영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

Man in Black in 3D,

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 5. 13. 01:35


Man in Black in 3D,



The following is not directly related to the contents of The Movie, but the title is related to what happened at my childhood, and it can be a kind of evidence on my childhood, but it is not related to any social issue about me.

Who can remember my words about Men In Black at Year 1965-76? When could my words about Men In Black at Year 1965-76 be expressed? What did my words about Men In Black at Year 1965-76 mean? How can I find the concerned person? By the power of God and Angels or by the investigation of police station?


To find the concerned persons to prove the contents of my current writings cannot be any anti-evidence on the truth of the contents of my current writings or on the truth of whether God and Angels help me to write my current writings. Currently, God and Angels have helped me to remember or to cognize what has happened through me by the power of God and Angels since my childhood in the way of mankind's physical body, as it was said at my childhood. How can it be possible? Even though it is true that I have written my current writings with help of God and Angels since Year 2004, there cannot have been any other performance of power of God and Angels for other prayer regardless of prayer's religious position, such as Pope or High Priest or even Prophet, or there can have been a kind of injury or disease on my physical body. It is quite diffent issue. It can be checked in The Bible.



My English expressions like Men In Black are not related to my nationality nor my future job. My English expressions at my childhood is related to a kind of linguistic talent as human being and also to the performance of power of God and Angels in the sky as it can be checked in The Bible and at my childhood.

If there has been some organization who has taken and misused the contribution since Year 1965-70 which has been mentioned for my prophet-like heavenly missionary activities with the power of God and Angels and also for my The Bible-like writings by the help of God and Angels, the organization should return it to me, as there was a promise between I and someone of age 50th in Year 1965-70, because my The Bible-like writings have been written by the help of God and Angels since Year 2004, as it was prophesied by God and Angels in Year 1965-70 or as it was checked in the middle of Year 1986 or as it was checked on the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001. Someone of age 50th in Year 1965-70 introduced himself as someone who was similar to Moor, because he thought I would not remember it at my age 40th, and also my writings during several years from Year 2005 would be impossible according to my life career up to my age 40th and also he believed that there was no God and Angels in the sky, as far as he knew about this world and worldwide religions and The Bible. As far as he knew about this world and worldwide religions and The Bible, there were many issues which could not be explained logically. 

It is possible for me to write the contents of my current writings which could not have been said from me since around my age 10 at all, which have corresponded to the lapse of memory of 30 years about my relation with God and Angels, as it was said at my childhood, because God and Angels can cognize all the things in the way of God and Angels and also remember what God and Angels can cognize in the way of God and Angels, and because God and Angels(Good Spirit) can have influence on mankind's thought, as Satan(Evil Spirit) could have influence on Judas' thought in order to let Judas to betray his teacher, Christ Jesus.

It can be a kind of lie or false evidence or fraud to try to verify the truth of miracle of God and Angels in a way of mankind's activity or to verify the truth of someone's relation with God and Angels, which can be led to the performance of any power of God and Angels like those of prophets in The Bible, in a way of mankind's social activity, because God and Angels appear to mankind in this world and then sometimes there is some kind of performance of power of God and Angels according to the heavenly mission of the selected person, such as Exodus or the existence of soul of mankind or the existence of the world of mankind's soul after the death of mankind's physical body or the truth of The Bible or the existential origin of God and Angels or etc., because mankind cannot cognize the appearance of  God and Angels, if there is not any kind of performance of power of  God and Angels which can be cognized by mankind, because God and Angels do not have physical material body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept. The similar issue is in the Chapter 16:1-4 of Matthew of The Bible and so on, which are related to what Christ Jesus said, when there was someone's request for miracle. The death and survival of Lazarus is not the result of mankind's planning nor the result of mankind's prayer nor the ability of Christ Jesus' physical body nor spiritual ability of Christ Jesus. The death and survival of Christ Jesus is not the result of mankind's planning nor the result of mankind's prayer nor the ability of Christ Jesus' physical body nor spiritual ability of Christ Jesus. 


Right now there is nothing visible audible tangible about God and Angels in the sky or there is not any other performance of power of God and Angels for other issue regardless of the omniscient omnipotent power of God and Angels, even though God and Angels in the sky try to help me to explain about God and Angels in a way of mankind's knowledge or in a way of mankind's physical material concept.


The truth of what is related to the power of God and Angels among the contents of my current writings can be verified by talking about it and checking about it case by case, because there is concerned mankind's activity which is related to the performance of power of God and Angels or there is the performance of power of God and Angels which can be cognized and explained in a way of mankind, even though there is not the concerned person and time has passed since Year 1965. If the thought or the mind of concerned peoples can be led to the mind-reading of God and Angels, there can be performance of power of God and Angels unexpectedly.


Wanted. The Bible and Summary


I am looking for the person who talked about the issue with me in Year 1965-70 that The Bible could be summarized into one page or that someone can summarize The Bible into one page with his ability. How could I say that The Bible cannot be summarized into one page regardless of one's ability or How could I say that The Bible will lose one's value or one's meaning, if The Bible is summarized into one page with important lessons for mankind's life, even though I could not read The Bible from the viewpoint of mankind's reading and knowledge?  



Wanted. Big House.

I am looking for the person who talked about the meaning of Big House with me? What did he say and what did I say? What was his future planning as human being compared to my future planning with God and Angels? Why have a group of peoples try to compete with me for something instead of cooperating with me in preparing for my future writings which will be based on what has happened through me from God and Angels in the sky and which will be possible by the help of power of God and Angels in the sky, even though they came to help me and my missionary works?



the following is not the translation of the above.

아래 글은 위의 글의 번역이 아님.

믿을 수 있거나 없거나,

1965-76년도 사이의 어린 아이가 일생 동안 하늘의 신(Spirit)과 교통하고 동행하는 중 불혹의 나이부터 10년 안에 하늘에 신(Spirit)이 존재하고 있는 것 및 그 정체성과 종교 등에 대하여 증거 하게 될 글에 대해서 하늘의 신(Spirit)으로부터 10편 이상의 영화가 제작될 수 있을 것이란 말이 언급되었으면 하늘의 신(Spirit)은 어떤 종류의 영화를 생각한 것일까요?

혹시라도 위의 사실을 알고 있거나 1965-76년도에 어떤 어린 아이가 대한민국에서 성경(The Bible)에서 말하는 선지자처럼 하늘의 신(Spirit)과 교통하고 동행하여 성경(The Bible)과 같은 글을 작성할 것이라고 말을 한 것을 알고 있으면 http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/이 참조될 수 있기를 바라고  위의 사실을 알고 있는 사람을 알고 있어도 소식을 전해줄 수 있으면 감사할 일입니다. ^-^



The Film Scenario


2012. 5. 10.




Matthew 16: 1-4

The Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Jesus, they asked Him to show them a sign from heaven.

But He replied to them, "When it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.'

"And in the morning, 'There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?

"An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and a sign will not be given it, except the sign of Jonah." And He left them and went away.

맨 인 블랙 3, 2012, Men in Black III, 2012,

요약정보; 액션, 코미디, SF | 미국 | 106 분 | 개봉 2012-05-24 | 

홈페이지; 국내 mib3.co.kr | 해외 www.meninblack.com

감독; 배리 소넨필드

출연; 윌 스미스 (에이전트 `제이` 역), 토미 리 존스 (에이전트 `케이` 역), 조쉬 브롤린 (젊은 에이전트 `케이` 역), 엠마 톰슨 (에이전트 `오` 역), 제메인 클레멘트 (악당 `보리스` 역)