편지(Letter)와 사명

Wanted, 사람을 찾습니다. English Diary.

정희득이본명이자가명 2010. 11. 29. 18:07

Wanted, 사람을 찾습니다. English Diary.

Good Days for this week.

If there is some one who denies the truth of my current writings about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and my communications with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and the existential identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and so on based on each one's own method or each one's understanding on the contents of The Bible, such as to complete one of national policies related to this Government or to solve one case of criminals or to change certain student's attitude or to change the betrayer's mind or to find out my helper in some remote hidden place or to find out my fake relatives or to find out my bloody relatives or any test that is made based on misunderstanding on the contents of The Bible, it can be led to lie or false testimony or fraud, which is related to the usage of contribution or sales right or any thing related to book-publishing and movie-producing or political money or etc. If there is some one who denies the truth of my current writings  based on each one's own method or each one's understanding on the contents of The Bible, any one had better solve the twisted issues and anyone had better come to my open conversation places to talk about it.

I am looking for the concerned persons who would be related to me or what to do in these days of Year 2005 through Year 2010 or Year 2015 from the viewpoint of religion or book-publishing or movie-production or social movement or political activity or life-planning since around Year 1970 or the middle of Year 1986 or August 16 of Year 2001,,,

The reason is that so many rumors have tried to hinder and destroy one's social economical life and it has been to steal one's copyright by network activities based on political religious interestings, as if anyone in this world has had that of power to do that thing. It may have been caused by misunderstanding about what has been said by me and the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or the origin of name of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or the contents of The Bible or the contents of religion or the existential origin of human being or the birth of human being or science and knowledge but its result is to violate national law and one's social activity and human being's relation by network activities based on political religious interestings.

English Diary is one of the concerned issue. The thought about English Diary is the concerned issue, but I do not know anyting related to personal social about it, even though I have talked about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or the relation between The Bible and the identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in South Korea in Asia or my communications with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965-70, and even though I have written about it during recent 5-6years with the help of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), as it was said at my childhood of Year 1965-76, and even though to find out the concerned persons is one of important thing for current proof activities since Year 1965-70. The reason can be explained in my current writings.


some of the concerned peoples have appeared with USB and Fax in the area where I am, as it happened long time ago, as those kinds of activities have repeated up to now since Year 2005, as if there has been a game of money distribution to the person who has found out the concerned persons who were related to knowing the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in August 16 of Year 2001, which was a result of my conversations about it with some unidentified men in the middle of Year 1986, when there was an appearance of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), which was the result of my conversations about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) at my childhood of Year 1965-76. Nobody can have an influence on the movement of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). It is same to Abraham to Apostle John. It is same, even though there is a promised communication method and the machine which can make it between I and God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).

I do not know who they are, but the situation is only related to the thought which was related to the situation of August 16 of Year 2001, when there was a trial to know existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through the mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).

Mind-reading for proof activity by God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in The Bible is to read some one's thought which is related to the mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), especially when God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) happen to appear to the person like a prophet.

Mind-reading for proof activity by God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in The Bible is not related to will power or mental power or physical intellectual spiritual ability of prophet from Abraham to Apostle John.

So, we cannot test the miracles in The Bible in our own way and in our own set-up. God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) appear to a prophet or to the concerned person and then there can be a kind of performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through the concerned person according to situation, as we can see it from Clause 28 of Chapter 5 of Mark in The Bible. It can be guessed by the contents of The Bible. As there have been religious minds of peoples from long time ago, even though to know about it and the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) has been mysterious due to the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).

Many western peoples, who have been related to the assistance of missionary activities in Church, know it, but why have there been lots of tests to find out the person who seems to be related to the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through many kinds of risky tests n the way of human being?

I do not know the purpose of those activities related to USB.

There might be many purposes in the situation by using that I have been involved into proving and writing about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) based on what has happened to/through me since Year 1965 and also I have been alone due to that reason and I do not know the concerned peoples due to the mentioned reasons. Contribution, sales right, book-publishing, movie-producing and so on had been related to my current writings which nobody could not be sure of around Year 1970. It can be applied to any one, if any one can prove or write about some important issue enough to publish book or to produce movie.


one of the purposes was to check that the money could be drawn through internet banking by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), if the contents of my current writings are true.

One of the purposes was to check that the error of computer could be fixed by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), if the contents of my current writings are true.

One of the purposes was to check my computer ability and my attitude toward the concerned situation in order to work with for certain organization, if the contents of my current writings are true.

One of the purposes was to deny my words and to deny the truth of my current writings due to many reasons, when I would try to check what has happened since August 16 of Year 2001, because I do not know them from the viewpoint of personal social information who were related to me in August 16 of Year 2001 and in the middle of Year 1986 and around Year 1970, even though they may know me and also I can talk about lots of things related to the situation.

If the concerned person, who is related to knowing mind-reading power of God and Angels through me during mutual conversation, tries to deny it or what has happened between us, there is no way to tell about it due to the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), as it can be guessed from the separation of red sea and Clause 28 of Chapter 5 of Mark and other miracles in The Bible. Of course, it can be guessed from what has happened to/through me since Year 1965, which can be a little known from UCC in my blogs, http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and blog 1, 2, 3 of favorite, especially http://q.freechal.com/hdjpia99, 동영상, 신앙 종교와 선행지식,


The Film Scenario

2010. 11. 28.




As one of plan of business, there were several peoples in Year 2001 who would be in some places in several organizations in S City Year 2005 through Year 2010 or Year 2015. There can be mutual guess between the concerned, while I have been to there, but there is not share of personal social information about each other. How can I or the concerned prove it in a way of physical material way or in a way of cognition of physical body? This situation cannot be used any anti-verification to tell about Heaven or Hell or Unknown Place of soul after the death of physical body. Why?

The understanding and knowledge about Heaven or Hell or Unknown Place of soul after the death of physical body was one of common sense about 3-40 years ago. So, we do not need to worry about it. Especially, there are many kinds of feeling related to our activities. 

To know the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) as real is mainly related to finding out one's life and how to live.

To know the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) as real is related to social political national policies and their direction,,,

The current network crimes in the name of help and verification and The Bible or Saint Mary or Christ Jesus can be solved not by me and my activities and the omniscient omnipotent power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) but  by the concerned criminals. Why? The reason can be explained in my writings enough to understand it.

Human being has one's own will and life regardless of the creation of this world and all the creatures, as it can be guessed from many-many factors in The Bible.

There was a kind of separation in mutual communications between created human being and the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), as human being has one's own will by the combination of physical body and soul, as times go by after creation of this world.

Pharaoh had changed one's mind twelve times due to many reasons including human physical body's cognition and the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), even though he had experienced the miracles through Moses by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).

God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) had tried to tell about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) to mankind even in the war of mankind which had been outbroken as one of affairs of mankind. It is not the issue of my God or your God or our God. It is not the competition of power among God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) whom mankind has happened to communicate with. There was a kind of separation in mutual communications between created human being and the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). So, God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) had to tell about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through some selected human beings for mankind, such as Abraham through Apostle John and other prophets in this history of mankind, considering the characteristics of human beings as a living Existence. There was mutual relation as living Existence between selected human being and God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), while God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) had tried to show some thing through selected human being, as it had happened to/through me, especially at my childhood of Year 1965-76. The story between selected human being and God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) should be written from the viewpoint of human being's language and activity and society due to the existential origin as the invisible inaudible intangible non-physical-material above-physical-material Existence.

Judas had known the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through Angel(Spirit; I AM) who had been Christ Jesus, but later Satan(Spirit) dwelled into the physical body of Judas, but nobody knew it in the place, where Christ Jesus and his disciples, except for Christ Jesus. God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or Satan(Spirit) can have an influence on mankind but it is not to control or manage the mind and thought of mankind but to have an influence on it.

I wish that it would not be led to competition between mankind and God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or Satan(Spirit) for the issue of control and management of the mind and thought of mankind.

If there is someone who wants to talk about me due to what had happened at my child in SuWon City or in any other places, it had better talk to me directly instead of sending students to curse during 5-6 years. It is really important issue from the viewpoint of human being and nation and national law regardless of the social national power which someone has. And also, I wish that some one should try to think about how some one can see or what some one can see or when some one can have social concept during growth from birth from the viewpoint of human being or what some one did at some one's childhood, which can be publicly proved in my open conversation which will be noticed through internet.

15 times had been given from April 4 of Year 2010, as the result was said in my blogs, and then there was not further chance to have conversation with me since it. So, there would not be any misunderstanding about it. Another chance to have conversation with me about the truth of my current writings will be given to all the peoples who what it soon till April 4 of Year 2011 at least, because I have written about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) of South Korea based on what has happened to/through me since Year 1965, and because there have been talks about copyright, contribution, sales right, book-publishing, movie production more than 10 movies, political activity from Age 40th to Age 60th, political activity for presidential election, the identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) of South Korea, the understanding about the contents of The Bible, prophet-like proof activity and so on about my current writings. These are so important issues.

To believe the contents of The Bible is up to each one due to many real reasons regardless of the creation of this world and the proof of The Bible or my current writings during 5-6 years from my viewpoint, but it would be basic attitude to read and understand the contents of The Bible and also the contents of my current writings, if some one tries to say some negative words due to political religious economical interestings about what had happened to a child at childhood during a child's communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), into which some unexpected activities of unknown peoples had been involved. Of course, it had better to have conversations with me about it, if there is a chance to talk about it.

There had been a kind of instant spatial movement from distant places to house by the power of God and Angles(Spirit; I AM) several times at my childhood below Age 5, or before Year 1970. Of course, there had been replay of what had happened to or through me by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), if there had been a talk about it from me. Of course, it had been trials to find out house as one of process for growth of a child in a way of normal movement on feet. So, three kinds of activities had been mixed in my activities since my childhood. one of the places was Suwon City and who was the grandmother or the grandfather who tried to watch the communication between a child and God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through a door? How could we find out the concerned places and persons?

The set-up situation by net work activity can make lots of unbelievable, understandable, reverse situations which can be led to unethical, illegal problems. So, as far as human being's activity is concerned, it is no good to set up situation in order to say or to prove some issue. If there seems to be a set-up situation, all the things should be considered from the viewpoint of law.

But, the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) is above set-up or real situation, because the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) is performed through selected human being by God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in order to tell about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). To believe it is dependent upon each one, who happen to be there or who can happen to experience the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or who can read my current writings, due to the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), as to believe The Bible is up to each one regardless of the truth of the contents of The Bible due to many reasons including the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). The Evil Spirit came into the physical body of Judas in order to prevent the proof activity through Christ Jesus from the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), but even Judas did not know it due to the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), as mankind cannot know about the existence of soul which is in the inside of physical body of mankind, and only Christ Jesus could know it with the help of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) who had been with Christ Jesus.