영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

The importance of mission of priest

정희득이본명이자가명 2014. 4. 28. 17:46


The importance of mission of priest



You can refer to http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/17203405 and http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/17203400,,, for the importance of mission of priest who did his mission in the temple of God in the society of Jacob's descendants.


The mission of priest, who did his mission in the temple of God in the society of Jacob's descendants, is based on what Prophet Moses said during his 40 years' mission from God regardless of his religious mind.


The mission of priest, who did his mission in the temple of God in the society of Jacob's descendants, is not to compete against God's prophet by his knowledge or his membership or his social power but to support God's prophet for God's mission.


The meanings of 7:12 and 7:22 of Matthew or the meaning of 16:8 of Luke is not the result of competition by ability or wisdom or knowledge between priest based on The Bible and God's prophet by God. The mission of God's prophet means that God has appeared to someone in this world in order to do something for this world that can be seen in The Bible. It cannot be compared to those of The Bible. What is in The Bible had happened about 3,500~2,000 years ago, even though there are many numbers of miracles by God and there are many prophets including Moses and Christ Jesus by God. Do you know the purpose and the importance of the mission of God's prophet since Year 1965~1971 in South Korea? 


How can the mission of God's prophet be known to other peoples? God's appearance to priest, who did his mission in the temple of God in the society of Jacob's descendants? Aron's case in Moses' mission? Eli's case in Chapter 1;9 of 1 Samuel?


If there are the priests, who have misused the contribution for the mission of God's prophet which happened to a child, JeongHuiDeuk, who was born in Year 1965, since Year 1965~1971 in South Korea, because of misunderstanding on what happened to JeongHuiDeuk in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ during about 30 years from Year 1977 and during about 6 years from Year 1970 and also misunderstanding on the contents of The Bible, they should settle it or pay it or repay it to JeongHuiDeuk(씨티은행(http://www.citibank.co.kr/), 536-27867-262, 정희득) , because about 30 years from Year 1977 and about 6 years from Year 1970 were mentioned in Year 1965~1971 already and also because there was a talk about the contents of The Bible  in Year 1965~1971 already and because what was expected to happen in Year 2004~2015 has happened since Year 2004 and the result of it is in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/.


But, I have never received any contribution from the concerened who talked about the contribution for the mission of God's prophet which happened to a child, JeongHuiDeuk, who was born in Year 1965, since Year 1965~1971 in South Korea. During about 10 years in insurance companies since Year 2003 where I worked as a result of conversation in the middle of Year 1986 I had received only salary as a result of my works for the companies. There was not any contribution by religious reason and political reason. It has been same since Year 2003.


Prophet-like mission has not been a lie since Year 1965~1971. The 1st result of it has been written in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ since Year 2004 and Year 2006~2007. There has not been any activity which is against the prophet-like mission in The Bible during 37 years from Year 1970, but mankind’s wrong knowledge about the prophet-like mission in The Bible has been problem since Year 1965~1971. The propeht-like mission in The Bible is not to live like a certain christian’s life, but it is to do heavenly misson by the help of God and Angels, so sometimes there was war and other abnormal situation which can be seen in The Bible. Also prophet-like mission in South Korea in 20~21st century is not against the contents of Bible. There is not the name of Korea nor the name of JeongHuiDeuk in The Bible, but the prophets in the Old Testament of The Bible said about prophet’s mission in other nations than Jacob’s descendants and Christ Jesus in the New Testament of The Bible said about it. Also, prophet-like mission in South Korea in 20~21st century is not related to any problem from the viewpoint of traditional religions and national law and national politics.



There was old peoples who talked about the contribution for the mission of God's prophet which happened to a child, JeongHuiDeuk, who was born in Year 1965, since Year 1965~1971 in South Korea, and it was also related to power of God and to the fact that the peoples was moved by God, and the misuse of it is a kind of fraud.





The Film Scenario


2014. 4. 28.