영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다

배드 캅, 1992, Bad Lieutenant,

정희득이본명이자가명 2011. 8. 13. 00:21



배드 캅, 1992, Bad Lieutenant,



The following is not to talk about the movie itself, but it is to talk about some issues in the movie, and the issues are very important issues in our life and we can talk about the issues based on the contents of The Bible which was written in our language and which contains our physical activities, but it is just my opinion as one human being who has written about the existence of God and Angels based on what has happened from God and Angels in South Korea, and about the existential origin of God and Angels who have appeared to human being in South Korea, and about the similarity of God and Angels in South Korea and God and Angels in The Bible, and so on. It was said through me by the power of God and Angels at my childhood of Year 1965-76 in South Korea and other forein areas where I could appear in and disappear from by the power of God and Angels.


There are many serious things in this movie. There might be some one who wanted to say something about this world and belief?


The following issue can be communicated in a linguistic expression and proved in a mankinds way. Therefore to test the truth of the following issues or the truth of The Bible or the truth of the contents of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ by ones own se-up to check miracle can be led to fraud and mankinds crime among mankind.


To talk to Christ Jesus is impossible since the revived dead body of Christ Jesus went up to sky. Why?


The revived dead body of Christ Jesus was disappeared by the power of Angel, when The Angel, who dwelled in the physical body of Christ Jesus, went back to the original existence of Angel after the death of physical body of Christ Jesus. If someone happens talk to some invisible inaudible intangible Existence in the world of God and Angels since era of The Bible, it cannot be Christ Jesus nor Saint Mary nor Moses but it is God or Angel,


But, when God an Angels appear to mankind since The Story of The Bible, God an Angels can appear in the image of Christ Jesus or Saint Mary to the concerned person according to mind-reading of Angel on the thought of the concerned person or like the image of prophets in Mark 9:4 of The Bible. The phrase 17 of Chapter 6 of Galatians is related to the performance of power of Angels, who had been with Christ Jesus, instead of the revived dead body of Christ Jesus who went up to the sky and disappeared by the power of Angels, who had been with Christ Jesus.


To regard Christ Jesus as God himself since the disappearance of revived physical body of Christ Jesus is not good for sound religious life, even though it is not directly related to going to Heaven or Hell.


Going to Heaven or Hell is related to each one's activity in this world, and to know or to believe in Christ Jesus should be led to know God and Angels and to keep 10 Commandments through Moses from God and Angels. What Christ Jesus had said about eternal life of mankind and what Moses had said about eternal life of mankind is same, which can be seen in the 16-30 of Matthew 19 an in the 17-31 of Mark 10 and 18-30 of Luke 18 and in the 8-10 of Romans 13,,, 


The reason that the name of Christ Jesus or to believe in Christ Jesus frequently happened to be led to the performance of miracle by the power of God and Angels was caused by the fact that God and Angels had tried to tell about this world and God and Angels through Christ Jesus regardless of the pregnancy of Christ Jesus by the power of God and Angels as a realization of prophecy of God and Angels. However, the name of Christ Jesus or to believe in Christ Jesus seemed to have a kind of power from the viewpoint of 5 senses of mankind, because God and Angels were existentially  invisible, inaudible, intangible, above-physical-material.


But, right now, the name of Christ Jesus or to believe in Christ Jesus cannot be easily led to the the performance of miracle by the power of God and Angels, even though the dead body of Christ Jesus revived and went up to sky for disappearing and the soul of Christ Jesus is in the Heaven. If it has happened through someone sometimes, only it can be caused by the fact that someone has believed in the existence of God and Angels through the name of Christ Jesus or the proof of Christ Jesus. However, it is not related to the power of Christ Jesus but to the power of Angels, especially Angels who had been with Christ Jesus, as the Angels who had been with Moses and Elijah had been with Christ Jesus above time, which can be seen in the 4 of Mark 9.  


If mankind, especially some Asian Peoples in Religion, misunderstands the meaning of some contents of The Bible, such as phrase 1-18 of Chapter 1 of John, phrase 1-6-24 of Chapter 14 of John, phrase 6-11 of Chapter 1 of Acts, phrase 7-9 of Chapter 14 of Romans, phrase 6-10 of Chapter 1 of Galatians, phrase 1-7 of Chapter 4 of Galatians, phrase 17 of Chapter 6 of Galatians, phrase 6-11 of Chapter 2 of Philippians, phrase 28-31 of Chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 9-16 of Corinthians, phrase 24-25 of Chapter 1 of Colossians, Chapter 1-3 of Colossians, phrase 6-8 of Chapter 2 of Philippians, Chapter 1-5 of 1 John, and so on, by sticking to the logical theory about The Bible and to religious theory of Asian Religion, Christ Jesus can be regarded as God himself. But, it could be applied, when the physical body of Christ Jesus lived with other peoples, because Angel had dwelled in the physical body of Christ Jesus after appearing in the image of Dove to the eyes of Baptist John.  


To call Christ Jesus as Lord since the disappearance of physical body of Christ Jesus is not good for sound religious life, even though it is not directly related to going to Heaven or Hell. It could be applied, when the physical body of Christ Jesus lived with other peoples, because Angel had dwelled in the physical body of Christ Jesus after appearing in the image of Dove to the eyes of Baptist John. Of course, there was also that kind of expression among mankind in the days when Christ Jesus lived with his physical body.


All the affairs of mankind in The Bible are not right, even though they are in The Bible. Why? If we talk about it in a way of mutual communication with mankind's verbal language regardless of religious position and status, we can know it, because mankind was created by God and Angels and we have wisdom, knowledge, rationality and conscience. 


If we regard Christ Jesus as God, or if we call Christ Jesus as Lord, it might be caused by the fact that Angel(Holy Spirit) dwelled in the physical body of Christ Jesus and it should be led to believe in the existence of God and Angels and also the words of God and Angels instead of believing in Christ Jesus especially in these days. The 10 Commandments through Moses from God and Angels is same with what Christ Jesus tried to say for eternal life of soul of mankind


To forgive the criminals sins is the sisters mind, and the sister might not sue the criminals for force. However, the sister had better tell it to police in case of The Movie. Why? But, the police had not better ask about crime and criminal from the priest who has to listen to believer's confession. Why? But, if the crime happens to harm other ones life and property and job among peoples in the area of religion, to investigate and arrest the criminals according to National Law is the duty of national law, because it is physical force and social force and violation against National Law. We should not forget Cains killing Abel, who both had met God and Angels. We should not forget Rebekahs plot and Issacs blessing to Jacob. Issac, Rebekah, Essu, and Jacob had known God and Angels through one's direct experiences. We should not forget 12 times betrayal of King Pharaoh who experienced the disasters through Moses from God and Angels. We should not forget Judas change of mind regardless of dwelling of Satan(Spirit) into him. We should not forget the plot of high priests and the eldest believers to kill Christ Jesus.


Especially, We Should Not Forget That God and Angels Had Not Tried To Change The Mind Of The Mentioned Peoples In The Way of God and Angels or In The Power Of God and Angels, even though there had been many abnormal issues in The Bible. The abnormal issues in The Bible had happened as a result of abnormal negative responses from mankind toward the appearance of God and Angels and the missionary works of God and Angels for mankind. Why? We should not forget that this world was created and each creature has ones own life or will or thought or activity or response.


What is the reason of death of Bad Cop?


I do not know the real reason in the Movie. But, it cannot be any anti-proof for the truth of what I have said about God and Angels since Year 1965-70 nor for the truth of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/.


Cop does not have right to steal other ones money. If personal efforts or activities or possessions are exposed to power and dignity and force, all the activities of nation are in risk. If other ones money is the result of robbery or stealing, it should be back to the owner instead of Cops misusage. If other one's money is the misusage of anther one's contribution as a result of competition or social influence or social value or religious reason, it should be back to the owner instead of Cops misusage. There is the purpose of contribution and it cannot be used by anyone else except for the concerned. The use of contribution is similar to the use of deposit in bank. The deposit in bank can be used only by the depositor.


To deny the truth of the contents of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ as a result of set-up to check miracle can be a kind of fraudulent activity. Why?


What is the reason of crime of two young peoples?


I do not know the real reason in the Movie. But, it cannot be any anti-proof for the truth of what I have said about God and Angels since Year 1965-70 nor for the truth of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/.


If the reason of crime is based on the phrase of The Bible or on the religious theory of The Bible, such as created existence and offspring or training for missionary works by abandoning all the social issues as human being or etc, is it believable?


If the misuse of other one's religious contribution or other one's political contribution  is based on the phrase of The Bible or on the religious theory of The Bible, such as  phrase 28-31 of Chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians, phrase 24-25 of Chapter 1 of Colossians or etc, is it believable?



Green Credit Card,


I have never received any credit card which is supported by anyone or by any group during my life, even though there were many bad rumors for it.


I have never received any company's credit card which is supported by anyone or by any group during my life, even though there were many bad rumors for it.


It was my credit card which was used to visit many places in domestic places of South Korea during Year 2005-2007 for a kind of treasure hunt as a result of mind-reading power of God and Angels which was on the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001. To believe it or not is dependent upon each one, because the existential origin of God and Angels is invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material, and because we cannot have any direct influence on the world of God and Angels in our own way, such as prayer and life and mission and so on. But, to deny the truth of it based on each one's religious position and knowledge can be led to a kind of co-operation for fraud. The truth of it can be discussed in the mutual communication and based on the contents of The Bible, because there have been the concerned visible physical activities of mankind and the concerned phenomena have been written in our language.


I have not received any money as contribution and help from any concerned person or organization. Regardless of the truth of contribution, 8,000 million won as mentioned contribution in Year 1968-70 will be 8 trillion won n Year 2010, or 100,000 million won in Year 1968-70 as mentioned sales right will be 100 trillion won in Year 2010.


I have not received any land as contribution and help from any concerned person or organization. Regardless of the truth of contribution, 100 Million Pyung as mentioned contribution is same regardless of the located area in South Korea.


I have not received any house of 3 stories as contribution and help from any concerned person or organization. It is by someone's personal favor.


If there is anyone who has used money to realize what I would do in the political area into national policies, especially in the name of proxy, he/she might misunderstand the concerned political situation.


If there is anyone who has used money to realize what I have written about God and Angels or The Bible or Belief into Preaching or Book-publishing or Movie-producing, he/she might misunderstand the concerned religious situation.


If there is anyone who has tried to deny the truth of the contents of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ in the reason of someone's education or someone's planning or someone's presence in the area or the promised communication method between I and God and Angels in order to tell that there is a person who really wants to have belief(we do not know the result regardless of the promised communication method between I and God and Angels), he/she might misunderstand the concerned religious situation.


When we think about the miracle of Mark 5 of The Bible, who has the copyright about miracle? The bleeding lady who cought the clothes of Christ Jesus or Christ Jesus or someone who wrote about it or Angels who were with Christ Jesus?


The bleeding should thank for it, and she might pay some contribution, if she has money. The miracle had happened to the person who had believed in the existence of God and Angels and also God and Angles are with Christ Jesus and Christ Jesus' words about it, and there is not fixed person for miracle except for Christ Jesus till the death of physical body of Christ Jesus.


It is not the issue of money or avarice in the missionary works of God and Angels. If God and Angels try to tell about God and Angels through selected person  like a prophet in the way of God and Angels, it should be written  in mankind's language, and it should be published into Books like The Bible, and Books should have economical value according to mankind's economical life, and it can be led to the issue of copyright and so on.


And also we need big money and long time to write about what has happened through selected person like prophet from God and Angels and to publish it into books and to produce it into movies and to build mission center for it, even though it happens in these days. Why?



Prophet-like mission


Right now I have written about the result of what has happened through me from God and Angels since Year 1965. God and angels works to help me to remember and know what has happened through me from God and Angels since Year 1965. Many real situations and phenomena among peoples have been written since Year 2005, and if we try to find out the concerned peoples, we can find out them or we can guess the truth of situations and we can reconstruct the situations.  It is the realization of what had been said through a child around Year 1968-70, and the truth of it can be checked in the way of mankind but it should be with me. Why? And, there has not been any check about it with me. If the check has been conducted without me in the name of objectivity and it has been denied by the reason that there is no person who proves it, it can be fraud.


As there were talks about the life schedule from my childhood, especially from Year 1977, to up to now, such as Schools up to University and National Defense Duty and 10 years as Salaried Man and then writing by the help of power of God and Angels, it is not related to my religious status nor my social status nor my job.


There is not special course nor job for prophet-like mission.


The free situation to meet people personally is better than the set-up situation to meet people organizationally for the performance of power of God and Angels. The invitation of Christ Jesus is not set-up situation for miracle and the invitation of Christ Jesus is not directly related to the performance of miracle by the power of God and Angels. There was not fixed person nor fixed place nor fixed time nor fixed type of miracle nor fixed situation, when there was the performance of miracle through Christ Jesus by the power of God and Angels. Do you know what is the reason that the hometown did not regard Christ Jesus as the Messiah or the selected prophet?


Prophet such as Moses and Christ Jesus has to eat physical material food also in order to live regardless of one's communication with and traveling with the omniscient omnipotent power of God and Angels.


If the omniscient omnipotent power of God and Angels takes care of prophet totally under missionary situation, which seemed to be possible in a period when I was a child, the prophet might live by the power of God and Angels without physical material food. But, it would not be suitable for prophet to conduct social missionary works among peoples.


The Film Scenario


2011. 08. 13, 2011. 8. 18,






배드 캅, 1992, Bad Lieutenant,


요약정보; 범죄, 드라마 | 미국 | 96 분 |


감독; 아벨 페라라


출연; 하비 키이텔 (경찰 역), 빅터 아고 (구타 경찰 역), 폴 칼데론 (경찰 1 역), 레오나르드 L. 토마스 (경찰 2 역), 로빈 버로우스 (아리안 역)



그는 부패한 `형사` 이다. 마약 거래에 관련되어 있고 도박에 손댔다가 갱의 돈을 빌리게 되고 이를 갚지 못해 그들에게 위협까지 받고 있는 신세다. 한마디로 그는 악질 경찰인 셈이다. 가령, 토요일 밤의 열기 속으로 묻어가려던 소녀 둘을 협박하여 자신의 자위행위에 이용하는 악명높은 장면이 단적인 증거이다. 그러던 어느날 그는 어느 성당의 수녀가 윤간당했다는 소식을 듣고 수사에 착수한다. 수녀는 피해자지만, 범인인 소년들을 용서했다고 그에게 말한다. 그러자 그는 그동안 독실한 신앙과 삶의 고결함을 잃고 타락했음을 강하게 느낀다. 또한 어느새 추악하게 변한 자신에게 절망하는 것이다. 마침내 범인인 소년 둘을 잡지만, 그는 의외로 관대하게 대한다. 그런데 그를 쫓는 갱들은 그를 용서하지 않는다.


이영화의 키워드 : 경찰, 형사


제작노트아벨 페라라 감독은 'Bad Lieutenant' 영화로 인간의 여러 가지 내면을 보여주고자 했다. 우선 매일 강간과 살인, 고문을 목격하는 한 경찰이 어떻게 변해가는 지 묘사하고 그런 끔찍한 범죄들이 어떤 식으로 경찰의 죄에 대한 인식을 변화시키는지도 보여주고 싶었다. 페라라 감독은 주인공을 자신의 종교적 도덕적 신념과 인간의 나약함과 유혹 사이에서 갈등하는 인물로 그렸다. 주인공인 악질 경찰은 본래 악한 사람이 아니라 그의 영혼 안에 자리 잡고 있는 선과 악 사이에서 갈등하는 인물이다.


하비 케이텔은 대본을 처음 받고 반쯤 읽다가 덮었다. 그는 주인공을 맡고 싶었지만 이 영화는 아닌 것 같았다. 하지만 그는 마음을 바꿔 대본을 끝까지 읽었고 주인공이 변해가는 모습과 영화의 강력한 메시지를 읽고서 깊은 감명을 받았다. 케이텔은 다른 영화 출연으로 스케줄이 빠듯했으나 'Bad Lieutenant'에 출연하기로 결정했다. 그 주인공을 맡게 되면 배우가 아니라 한 인간으로서 겪는 삶의 고뇌에 대한 해답도 찾을 수 있을 것만 같았다. 특히 선과 악을 깊이 있게 다루는 영화에 출연할 수 있게 돼서 큰 기회라고 생각했다. 영화 촬영이 시작되었지만 제작비는 충분하지 못했다. 결국 영화는 아주 짧은 기간에 저예산으로 완성 되었다. 비록 4주 안에 영화 촬영을 끝마쳐야 했지만 케이텔과 페라라는 대본을 바꾸기도 하고 주인공을 더 절박하고 강렬하게 표현하기 위해 즉석에서 내용을 바꾸기도 하였다. 케이텔은 영화를 찍으며 아무리 어려운 장면이라도 한 치의 망설임도 두려움도 없이 촬영에 들어갔다. 배우로서의 이미지가 손상이 갈 수도 있는 수치스러운 장면도 거뜬히 해냈다. 두 소녀를 불러 세워 성희롱하고 자위행위를 해야 하는 장면도 있었지만 그는 전혀 부끄러워하지 않았고 밑바닥 인생의 주인공을 더욱더 노골적으로 생생하게 드러내 주었다. 그는 혼신의 힘을 다하여 놀라운 연기를 보여주었다.


페라라 감독의 'Bad Lieutenant'은 맨하튼과 브롱크스, 뉴저지에서 주로 촬영했으며 영화 속 장면들은 대부분 같은 장소에서 여러 번 촬영된 것이다. 왜냐하면 페라라 감독은 배경인 뉴욕보다 주인공의 내적 심리묘사에 더 치중하고 싶었고 영화 속 악질 경찰의 이야기는 단순히 뉴욕 뿐 아니라 세계 어디에서든 누구에게나 일어날 수 있는 일이라는 것을 강조하고 싶었던 것이다.