood or since Year 1986, there seemed to be several groups of peoples, such as peoples who wanted to know the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky, or peoples who tried to make lots of actual phenomena and events to help me to write books of more than 50 or 100 or 200 books for the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels around my age 40, or peoples who tried to help my movie production about the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels later by showing lots of concerned scenes to me, or who wanted to make people-to-people rumors of DEATH or DISAPPEARANCE OR CRIMINAL OR ETC by using existing information and situations and circumstances, or who wanted to send me into other countries and spaces due to wrong concepts for religions and Spirits as God or Angels and also social political interests, or etc, during the abnormal journey (***) by the abnormal phenomena by the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood for the peoples who wanted to know the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels. ((***) one of the purposes of the abnormal journey was to try to find out suitable jobs or works or money-earning ways only with the power of Spirits as God or Angels in the names of the right man in the right place or kingmakers or statesman-makers or politician-makers or certain figure-makers or think tanks or etc, or to make lots of actual phenomena and events to help me to write books for the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels around my age 40.
Believable Or Unbelievable, regardless of one’s religion, just as one of thoughtful issue in our society, and as it had been said lots of times in my writings, the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood, which is absolutely for the peoples who wanted to know the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, is just one of lots of methods which had been communicated between I and Spirits as God or Angels as a result of my lots of questions and talks with peoples due to my ignorance about human knowledge or this world and the mind-reading of Spirits as God or Angels during several years at my childhood about 30~40 years ago, as there had been talks about my writing books for the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels around my age 40, and also about movie production about the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, and also about my human activities in the areas of politics and religions and economic.
My communication methods do not have any relation with incantation or sorcery or an occult art whose concepts seem to have been caused by Myths of Greece or Roman or Shaman or Aladdin’s Lamp of The Arabian Nights, The Thousand and one Nights, The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments or Fairy Tales like EunBiGgaBi. Who can see any kind of abnormal phenomena by the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood has not any power to have influence on Spirits as God or Angels and my religions and also my religious social activities. Instead, who can see any kind of abnormal phenomena by the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood has seen one scene of what has happened to me or through me or to the concerned or to the area by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood since Year 1986 and since my childhood, on the conditions that there is someone who really wants to know the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels or lots of phenomena and events to help my writing books around my age 40, especially on the decision of Spirits as God or Angels about the concerned situation.
There have been lots of cases in which nothing can be seen except me, who is in my sleep or in my drink or in my sleeping drug[pill] and a narcotic and a soporific or medical experiments on living body or etc., by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood.
Spirits as God or Angels has not responded to The Concerned Situation due to some unfavorable unpleasant unexpected results surrounding The Concerned Situation regardless of the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood. Or, The Concerned Situation can be possible in the way or in the circumstance, such as in a real world or in a cyber space or in visionary world or in a dreamy world or in an imagination and in a status of physical body or in a status of a vision of physical body or in a status of combination of physical body and a vision of physical body or in a status of soul separated from physical body, according to someone’s pray or wish or whatever expressions are said by certain group who lose one’s mind due to meaningless pointless senseless competitive mind with Spirits as God or Angels, since Year 1986 and since my childhood, so some of The Concerned Phenomena can be cognized in the way of my cognition but some of The Concerned Phenomena can be cognized in any way regardless of The Concerned Phenomena’s Situation, such as in a real world or in a cyber space or in visionary world or in a dreamy world or in an imagination and in a status of physical body or in a status of a vision of physical body or in a status of combination of physical body and a vision of physical body or in a status of soul separated from physical body.
(Based on my human knowledge or my experiences with Spirits as God or Angels, some activities of Shaman can be guessed as possible by a kind of simultaneous or concurrent communications or mutual responses between Shaman and some Existence of the world of Spirits as God or Angels, on the condition that t is true. As everybody can know it from himself and herself and the relations between human beings and their ancestors, human soul has not any kind of supernatural or preternatural powers in The Bible, especially due to physical body’s limitations and statuses. Physical body is injured or hurt even by a needle or a woman’s punch or a small accident, even though it can be protected by human technology, and also by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, if the power of Spirits as God or Angels protects human being by making invisible intangible film. Normally, physical body is injured or hurt even by any kind of medical experiments on living physical body, even though the infected disease can be cured by human medical technique, and also by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, if the power of Spirits as God or Angels try to cure it by traveling together with human being, even though there is nothing to be seen from the viewpoint of human cognition. However, any human being related to any kind of power of some Existence of the world of Spirits as God or Angels does not have any kind of one’s own power to perform miracle-like powers or abilities, and also dos not have one’s own power to control the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels, and also does not have one’s own power to control the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels, believable or unbelievable, regardless of one’s religion, just as one of thoughtful issue in our society, and as it had been said lots of times in my writings.
There are some peoples who try to say my communications with Spirits as God or Angels as those of Greek Myths due to my communications with Spirits as God or Angels, who met me in the water during their free instant spatial movements all over the space, during my swimming in the water at the sea of my hometown, but it is a kind of simple misunderstanding for the identity of Spirits as God or Angels and the concepts for the world of Spirits as God or Angels and the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels. It is just one of lots of places where I have communicated with Spirits as God or Angels, such as on the mountain or on the road or in the house or in the room or in the bathroom or in the blocked office or in the water or lots of worldwide places which have been mentioned in my writings. My communications with Spirits as God or Angels are possible wherever I stay. Spirits as God or Angels do not stick to one place except for some cases, such as heavenly missions and promises with human beings or certain reasons of the world of Spirits as God or Angels or other reasons of Spirits as God or Angels during free activities as Spirits as God or Angels. And there are lots of situations which can make it to be guessed in The Bible and also in the history of mankind.)
Believable Or Unbelievable, regardless of one’s religion, just as one of thoughtful issue in our society, and as it had been said lots of times in my writings, why couldn’t the existence of Spirits as God or Angels have been proved at my childhood about 30~40 years ago by the method and the power of Spirits as God or Angels like in The Bible, if my words about Spirits as God or Angels are true?
Spirits as God or Angels exist above-human-cognition above-time-space, so the physical or visional result by the power of Spirits as God or Angels can be directly or indirectly seen to human being’s cognition, therefore what kinds of situations or circumstance are basically absolutely necessary for the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels in this world, as it can be guessed from The Bible?
Why should human being, such as prophet or Saint Mary or Joseph or Christ Jesus or the disciple of Christ Jesus or etc, have been involved in proving the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, even though human being himself/herself, such as prophet or Saint Mary or Joseph or Christ Jesus or the disciple of Christ Jesus or etc, did not have any kind of one’s own power to perform miracle-like powers or abilities, and also did not have one’s own power to control the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels, and also did not have one’s own power to control the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels?
What is the purpose of the proof of the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels in lots of ways by communications with human being himself/herself, such as prophet or Saint Mary or Joseph or Christ Jesus or the disciple of Christ Jesus or etc, in this world, as it can be fully guessed from 10 Commandments of Exodus and Deuteronomy or 2 Commandments of Christ Jesus or what prophets and Christ Jesus said in The Bible?
Is there any meaning to show the omniscient and omnipotent power of Spirits as God or Angels in this world, considering that human beings and all the creatures cannot cognize existential identity of Spirits as God or Angels and, as a result of it, the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels due to the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels?
What can be seen in The Bible, when so-called miracle-like activities had been performed by the communications and relations between human being and Spirits as God or Angels? The visible or physical results of miracle-like activities and also with human being himself/herself, such as prophet or Saint Mary or Joseph or Christ Jesus or the disciple of Christ Jesus or etc, who talked about those believable or unbelievable, seem-to-be-crazy, abnormal, things in this world could be seen in this world, as it can be easily guessed in The Bible!
There have been lots of peoples who try to do the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood with lack of basic attitudes toward other human being as human being or friend or colleague or believer or etc, but one should remember that the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood is related to the world of Spirits as God or Angels, and also to proving the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, even though there has not been any dangerous or risky situation to the concerned peoples in normal life statuses regardless of their words and activities toward me and also Spirits as God or Angels. There are also lots of words and activities toward Spirits as God or Angels in normal life statuses. Human beings live in this world, whatever we say about the origin of human being and this world, and also the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, and also the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels, and religious belief or religions, and so on.
정치 등의 사회 현상과 관련하여 많은 사회 병리적인 현상들이 존재를 하는 것 같다. 컴퓨터를 배우려고 하는 사람에게 컴퓨터 책을 소개하거나 알려주며 컴퓨터를 가르치는 스승의 역할이라도 되는 것처럼 그래서 다른 사람의 인생에 대한 판단이나 심판의 말을 할 수 있는 것처럼 말을 만들어서 사람과 사람의 말과 말로서 다른 사람의 인생에 대해서 조직적으로 시비를 거는 현상도 말을 하는 사람만 바보 되게 존재를 한다. A라는 장소에 나타나면 A라는 기성의 저명한 정치인이나 종교인을 위해서 삶을 헌신을 하거나 산 제물로 바칠 것처럼 말을 만들어서 사람과 사람의 말과 말로서 다른 사람의 인생에 대해서 조직적으로 시비를 거는 현상도 말을 하는 사람만 바보 되게 존재를 한다. 집에서 글을 쓰다가 이미 예정된 사유로 이곳 저곳에 다니면서 글을 쓰기 위해서 길을 나서면, 또는 이미 상세히 언급한 것처럼 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존과 사람과는 본질적으로 다른 정체성 및 Spirits as God or Angels과의 교통이나 동행 및 종교 등과 관련된 사유로 인하여 그리고 Spirits as God or Angels과의 직접적인 교통이나 동행 등은 우리 사회에도 존재를 했었지만 특정한 사람들의 Spirits as God or Angels의 존재론적인 본질에 대한 이해 부족으로 인하여 발생한 시비로 제대로 증거가 되지 못하니 오래 전부터의 부분적인 그릇된 이해로 인하여 불특정 하게 나타나는 각종 생체 실험과 같은 현상으로 인하여 집을 나서며, 그 사실이 마치 판과 판이나 세력 대 세력이나 또는 꾼들의 전력 전술에 의해서 다른 곳으로 가게는 것처럼 말을 만들어서 사람과 사람의 말과 말로서 다른 사람의 인생에 대해서 조직적으로 시비를 거는 현상도 말을 하는 사람만 바보가 되게 하는 방식으로 존재를 한다. 도서관의 디지털 자료에서 글을 쓰다가 도서관 관람 시간이 완료되어 도서관을 나서면, 또는 이곳 저곳에서 글을 쓰다가 그 장소를 나서면, 마치 기다리고 있었다는 듯이 이 사람 저 사람이 나타나서 마치 판과 판이나 세력 대 세력이나 또는 꾼들의 전력 전술에 의해서 다른 곳으로 가게는 것처럼 말을 만들어서 사람과 사람의 말과 말로서 다른 사람의 인생에 대해서 조직적으로 시비를 거는 현상도 말을 하는 사람만 바보가 되게 하는 방식으로 존재를 한다. 사회 영역을 여러 갈래로 나누고 사람의 사회 활동을 여러 갈래로 나누고 어느 사회나 국가를 모델링 한 것인지 모르게 각각의 활동 공간을 피라미드 구조로 만들어서 더 이상의 사회의 유동성이 없게 사회를 고착화시키고자 하는 현상도 사람의 활동을 단지 조직이나 시스템이나 단체 활동의 부속으로 만드는 현상도, 그것도 당사자의 말이나 의도와는 전혀 관련이 없이 단지 당사자의 외형의 현상만으로 사람과 사람의 말과 말로서 조직적으로 영향을 미치는 현상도, 이곳 저곳에 다니면서 오고 가는 사람의 지나 가는 말을 듣게 되고 사회 현상을 보니, 방송 매체를 통한 각종 활동 및 현상 및 변화를 보니, 존재를 하는 것 같다.
이런 저런 핑계로, 즉 물론 그럴 만한 전통적인 역사적인 사유와 배경은 충분히 존재를 하고 특히 Spirits as God or Angels의 존재론적인 속성이 직접적으로는 사람의 인지 능력을 초월하는 존재를 하는 것 등의 명분도 존재를 하지만 Spirits as God or Angels의 존재론적인 본질 및 사람과의 관계 및 이 세상에서 그 실존이 증거 되는 목적 등과 관련이 된 것에 대한 이해는 없이 단지 아시아의 대한민국 사회에서 발생한 Spirits as God or Angels과의 직접적인 교통이나 동행 등의 현상이 성경과 관련이 된다는 사실에 대한 반감으로서만, 무슨 말을 하던 말이 말로서 이해가 되기 보다는 전혀 다른 뜻으로 해석이 되는 현상도 이곳 저곳에 다니면서 오고 가는 사람의 지나 가는 말을 듣게 되고 사회 현상을 보니, 방송 매체를 통한 각종 활동 및 현상 및 변화를 보니, 존재를 하는 것 같다.
In which situation could the above scenes and communications among the concerned peoples be possible, such as in a real world or in a cyber space or in visionary world or in a dreamy world or in an imagination and in a status of physical body or in a status of a vision of physical body or in a status of combination of physical body and a vision of physical body or in a status of soul separated from physical body?
HOW and WHY could I appear in so lots of world places, considering normal traffic utilities and traffic network in this real earth and also real traffic expenses, and also considering my social careers since Year 1986, 30 Months’ Army Service, 3 Years’ University after Army Service, one Year’s Teacher in Foreign Language High School, 10 Years’ Salaried Man in Foreign Insurance Companies, especially almost every day’s overtime work without overtime pay except for 1~2 years in the beginning of social life, one and A Half Years’ Mountain Climbing in 15 mountains of Seoul City and GyungGy Province since the middle of Year 2003, and almost 4 Years’ walking around from this place to that place of South Korea, especially 1 Year’s walking around SuWon City since the end of Year 2006? Now, I am on writing books more than volumes of near to 200 books about the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, and the difference between human being and Spirits as God or Angels, and also the guessing understanding for Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus and Being Conceived by the Holy Spirit and the identity of Christ Jesus as Human Being and dwelling of Spirits as God or Angels since the end of Year 2004, as said at my childhood of 30~40 years ago.
믿거나 말거나 나의 글들과 관련이 된 것으로서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력과 방식으로 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 증거를 할 수 있을 때까지 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 알고 싶어 하는 사람을 위해서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력을 볼 수 있는 것으로서 나와 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 약속된 방법과 그리고 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 상황 판단에 의하여 발생하게 된 현상들에 의해서 실제의 순간적인 공간이동이든 환영이나 꿈이나 상상력 등에 의한 순간적인 공간이동이든 또는 사람의 육체나 사람의 육체의 환영이나 사람의 육체와 환영이 결합된 것이나 사람의 영혼이 육체로부터 분리가 된 형태 등으로의 공간이동으로 세계 주요 정상들이 집무를 보는 공간들 및 세계 각국에서 촬영된 영화 관련 장소들과 장면들 및 세계 관광 명소의 장소들 및 우연히 사고 사로 죽고 변사자 처리 하기에도 딱 알맞은 세계의 오지의 장소들로의 이동을 한 것 및 그곳에서의 대화와 관련이 된 것은 관련자들을 통해서 확인을 하고 필히 나와의 대화를 통해서도 확인을 할 수도 있을 것이다.
앞의 현상들과 관련하여 나의 어릴 때 나와 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels 사이의 약속된 방법에 대한 것도 내가 서울에 있으면 다른 관련자들은 제주도나 거제도나 외도나 오동도 등에 있는 것과 같은 방법으로서 확인을 할 수가 있을 것이고 나의 순간적인 공간이동과 관련이 된 것들도 나의 글들 속에서 언급된 내용들로서도, 그리고 다른 무엇보다도 당사자들과의 대화 내용들로서도, 충분히 확인을 할 수가 있을 것이다.
주지할 것은 그리스도 예수님이 왕권의 사회가 아닌 유태인 사회에서 유태인의 왕이란 표현을 사용을 했고 그 당시에는 그리스도 예수님과 달리 유태인 사회의 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과 성경의 공식적인 전도사인 제사장님 서기관님 장로님 등이 존재를 했듯이 성경 및 성경 속의 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대해서 누가 무엇이라고 말을 하던 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 교통 및 동행이 가능한 사람이 존재를 할 수가 있다는 사실이고 더불어 내가 앞에서 및 나의 글들에서 언급하고 있는 곳들로의 순간적인 공간이동 등의 현상이 있었을 때는 대체로 그곳에 이미 우리 사회의 누군가가, 특히 내가 이곳 저곳에 나타나거나 무엇인가 말만 하면 한 두 마디 단어나 표현으로만 그것도 오래 동안 단련된 어투로만 말을 하는 사람들이 어딘가에, 있었다는 것이다.
참고로 나의 글들에서 As there is the word, King Of Jew, which mean the best communicator among lots of slight or powerful communicators with the world of Spirits s God or Angels, in The Bible and also there are lots of peoples who can have responses from the world of Spirits s God or Angels and also can show lots of slight or powerful phenomena from the world of Spirits s God or Angels, the religious phenomena or the mentioned spatial movement or the promised method between I and Spirits s God or Angels can be tested in several situations, such as my location in Seoul and others’ locations in JeJu Island or in GeoJae Island or in Oi-Do or in USA or etc. I do not know what kinds of results can be made, because there has been nothing for me to directly handle the phenomena from Spirits s God or Angels, even though I have written more than volumes of 50 books or 100 books or 200 books about the existence or the identity of Spirits s God or Angels through my life story and the concerned phenomena. I talk about my phenomena and my life story related to the existence or the identity of Spirits s God or Angels since I was born in this earth.
Of course, all the things related to mind-reading of peoples or telepathy communications with peoples or sight of vision of traffic signals on the streets or etc in my writings are out of my physical cognition abilities as far as I know about myself or other peoples up to now. However, those kinds of phenomena can be also confirmed by what I said or by what other peoples say or by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood for the peoples who really wanted to know the existence or the identity of Spirits s God or Angels due to incongruent unfit inadequate situations of this society, which are under human-biased religions and customs in the era of scientific and material civilization, for the proof of the existence of Spirits s God or Angels by the absolute method of the world of Spirits s God or Angels due to the performance of the power of Spirits s God or Angels in this created human beings and world regardless of the omniscient omnipotent power of Spirits s God or Angels. . I talk about my phenomena and my life story related to the existence or the identity of Spirits s God or Angels since I was born in this earth.
신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력과 방식으로 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 증거를 할 수 있을 때까지 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 알고 싶어 하는 사람을 위해서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 상황 판단에 의하여 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력을 볼 수 있는 것으로서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 약속된 방법을 말을 한 결과 약 30~40년 동안의 나의 삶에서, 특히 1986년도 이후의 나의 삶에서, 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 약속된 방법에 의해서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력이 나타나는 것은 관련된 사람들의 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 믿음이나 신앙과 나의 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 약속된 방법에 의한 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존에 대한 증거와 더불어서 그 때 그 때마다의 복합적인 이유들이나 목적들이나 이해 관계들이 얽힌 상황에 대한 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 판단에 의한 것이겠지만 약 30~40년 동안 또는 1986년도 이후부터 약 20년 동안 각자의 그 때 그 때마다의 정치 경제 종교 등의 이해 관계와 엮여서 그리고 시간과 공간을 초월하여 존재를 하고 있는 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대해서 사람이 만들어 낸 각종 지역 인종 민족 국가 등의 사회적인 개념과 이해를 적용을 하여 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 개념과 이해가 잘 못 된 것에 의해서 나에 대한 그리고 나와 동행을 하는 또는 나와 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels 사이의 약속된 방법에 의한 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 조직적인 희롱이나 시비만 발생을 했다고 한다면 그 결과는 어떻게 될까?
국가 영국
제작사 셀레이더 필름
수입사 -
배급사 롯데쇼핑(주)롯데엔터테인먼트
감독 닐 마샬 -
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처음부터 잘못됐다! 하지만...절대 되돌아갈 수 없다! 1년 전, 친구들과 함께 떠났던 가족여행에서 사고로 남편과 딸을 모두 잃은 사라. 아직 그 충격에서 벗어나지 못한 사라를 위해 주노를 포함한 5명의 친구들은 다시 모이고, 새로운 출발을 위한 동굴 탐험 여행을 떠난다. 주노의 길 안내에 따라 깊은 어둠 속으로 들어간 일행. 하지만 즐거움도 잠시. 사고로 동굴의 입구는 함몰되고, 설상가상으로 자신들이 고립된 이곳이 지도와는
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