영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

Wanted, 사람을 찾습니다, liar, reason for contribution

정희득이본명이자가명 2010. 12. 5. 02:46

Wanted, 사람을 찾습니다, liar, reason for contribution, 2010. 12. 04

If there is any one who had had conversations about the following issues with a small boy below 10 during Year 1965-76, or if there is any one who knows it, and if the person can contact me through internet's blog or email, it will be thankful for me.

One thing to know about the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or The Bible is as follows; even though the peoples, who have had conversations with me and experienced some unknown situations during conversations, are very important for the verification on the truth of my current writings, and even though my current writings can be written only by the help of power of Gad and Angels(Spirit; I AM), which can be checked from the viewpoint of human being's science or knowledge, and even though it is true and can be proved in these days what has happened to or through me by the performance of power of Gad and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965, the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) would not happen in the way to find out the persons and to let me to move to that place by the mind-reading power and the instant spatial movement of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). Why?

Even though 3 types of contribution money and 100,000 million won happened really around Year 1970, and Even though 3 types of contribution money and 100,000 million won are really important in order to publish my books and to produce movies, and there are some organization which can handle in these days in this world, the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) would not happen in the way to find out the persons and to let me to move to that place by the mind-reading power and the instant spatial movement of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). Why?

This can be guessed from the contents of The Bible, if peoples try to understand the activities and lives of Abraham to Apostle John instead of miracle or anti-verification.

This can be guessed from what I have said about what has happened to or through me since Year 1965, especially Year 1965-76, if peoples try to understand and believe in my words instead of creation of this world or creation of money or anti-verification or set-up for one's own belief.

The person,

There was a person who tried to call me a liar, because I had said that there was some living existence in the sky who had come to me and had a conversation with me and showed me several phenomena but the other person could not see it in one's eyes. The phenomena could not be seen in a way of physical material, even though the phenomena could be seen to my me and the phenomena could be understood as some thing true by mutual conversation regardless of set-up or not.

There was a person who tried to say me as a liar due to what I said about what I had been to many foreign places including several eastern western Kingdoms at my childhood as a result of someone's trying to stop my activities in the reason of social power's assistance, because he checked my name was not in the list of passengers in the airport and he did not believe my words about my communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) which are related to the contents of The Bible instead of Asian Religions and he did not believe my words about what had happened to or through me by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) which are related to the contents of The Bible instead of Asian Religions.

What I had been to many foreign places at my childhood was not by plane nor ship nor car. What I had been to many foreign places at my childhood was possible in a way of instant spatial movement by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). It could be possible in a dream or in a vision or in a way to see vision or in a way of instant spatial movement of physical body or in a way of combination of those ways, which could be possible by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).

The detailed things are in my current writings and some of the places can be seen in the movies, as it has been mentioned in my current writings.

The Reason,

What was the reason that I chose 5,000 million won, which is equal to two foreign banks in these days, or a land of 100 million pyung and 1,500 million won, which is equal to on domestic bank in these days, instead of 100 million peoples and 1,500 million won among 3 kinds of contributions for my current writings which can prove the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) who have appeared to me in South Korea since Year 1965 based on what has happened to or through me by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965? Who could handle it?

Who tried to talk about 3 kinds of contributions for my current writings about the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) who have appeared to me in South Korea since Year 1965?

Who tried to talk about a sales right of 100,000 million won for my current writings at my childhood which could have proved the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) who have appeared in South Korea since Year 1965 based on what has happened to or through me by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965?

Who can handle it? Who promised to handle it? Which organization can handle it? How many lawful organization have been involved into misusing those kinds of money?

Regardless of the truth of the contribution on my current writings,

There is copy right, movie production more than 10 movies, and other possible businesses for my current writings, if there is money to invest and if my current writings are true.

As brief words to prevent fraud due to misunderstanding on the world of God and Angels(Spirit) or the contents of religious books, such as The Bible or Koran or the Books of Confucianism or the Books of Taoism or the Books of Buddhism or Shaman

I have never received any contribution for my current writings, books, movies and political activities.

I have never published books nor produced movie up to now. My other peoples happen to publish books and produce movies in the name of competition in the reason that my current writings are related to the area of religion and to the contents of The Bible where many professors and priests and monks and other religious positions are.

I have never tried political activities including presidential election which had been scheduled from my Age 40th to my Age 60th. Many other peoples have had a change for it in the name of proxy or competition.

Since the middle of Year 1886 and August 16 of Year 2001, there was some one who thought that some one would try to change the period of my political activities from Age 40th through Age 60th to 'Up To Age 40th'. Since the middle of Year 1886 and August 16 of Year 2001, there was some one who thought that some one would try to change my hair color from black to white by human being's scientific knowledge in order to let me to be seen as Age 60th in around Year 2010, My Age 45, as there was a rumor that there was a change of my hair color at my childhood.

The two issues about my life, religion and politics, are totally independent issue, and the concerned money is also totally independent issue. The 3 types of contribution money and sales right of 100,000 million won is related to book-publishing as a result of prophet-like proof activity with the performance of power of God or Angels(Spirit; I AM). More than 10 movies are also related to the  result of prophet-like proof activity with  the performance of power of God or Angels(Spirit; I AM).

Anything related to political activity is not related to the issue related to prophet-like proof activity with  the performance of power of God or Angels(Spirit; I AM). There was someone who would try to divert some of contribution money for my current books for political activities at my childhood, because they thought that it would be almost impossible for me to write about the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in South Korea during 5-60 years from around my age 40th, during 5-60 years from Year 2004. But, if the diversion happened, it should be dealt with the guarantee of Government and Bank or Trust Company, and also if I would write about the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in South Korea during 5-60 years from around my age 40th, during 5-60 years from Year 2004, the diverted money should be returned with the reflection of money price. Right now, I have written about the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in South Korea during 5-60 years from around my age 40th, during 5-60 years from Year 2004, as it was mentioned at my childhood of Year 1965-76 and in the middle of Year 1986 and in the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001.

There will be no price for 5 Credit Cards which can be published to any customer of bank or Credit Card Company.

Of course, I had paid the concerned expenses for 5 Credit Cards which had been used for finding out the concerned proofs as a result of mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) which had happened through me by the appearance of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) on the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001. If there is some one who talks about price in order to arouse some one to harm other one, it would be illegal crime of national law.

Most of the products, which I had bought by using 5 Credit Cards during Year 2005 - Year 2007, would be related to the result of mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) which had happened through me by the appearance of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) on the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001.

If there is some one who can say about anti-verification about this content including the contents of my current writings, some one can come to my opening conversation place to have a conversation for it instead of wrong information in the reason of family and religious community. It is very important issue, because it is related to the identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). But, we do not need to worry about the welfare of the souls of ancestors, because all the religions and mankind's lessons have talked about good thought and good deed and mutual respect, and because also to know anything in this world or not is not directly related to the welfare of the souls of mankind. The more detailed thing is my blogs and will be discussed.

Also, if there are some ones who paid contribution and money to some one, especially public service or politician or priest or any other one, in the reason of realization or proxy for my political religious activities and policies, or in the reason of book-publishing or movie-producing of for my political religious activities and policies, it would be caused by a kind of misunderstanding on it. So, it would be good to recover it.

Any contribution and sales right should be paid to me directly instead of proxy and indirect way in the reason of imitation mankind and prophet and God or Angels(Spirit; I AM) or by misusing the contents of The Bible, if there is some social reason by domestic international reason.

The Film Scenario

2010. 11. 17.


팩스; 1515-010-4641-4261(KT 전화선에서만 발송됨)

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/와 즐겨 찾기의 블로그 1, 2, 3의 블로그들

http://q.freechal.com/hdjpia99의 동영상의 신앙, 종교와 선행 지식, (사진은 2-30대의 모습이고 제 동영상에는 오늘날의 제 모습이 있습니다.)

블로그에 있는 글은 컴퓨터로 작성되어 필체 구분이 어렵지만 저작권이 있는 글이고 저작자에 대한 확인은 제가 동석한 상황에서의 검증 행위나 또는 법원에서의 분쟁에서도 구분이 가능한 것으로서 불법의 상품화는 위법에 해당이 되니 주지할 사실이며 그러나 서점에서 책을 사서 읽어 보고 도서관에서 책을 대여해서 보듯이 그렇게 정보를 얻는 것에는 유익할 것이고 사람이 동서고금의 어디에서 무슨 일을 하며 세상을 살아가던 인생을 살아가는데 있어서 가장 중요한 지식과 정보를 얻는 것에는 유익할 것이며 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)의 실존, 성경(The Bible)의 내용의 사실성, 신(Spirit) 들린 현상, 귀신(Ghost; Spirit)에 홀린 현상, 빙의 등의 실체를 궁금해 하는 이웃과 동료에게 말을 전하는 것도 사람으로서의 행위 및 도리에 속할 것입니다.

심령관찰, 텔레파시, 환청, 천리이, 천리안 등은 사람이 사람의 생각이나 의지대로 마음대로 발휘될 수 있는 것이 아니고 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)가 존재하고 있고 사람과 통하는 중에 있고 사람을 통해서 기적을 나타내고 있는 중에도 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM) 자체가 사람에게 보이지 않으니 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)에서 노아, 롯, 아브라함, 모세, 예수 등의 사람을 통해서 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)에 대한 말을 하기 위한 행위가 그렇게 나타나는 것이고 사람과의 관계에서 발생할 수도 있으니 확인도 가능한데 문제는 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)에 관한 것이 물질로 존재하지 않고 물질의 과학으로 검증이 어렵고 앞에서 말한 것처럼 사람의 실험과 검증 상황이라고 발생하는 것이 아니란 것이고 특히 제 경우에는 저와 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)와의 약속된 의사 소통의 방법 및 그런 것이 가능하게 하는 기계가 있어도 마찬가지입니다. 그러니 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)와의 교통과 동행의 결과에 의한 증거란 말에 대한 시비 및 정치활동에 대한 시비로서 사람을 상대로 직접적인 대화나 의사소통 없이 텔레파시, 상황 재연 등을 통해서 말하는 것은 다수의 사람들이 사람을 괴롭히고 시간이 지나면 사기 및 사회 경제 활동의 방해가 될 수 있는 행위에 불과할 것입니다. 오늘날 처음 만난 사람이 서로에 대해서 모르니 다른 사람의 말에 의한 정보로만, 즉 Mr L의 거짓말에 근거해서만, 저를 판단하고 이런저런 공격적인 행위를 하는 것은 서로의 이미지만 추락하고 사회 경제 활동의 방해가 될 수 있는 행위에 불과할 것입니다.