편지(Letter)와 사명

Public Official Election Act should be observed.

정희득이본명이자가명 2014. 4. 30. 17:27




Public Official Election Act should be observed.




To say to observe Public Official Election Act is not related to the issue, 'A law is a law, however unjust it may seem.'




Wrong or improper Public Official Election Act should be reformed according to national law, because there are members of the National Assembly who receive salaries for that purpose. Usually we do not need demonstration and the general public for it, because we can know by our knowledge and our conversation among the concerned whether certain law is unfair or improper or wrong.






Political Movement in The Place should not be misused in order to prevent it or in order to send the concerned to jail or in order to prevent religious truth. Political Movement in The Place is not to violate the Public Official Election Act but to observe the Public Official Election Act.




Also Prophet-like Mission in The Place in South Korea in 20~21 Century  should not be misused in order to prevent it or in order to send the concerned to jail or in order to prevent religious truth.




If Prophet-like Mission in The Bible or if the relation between God and Prophet in The Bible happens in South Korea in 20~21st Century, what kind of mission and what kind of missionary life can be expected? Do you expect to go to North Korea or to Japan or China with 600,000 followers? Do you expect a miracle which divides the sea between South Korea and Japan or between South Korea and China? Do you expect a miracle which revives the dead or the disabled or the ill? If Korean Priests or Korean Christians pray to God or prophet with God, should there be those miracles?




Do you know or who knows what a child of God had said through peoples in Year 1965~1976, especially in Year 1965~1971? Please refer to the contents of the blog, http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, in which detailed contents of conversation which had been made between a child of God and other peoples in Year 1965~1976, especially in Year 1965~1971.




Do you know or who knows the meaning of Exodus like Moses' Exodus, when a child of God had said Exodus like Moses' Exodus during conversation with old peoples in Year 1965~1976?




Do you know or who knows the meaning of missionary work toward the Gentile like Christ Jesus' missionary work toward the Gentile, when a child of God had said missionary work toward the Gentile like Christ Jesus' missionary work toward the Gentile during conversation with old peoples in Year 1965~1976?




Prophet-like Mission in The Bible or the relation between God and Prophet in The Bible is not against the contents of The Bible. But, Christ Jesus in New Testament of The Bible and some prophets in Old Testament of The Bible prophesied Prophet-like Mission in The Bible or the relation between God and Prophet in The Bible in other areas than Canaan and also in other nations than Jacob's descendants.




Prophet-like Mission in The Bible or the relation between God and Prophet in The Bible does not neglect Korean traditional religions, such as Confucianism or Toaism or Buddhism, and also regard those as good religions, because what Korean traditional religions has said is similar to what Prophet Moses and Christ Jesus had said from the viewpoint of what mankind should observe or mankind's activities as mankind, and also because the origin of Korean traditional religions can be guessed from God for mankind  - Do you know the reason? - and only its mission can be regarded as different. So, each religion cannot replace other religion, as Prophet Moses' missionary work cannot replace Christ Jesus' missionary work and Christ Jesus' missionary work cannot replace Prophet Moses' Missionary work.




It means that the church by The Bible cannot be occupied by Confucianism or Toaism or Buddhism and by the number of peoples. But, the church by The Bible can talk about what Confucianism or Toaism or Buddhism says on the condition that Confucianism or Toaism or Buddhism is the knowledge and realization of mankind who had religious mind in his mind by God or God's Angels regardless of one's knowing it or not, and also on the condition that God and Angels do not have physical body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept and so they are existentially different from mankind of physical body and mankind's soul and mankind's spiritual realization. (For reference, it is very complex issue. It cannot be said in a word. We need more talks about it for further understanding on it. We need more times to understand it as one of our religious knowledge. And, we can do it above each religion's interests for mankind in these days, because there are Old Testament of The Bible and New Testament of The Bible and Koran and other concerned religious books for Confucianism and Taoism and Buddhism.


The lives of mankind in the past time cannot be the reason to say negative words and to show negative attitude for it. All the souls of mankind in the past time did not go to Hell, even though they knew this world differently than what I have said since my childhood. What did I say about it at my childhood during my conversations with old peoples? Who were the old man who really had negative mind about the existence of invisible inaudible intangible God and Angels?


To talk about the existence and the identity of invisible inaudible intangible God and Angels by what has happened through me by the power of invisible inaudible intangible God and Angels since my birth of Year 1965 in South Korea and also to talk about the truth of The Bible by proving the miracles in The Bible since my birth of Year 1965 in South Korea is not a show for political success and religious fraud and economical income but really it happened. Of course, it can be verified by the concerned, even though God and Angels are invisible inaudible intangible existence. Of course, it is not against of the contents of The Bible.)



And also the temple of Confucianism or Toaism or Buddhism can talk about what The Bible says on the above conditions.




What is the difference among Prophet Moses and Christ Jesus and Confucius and Mencius and Lao-tzu and Buddha who had physical body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept and also who talked about similar words from the viewpoint of what mankind should observe or mankind's activities as mankind, if they all met God and had religious mind in one's mind regardless of one's knowing it or not?




And also 'The Tithe' cannot be compelled and should not be compelled by threat and by blackmail and by law, even though the existence of the world of God has been proved by the power of God since Year 1965 and the truth of the contents of The Bible has been proved by the truth of the miracles in The Bible, as it can be in the blog, http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/.




The concerned should stop one's plan or one's word to twist or to hinder the fact that http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ would be written by God and JeongHuiDeuk or JungHeeDeuk in Year 2004~2015, as it had been prophesied through JeongHuiDeuk or JungHeeDeuk by God or God's Angels in Year 1965~1976.




One of them was that JeongHuiDeuk or JungHeeDeuk was said to come from USA by the European priests who accompanied JeongHuiDeuk or JungHeeDeuk in Year 1965~1966. Do you know how or why it happened?




제발,,, 공직선거법을 존중하고 현장과 정치란 말을 악용하지 맙시다.








Do you need English Translation for the following contents?













