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[스크랩] 1350만원으로 지은 10층짜리 '나무집' 봤더니

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 4. 3. 00:12
1350만원으로 지은 10층짜리 '나무집' 봤더니

출처 :  [미디어다음] 해외화제 
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1,350만원으로 지은 10층짜리 '나무집' 봤더니

조선일보 | 최보윤 기자 | 입력 2012.04.02 18:18 | 수정 2012.04.02 21:03


The following contents are related to someone's thought and God or Angel's mind-reading power on that person's thought and my talking about it by my reading the similar article by help of God or Angel's mind-reading power.

The truth of the article is not the issue.

The true time of construction of log-house is not the issue.

The key point of the following contents is related to what someone thought in order to know the existence and the identity of God and Angels in South Korea through me who have met or been with God and Angels in South Korea since childhood and through mind-reading power of God and Angels at some place in the afternoon of 16th of August of Year 2001.

The trial in the afternoon of 16th of August of Year 2001 was communicated between I and the unknown peoples in the middle of Year 1986 when there happened a communication between I and the world of God and Angels. But, I do not know the concerned peoples, because it happened in the army, and also the purpose of mind-reading power of God and Angels is not to know someone's personal information, even though mind-reading power of God and Angels can know mankind's personal information in a way of mankind way.

There can be a chance in the case of article.

Of course, the person of the following article might not be the person who thought the following contents in the afternoon of 16th of August of Year 2001. The person of the following article and the person who thought about it may be different person.

Of course, the contents of the following article might happen long time ago already.

Therefore there would not any misunderstanding about it!

Even though mankind's thought and knowledge and emotion would disappear, when mankind's physical body die, it cannot be the anti-proof for the world of souls of mankind or for the punishment in the world of souls of mankind according to each one's activity in this physical world. The world of souls of mankind is related to soul who has not physical body. There might be communication between mankind's soul and mankind's physical body, whenever there is any kind of thought and action from mankind's physical body. It can be guessed by considering each one's own activity, even though all the mankind cannot meet God and Angels, as Moses or Christ Jesus could meet God and Angels.

Contribution, Sales right for 4 countries, Traveling Expenses for 10 Years,  More than 10 books, and so on, which had been mentioned for my current writings since Year 2004 in Year 1968-70, are not for game nor competition nor power game nor proxy nor the number of believers but for me and my books and my movies and my proof activities by the power of God and Angels. Even though my current writings are related to religion and The Bible and also I have attended certain church in Seoul City during 15 years, it is same and no one has right to say about it against what I would have to do. Even the church does not have any right to say about it against what I would have to do.  Even though  Contribution, Sales right for 4 countries, Traveling Expenses for 10 Years,  More than 10 books, and so on, which had been mentioned for my current writings since Year 2004 in Year 1968-70, were a kind of plan in order to prepare for future, the situation is same.

My opinion and church's opinion on my current writings will be different from each other, even though the contents of my current writings are true and can be proved in a way of mankind. My opinion and church's opinion on the contents of The Bible will be different from each other, even though I believe in the contents of The Bible as true and I believe in what Christ Jesus said as true. I have never hindered any activity of churches which have tried to say about the contents of The Bible and what Christ Jesus said since Year 1965-76, even though I said; 1) To say lie is not good, even though it is related to The Bible. 2) There seems to be a lie in the words of adults about Christ Jesus, even though adults tries to say about Christ Jesus based on the contents of The Bible. 3) It is better to live one's life without committing  sins and crimes by one's own conscience, even though one's life is not based on knowledge on The Bible, than to live one's life by committing sins and crimes due to wrong knowledge about The Bible, even though one's life is based on religious life and knowledge on The Bible. 4) Confucianism and Taoism and Buddhism and even Shamanism try to say good deed and good thing,,,and the persons in Confucianism and Taoism and Buddhism happen to meet God and Angels in the sky during one's life or during one's religious meditation or during one's religious asceticism, esp on the mountain, and happen to know about the existence of the world of God and Angels or the existence of the world of souls of mankind after the death of mankind's physical body, but the activity and contents of Confucianism and Taoism and Buddhism  are not directly related to proving the existence of the world of God and Angels based on what has happened to or through mankind by the power of the world of God and Angels.

Of course, there can be no communication between prayer and the world of God and Angels during one's prayer to God and Angels based on what The Bible says, even though The Bible tells about the existence of the world of God and Angels based on what has happened to or through mankind, esp. prophets, by the power of the world of God and Angels.

My current writings have been written since Year 2004, as it was mentioned in Year 1965-76, esp. 1968-70, in the middle of Year1986, and in the middle of Year 2001. There has been any anti-activity from me which is against my current writings since Year 2004, because it would be written based on not my religious career but what has happened from God and Angels by the help of power of God and Angels, as it was mentioned  in Year 1965-76, esp. 1968-70, in the middle of Year1986, and in the middle of Year 2001. My life from Year 1970 to right now was mentioned in Year 1965-76 including my future university and my writings by 3 quadrangles, such as monitor and keyboard and main board box, and cable and so on.

My current writings should be published into books and be produced into movies and so on during my life, esp, from Year 2005, regardless of the social situations around me, and the reason can be guessed from what Christ Jesus had said. So, there would be no barriers in the name of help or in the name of planning or in the name of church or in the name of someone related to The Bible.

Furthermore, I have never received any contribution to prepare for my current writings and for its books and movies from any organization since Year 1970 or since the middle of Year 1986 or since the afternoon of August 16 of  Year 2001. If someone has paid 25,000 million Kwon since the middle of Year 1986 or 250,000 million Kwon since the afternoon of August 16 of  Year 2001 to me in certain way, the organization had better check its usage.

The information that I would go to Africa or America or Europe or other foreign country since Year 2005 due to heavenly mission is not correct one.

I could see Africa or America or Europe or etc in South Korea by the help of God and Angels, while God and Angels had tried to say about God and Angels through me in many ways by the power of God and Angels.

Also, peoples had tried to know about the correct identity or the correct religion of God and Angels, who had appeared to me since my birth in the latter of Year 1965, through me in many ways, even though the problem happened based on wrong knowledge about mankind's religions and the world of God and Angels.

There was a word from me from God and Angels that I would be in the status of lapse of memory about my relation with God and Angels from Year 1977 to each time since Year 2005 when I would write about the existence and the identity of God and Angels based on what has happened from the power of God and Angels since Year 1965.

There was a word from me from God and Angels that I would write about the existence and the identity of God and Angels since Year 2005 with the help of God and Angels based on what has happened from the power of God and Angels since Year 1965.

Especially, according to my words, the existential origin of God and Angels in South Korea is similar to God and Angels in The Bible.

So, believable or unbelievable, there has been a rumor that  I would go to Africa or America or Europe or other foreign country since Year 2005 due to heavenly mission is not correct one.

To die in the age of 40th is also rumor which was made from a group of peoples who tried to deny what I said about the world of God and Angels, The Bible, Religion and so on at my childhood.

There was a group of peoples who tried to say 'To Kill Believers In Order To Send Them To Heaven Before one's Committing Sins And Crimes due to social activities' As 'For Believer' or 'For Heaven' or 'For You'.

To commit sins and crimes according to the contents of The Bible is also just to commit sins and crimes due to social reasons, which will be led to hell, even though it is based on the phrase of The Bible, such as Leviticus 20:27, 'If you claim to receive messages from the dead, you will be put to death by stoning, just as you deserve.', or Deuteronomy 18:10-11, 'Don't sacrifice your son or daughter. And don't try to use any kind of magic or witchcraft to tell fortunes z) or to cast spells or to talk with spirits of the dead.', or 1 Samuel 28:3, 'Samuel had died some time earlier, d) and people from all over Israel had attended his funeral in his hometown of Ramah. Meanwhile, Saul had been trying to get rid of everyone who spoke with the spirits of the dead.'

Some contents of The Bible was directly said to prophet from God and Angels, while God and Angels had tried to say about God and Angels by the power of God and Angels and by the relation between prophet and God and Angels, especially when God and Angels had tried to build a kind of society with selected peoples to prove the existence of God and Angels through Moses and Prophets. It cannot be used to harm mankind or to destroy mankind's social life in the name of God and Angels or in the name of The Bible or in the name of Christ Jesus in these days. It was same to normal peoples in the days of The Bible.

The above contents are not the translation of the following contents, 위의 내용은 아래의 내용에 대한 번역이 아닙니다.

드디어 목조 건축을 완공을 하셨네요. 저의 육체활동이 목조 건축과 같은 육체노동이 가능하면 저도 틈나는 대로 제 고향을 방문하여 제 고향에 목조 건축의 별장을 지었을 것입니다.

2004년도 후반부터 제가 작성 중에 있는 글이 실려 있는 http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/을 읽어 보면 가끔 영어로 작성된 글도 있습니다. 이미 몇 년 전부터 영어로 작성된 글이 이메일로 해외로 발송되었지만 http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/에 몇 편의 글은 영어로 작성되어 실려 있습니다.

그러나 13년 만의 10층의 목조의 집의 완공으로서 제가 출판도 되지 못한 그리도 아무도 몰랐던. how can it happen?, 또는 아무도 관심이 없는 글을 몇 년 동안 작성한 것과 비교 경쟁하여 시간의 가치를 논하고 전도의 사명의 가치를 논하고 특히 마태복음 6장 33절(눅 11:34-36; 12:22-34; 16:13)이나 28장 16-20절(막 16:14-18; 눅 24:36-49; 요 20:19-23; 행 1:6-8)이나 마태복음 16장 18절(막 8:27-30; 눅 9:18-21)과 같은 사명을 논하거나 고린도전서 12장, 특히 28절, 및 골로새서 1장 24-29절의 사명을 논하면 성경(The Bible)의 내용을 근본적으로 잘못 이해하고 있는 것일 것이고 제가 글을 작성하게 된 배경 및 그 과정도 근본적으로 잘못 이해하고 있는 것일 것입니다.

물론, 제가 어릴 때부터 하늘의 하나님과 천사님들의 교통과 동행을 말하고 그 결과로서 및 하늘의 하나님과 천사님들의 능력의 도움에 의한 2005년부터의 글의 작성을 말을 하면서도 어릴 때부터의 노방 전도와 신학교 등을 통한 사명의 길을 가지 못하고 보통의 사람처럼 약 40세의 나이까지 초, 중, 고, 대학교를 다니고 국방의 의무를 행하고 사회경제활동을 한 배경에 대해서 근본적으로 잘못 이해하고 있는 것일 것입니다.

물론 1977년경부터 약 30년 동안은 1965-76년도 사이의 어릴 때 및 1977년경부터 약 30년 동안의 하늘의 하나님과 천사님들의 교통과 동행 및 능력의 발생에 대해서도 하나님과 천사님들로부터의 관계로 생각하지 못하고 망각하고 있거나 초자연 상태에 있게 된 배경에 대해서 근본적으로 잘못 이해하고 있는 것일 것입니다.

제 경우에 마태복음 18장 15절의 죄는 누구에게 적용될 것이고 마태복음 18장 15-20절은 누가 누구에게 할 말일까요?

지금의 제 글 자체는 신(Spirit)의 세계로부터의 교통과 동행 및 그 능력에 관한 것이고 제 글에서 말하고 있는 현상에는 신(Spirit)의 세계로부터의 교통과 동행 및 그 능력이 발생하여 신(Spirit)의 세계에서 그 사실을 신(Spirit)의 세계의 방식으로 인지하고 있는 경우가 되는 것이니 그 후손이나 후학의 경우라도 제 글의 내용이 참조가 되어  신(Spirit)의 세계로부터의 교통과 동행 및 그 능력의 발생에 관한 일로 인하여 제가 지금껏 만난 그러나 제 말을 반증한 사람들을 위한 회개와 기도로 이어질 수 있기를 바랍니다.

신(Spirit)의 세계로부터 현몽, 환영, 투시, 심령관찰, 빙의, 사람에게 임하는 것, 자연의 변화, 질병 치료, 신체상태의 변화, 물질의 순간이동 등과 같이 기적이 발생하고 있어도 신(Spirit) 및 그 능력 자체는 사람에게 직접 인지 되지 않으니 제가 신(Spirit)의 세계로부터의 교통과 동행 및 기적에 대해서 말을 하는 것은 여러 가지 이유로 믿지도 못하겠지만 제가 2005년도 무렵부터 저의 어릴 때부터의 신(Spirit)의 세계로부터의 교통과 동행에 대한 것을 글로서 또는 제가 어릴 때 말을 한 것을 글로서 작성하고 있는 것은 실제 현실이고 사람의 행위를 통해서 발생하고 있는 물질의 현실이고 1965-76년도 및 그 이후와 2005년도부터 10년이라는 서로 다른 시기의 그 두 사실은 사람의 방법으로 확인될 수 있는 것입니다. 사람에게는 그것도 중요할 것입니다.

지금 현재 제가 글로서 작성하여 말을 하고 있는 것 중에는 하늘의 하나님과 천사님들의 능력의 도움만으로 작성할 수 있는 것이 있고 사람의 능력에 대한 비유적인 표현이 아니고 전도의 목적의 비유적인 표현이 아니고 실제 사실로서 그렇고 사람의 방식으로 확인할 수 있는 것도 있습니다. 그러나 사람의 방식으로 확인할 수 있는 것이란 말이 일방적인 과학실험을 말하는 것도 아니고 현미경을 말하는 것도 아니고 망원경을 말하는 것도 아닙니다.

참고) 마태복음 18장 15-20절; 용서하라(눅 17:3)

15    네 형제가 4)죄를 범하거든 가서 너와 그 사람과만 상대하여 권고하라 만일 들으면 네가 네 형제를 얻은 것이요 어떤 사본에, 네게 죄를

16    만일 듣지 않거든 한 두 사람을 데리고 가서 두 세 증인의 입으로 말마다 증참케 하라

17    만일 그들의 말도 듣지 않거든 교회에 말하고 교회의 말도 듣지 않거든 이방인과 세리와 같이 여기라

18    진실로 너희에게 이르노니 무엇이든지 너희가 땅에서 매면 하늘에서도 매일 것이요 무엇이든지 땅에서 풀면 하늘에서도 풀리리라

19    진실로 다시 너희에게 이르노니 너희 중에 두 사람이 땅에서 합심하여 무엇이든지 구하면 하늘에 계신 내 아버지께서 저희를 위하여 이루게 하시리라

20    두 세 사람이 내 이름으로 모인 곳에는 나도 그들 중에 있느니라

15    If one of my followers m) sins against you, go and point out what was wrong. But do it in private, just between the two of you. If that person listens, you have won back a follower. followers: The Greek text has "brother," which is used here and elsewhere in this chapter to refer to a follower of Christ.

16    But if that one refuses to listen, take along one or two others. The Scriptures teach that every complaint must be proven true by two or more witnesses.

17    If the follower refuses to listen to them, report the matter to the church. Anyone who refuses to listen to the church must be treated like an unbeliever or a tax collector. n) tax collector: See the note at 5.46.

18    I promise you that God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth, but he will not allow anything you don't allow.

19    I promise that when any two of you on earth agree about something you are praying for, my Father in heaven will do it for you.

20    Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, o) I am there with you. in my name: Or "as my followers."

2012. 4. 2.