영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다

오로라공주, Who has the story? Who change the story? How can the story be proved?

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 1. 2. 16:26























오로라 공주, Princess Aurora,

Who would try to write down what was said from me from the viewpoint of research about child, child's cognition, child's growth, mankind's communication with God and Angels, the existence and identity of God and Angels,,,?

Who would try to talk about man's memory capacity with Students of Seoul National University in Year 1965-76?

Who communicated with someone in newspaper company in USA in Year 1965-76 about a child's communication with God and Angels in South Korea and the child's writing about what he would know about God and Angels by his own communication with God and Angels himself during one's growth up to age 40th?

Who communicated with someone in Intelligent Agency in USA  in Year 1965-76 about a child's communication with God and Angels in South Korea and the child's writing about what he would know about God and Angels by his own communication with God and Angels by himself during one's growth up to age 40th?

Looking for the concerned persons who were age of 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th in Year 1965-76 who happened to communicate with me in order to help me or as a result of someone's request or in order to know about religion, the world of God and Angels, the world of souls after mankind's physical body's death, belief and so on.

Looking for the concerned persons who have known these issues of Year 1965-76 in South Korea; Mankind's memory, mankind's memory and the help of power of Holy Spirits(=God and Angels), 5~6 years' writing since Year 2005 about what has happened through or to me by the power of God and Angels since my birth with help of power of God and Angels for my memory capacity after 30~40 years' lapse of memory about my communication with God and Angels since my birth including 30~40 years' lapse of memory about what has happened through me by the power of God and Angels during 30~40 years' lapse, research on a child's cognition, growth and education during one's growth since birth by using a child's communication with God and Angels since my birth and a child's writing in the future,

Looking for the concerned persons or the organization that had a plan to change the concerned person or to change my religious role or to change the writer of my current writing or to change the concerned qualified person of contribution money for my current writing or to change my political role or to change the concerned qualified person of contribution money for my political activity due to the game to know knowledge about child's cognition, growth and education or to proof activity about the existence and identity of God and Angels and so on?

If I can know only this facts during my writings but I cannot know the person's personal, social, information, is it true or false from the viewpoint of mankind's science about memory capacity?

오로라 공주, Princess Aurora,

The following is not related to the movie itself, but the similar places or the similar scenes are mentioned in order to prove what had happened through me during Year 1965-76, especially by the power of Holy Spirits(God and Angels).


Who has the pictures of several scenes which are similar to this movie, 오로라 공주, Princess Aurora?

What words were said from me in the similar places and scenes in Year 1965-76 to the above places and scenes in movie?

Who were with me in the similar places and scenes during Year 1965-76 to the above places and scenes in Year 1965-76 and who has information about this right now?

Who were the man in taxi who tried to kidnap a child due to money or in order to know knowledge about child's cognition, growth and education or in order to prove the existence and identity of God and Angels and so on?


What was said from me in the inside of taxi by chewing Gum to Taxi-driver?

Who were with the lady who tried to say something negative next to show windows?


What was the telephone number for emergency call, especially which is related to Foreign Embassy, from all over the world? How I could forget it? Who misused the number? Who was the person in elementary school, which can be seen in some movie, who would know my contact point or my contact number at my childhood? Who was the person who tried to tell flase imformation about me at that elementary school school, which can be seen in some movie?


Who is the organization which has tried to put actor's dress on me in other one's name by misusing the situation that I would happen to meet movie-concerned peoples or I would happen to appear in movie-concerned places during my trip at my childhood and since then due to the reason to tell the existence and identity of God and Angels by the performance of power of God and Angels? I could not travel with the peoples of  Year 1965-76  whom I could appear in and meet with in the similar places which can be seen in the movies, 'Always - Sunset on the 3rd street' and so on, in order to tell the existence and identity of God and Angels by the performance of power of God and Angels. That was one of things to be prepared for me  in order to help my heavenly missionary works without any political national problem between two nations through some Japanese from a Madam in Europe after I could appear in several European places, which can be seen in the movies, several times by the way of God and Angels by the performance of power of God and Angels. I could not travel with them whom I met in movie-concerned places, because my physical body was weak and I could not walk around so much and also there were so many Gossips. and also because what had happened through me by the performance of power of God and Angels could be regarded just as one abnormal event or one mysterious phenomena or something invisible inaudible intangible which could not be produced in a way of movie without any importance for it from the viewpoint of religion and this world which cannot be created by mankind and the existence of God and Angels, even though there had been many performances of power of God and Angels due to their open mind toward world and belief toward God and Angels compared to the performances of power of God and Angels in other areas. So, missionary works by The Bible or mankind's way seemed to be more suitable  for them. So, another tall boy of my age could travel with them with other religion.

Who were with the lady who tried to talk about the truth about me?

Who were with the man who talked about twisted information about me and my activity due to the game related to knowledge about child's cognition, growth and education or to proof activity about the existence and identity of God and Angels and so on?

The Film Scenario

2012. 1. 14.