영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

사진, Picture, Whose idea or thought or prayer,,,1012, 63,

정희득이본명이자가명 2013. 10. 16. 17:38


사진, Picture, Whose idea or thought or prayer,,,1012, 63,











사진, Picture, Whose idea or thought or prayer,,,1012, 63,


(Pictured by 정희득(JUNGHEEDEUK) by Cell phone With Camera Function In It, LGKH1600)



The Activity to take a picture is not related to an activity for New Job or any religious career or any political career but the contents of the picture, such as the place and so on, is related to proving what has happened from the world of God(Spirit) in the sky since Year 1965. 신한은행, 371-12-027336, 정희득, http://www.shinhan.com/, / 씨티은행, 536-27867-262, 정희득, http://www.citibank.co.kr/, / 우리은행, 1002-729-875334, 정희득, http://www.wooribank.com/, / 농협은행, 001-12-330084, 정희득, http://www.nonghyup.com/,


As far as the mind-reading of God or Angel, mankind's social economical religious status is not the essential condition but mankind's heart or thought or prayer to know and believe it is more important condition, and you can know it, if you read The Bible like novel or in the way of study to enter Seoul National University. If high priest denies prophet's mission by God due to his wrong understanding and knowledge about The Bible or due to other personal reason regardless of Luke 16:16 and Romans 12:6~8 and 1 Corinthians 12:6~11 & 28~31 and Ephesians 4:6~12 and other old prophet's prophecy, may be he cannot know the prophet's mission as a prophet's mission by God's power or God as God by God's power, even though God and Angels try to tell about prophet's mission as prophet's mission by God's power and way before prophet's mission starts. If non-believer or Confucianist or Taoist or Buddhist or Shaman really wants to know the existence of God or the identity of God through the prophet, he may know it by God's power. It is in The Bible.


http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and prophet-like mission in South Korea in 21st Century by God(Spirit) and Angels(Spirits) of The Bible is not against the contents of The Bible, such as prophet's prophecy in the Old Testament of The Bible, 27 and 42 and 52th clauses of Chapter 7 of John, 26th clause of Chapter 11 of Romans, and so on.


http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ should be pursued from right now, because it is the realization of God's prophecies and it contains the work of God and Angels since Year 1965 and so its result will be led to other one's experience or miralce. All the doubt about http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ will be solved, if the concerned religious organization and I can have conversation about it based on the contents of The Bible and we try to check the facts in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ with me. There has never been that kind of trial.


Even though there was someone's absolute order which is to prevent me from saying and writing http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ since Year 2004 due to real traditional problems in our society, if http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written by me during several years since Year 2004 and I want to have open conversations about it with the concerned peoples based on The Bible and http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, the order or the concerned activity should be stopped or changed into having conversations about it with me based on The Bible and http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/. It is democratic or religious or biblical or legal or human way to work.