영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다

비밀의 숲 테라비시아, Bridge To Terabithia, 2007,

정희득이본명이자가명 2008. 3. 1. 17:12

비밀의 숲 테라비시아, Bridge To Terabithia, 2007,


스토리가 단조로운 감이 없지 않지만 영화의 촬영부터 전체 흐름과 구성을 잘 만든 것 같다. 숲이 있는 시골에서 아주 오래 전에 만들어질 수 있는 영화이기도 한 것 같다. 조용한 가운데 보기 적절한 영화인 것 같다.


첫 부분에 등장을 하는 장면들 장 하나로서 길 양쪽으로 가로수가 서 있는 곳을 보고서 한 말이 있는데 무엇이었을까? 그리고 상대방의 응대의 말은 무엇이었을까?


운동화에 색칠하는 모습을 보면서 동양이나 서양이나 어린 아이의 행동에는 비슷한 면이 있다는 말을 한 곳이기도 하다. 온실을 보면서 몇몇 영화에서 자주 볼 수 있는 모습이라는 말을 한 곳이고 사람의 삶과 생활에 대한 말을 하기도 한 곳이기도 하다. 영화 속에서 레슬리가 타다 죽은 밧줄을 보면서 해병대의 훈련에 대해서 말을 했던 곳이기도 하다. 레슬리와 제시가 통나무를 건너가는 장면을 영화 속의 한 장면처럼 보면서 몇 마디 했던 곳이기도 하다. 학생들의 통학 버스에서는 God의 실존 및 정체성을 주제로, 그리고 사람을 God이라고 말을 할 수 있는 비유적인 경우들을 주제로, 나아가 누군가가 자기 마을의 신부님에 대해서 전할 말을 해 달라고 말을 하기에 그거에 대한 주제로 몇몇 대화를 나누었던 곳이기도 하고 아이들의 재잘거리는 모습이 귀여웠던 곳이기도 하다. 그 외 몇몇 장소들에서 몇몇 대화들을 나눌 수 있었던 곳들이기도 하다. 더불어 틈난 나면 삐딱 선을 타는 동행인에게,즉 실제 대학교 과 동창인지 가명의 이름만 대학교 과동창과 동일의 인물인지 옆 모습만 과 동창과 비슷한 인물인지 몰라도 대한민국 서울이 갑자기 알지도 못하는 낯선 곳으로 바뀌는 예기치 못한 그리고 알지 못할 현상들로 인하여 알지도 못하는 낯선 곳에서 굳이 구체적인 사실 확인이 필요가 없었지만 대화를 나눌 때마다 부정적인 반응을 보이는 동행인에게 몇 마디 대화를 했던 곳이기도 하다.


The below contents are not the translation of the above contents, 아래 내용은 상기 내용의 번역이 아님,


How, When, could it be possible to appear in those places considering my social careers and activities since Year 1986? What kinds of transportation equipments can make it possible to appear in those places considering my social careers and activities since Year 1986? What kinds of situational communications could be made among the concerned peoples?


At the end of movie through computer and internet, which is one of what I would do in these days as a result of a series of life training courses, which lead to the destruction of real life in nine cases out of ten or ten to one or most likely, there are crazy sounds in the outside of my apartment as usual, even though it is midnight, as usual. This is one of really ridiculous events which happen during recent several years, as it is one of random periods during my life time.


How many similar places of the movie and how many similar scenes could I appear in long time ago, since Year 1986, when I and my many traveling companions could fly or move or walk around or appear in and disappear from many places in this earth in the ways of human technical transportation methods, (it is not the comparison or not the competition between the power of human being and the power of Spirits as God or Angels), or in the ways of actual spatial movement or vision or dream or imagination or just conversation(?),,,however,,,which could be caused by the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood around Year 1970? Of course, I could not remember what had happened and also my words for the phenomena of Spirits as God or Angels and the mentioned phenomena related to Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood at my hometown during those journey periods from this continent to that continent, from this country to that country, as it was not easy to remember what had happened at my childhood at my hometown, after I left my hometown around my age 10 due to my heavenly-mission-concerned reasons and social existential reasons. Now I can talk about what have happened and the relation between those phenomena and the power of Spirits as God or Angels up to now at my life since I was born in this country about 42 years ago, believable or unbelievable, during I write my life story and the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through that process, as it has been said at my childhood, in Year 1986, in Year 20010816, and so on?


Ah-Ha! What was one of main reasons for me to leave my hometown around my age 10 due to my heavenly-mission-concerned reasons and social existential reasons, after lots of phenomena had been made to me between I and Spirits as God or Angels in the sky during several years by using the relations or the conversations with the peoples, who came to visit my hometown and see me accidentally, for the critical issues of our traditional society, before certain persons, who had a conversations with me about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels several years ago, come to see me to take me to do something with me, after several years world tour?


What were my heavenly-mission-concerned reasons and social existential reasons for my moving into Busan City as one of human being who had to live my life as social being living in this society and also who had to prove the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels in my ways or in combinational or the cooperative methods between human beings world and Spirits as God or Angels world, such as doing political activities, doing religious activities, doing economical activities, writing books, making movies, and also proving Spirits as God or Angels for the peoples who really want to know and have beliefs about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels with the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood about 30~40 years ago, until the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels would be perfectly proved only by the way of the world of Spirits as God or Angels,,,?


Did the persons at my hometown tell about my movements from my hometown to Busan City to the concerned persons who will come to me to see me and to talk about my future careers and my movements to England or other countries after several years world tour? What was the good purposes of certain persons who want to take me with them all over this world, when I had conversations with them about Spirits as God or Angels? Could they achieve what they want to obtain for Big Money or worldwide Big Businesses, when I was with them about 30 years, if they would believe my words and the existence of Spirits as God or Angels? There are lots of situations and some barriers for the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels, because the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels cannot be done by human beings will or mind and by the fact that there is human being who really wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels by watching the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels, even though there was a promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels for the peoples who really want to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels by experiencing indirectly the power of Spirits as God or Angels, but considering what have happened to me during my life of 30 years since I left my hometown around my age 10, while I write my life stories in a volume of more than 100 books, it would be possible to make big money enough to do what someone wants to do for something, even though it would be not enough to buy Korea.


Did the mentioned persons, also some of western Royal Family, come to our society around my age 40 in order to help me or as one of usual worldwide trips? If they came to our country around my age 40, where they were? To know who they were and where they are can be regarded as having any relation with the existence or the power of Spirits as God or Angels, considering the existential identity of Spirits as God or Angels, and also considering my existence who can cognize all the things in the world with 5 senses or 6 senses of human physical bodys function, especially with my eyes, isnt it? What kind of words did I say about my total situations around my age 40, regardless of the nationality or the ID of the peoples who I met at my childhood about 30~40 years ago? How old they are, considering their ages about 30~40 years ago?


Who was the child who did my role instead of me after I moved into Busan City? How many children have been brainwashed for my religious role for something to do in our society or in this earth? It was not bad meaning or attempt at the beginning of brainwash for the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible, and also there was not any compulsion or enforcement for brainwash for the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible, even though man persons did not believe my words about the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, because they could not see or hear or touch or feel the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, what I said was true from my viewpoints as a child, and also I promised to prove the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in my ways around my age 40, such as writing books in a volume of more than 100 books and making movie related to the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels and so on,



비밀의 숲 테라비시아 ( Bridge To Terabithia, 2007)


제작국가 : 미국

개봉일 : 2007.02.15

장르 : 어드벤쳐/판타지

상영시간 : 94

등급 : 전체 관람가

제작사 : 왈덴 미디어

배급사 : 롯데쇼핑()롯데엔터테인먼트

출연 : 로버트 패트릭 / 조쉬 허처슨 / 안나소피아 롭


감독   자보 크수포  -

출연   조쉬 허처슨  제시 아론 /   안나소피아 롭  레슬리 버크 /   로버트 패트릭  제시 아론 시니어 /   에린 애니스  엘리 아론 /   카트리나 체리오  메리 아론 /   로렌 클린턴  재니스 애버리 /   타일러 앳필드  에드문드 /   주이 데샤넬  에드문드


각본   제프 스톡웰  - /  데이빗 패터슨  -

제작   로렌 레빈  - /   데이빗 패터슨  -

음악   아론 지그만  -

촬영   마이클 채프먼  -

편집   존 길버트  




다리 건너, 비밀의 세계 그 곳!!

당신이 그린 상상의 세계가 펼쳐진다!!


학교에서 제일 빨리 달리는 것이 소원인 평범한 12살 제시. 그는 소원을 이루기 위해 매일 쉬지 않고 달리기 연습을 할 정도로 꿈 많은 소년이다.

어느 날, 비밀을 간직한 듯한 신비한 소녀 레슬리가 전학을 오고 옆집으로 이사 오면서 그녀와 친구가 된 제시는 지금껏 상상하지 못했던 신비한 세계, 비밀의 숲으로 초대된다.

상상하면 환상의 세계가 보인다는 레슬리의 말에 반신반의하던 제시는 속는 셈 치고 눈을 감는다. 그리고 눈을 뜨자 눈앞에는 거짓말처럼 거대하고 환상적인 세계가 펼쳐져 있다.

제시와 레슬리는 상상하는대로 이루어지는 그곳을 ‘테라비시아’로 이름 짓고 둘만의 비밀로 간직하기로 약속한다. 그리고 환상의 세계 ‘테라비시아’를 탐험하기 위한 멋진 모험을 계획하는데…