편지(Letter)와 사명

To mankind,

정희득이본명이자가명 2010. 11. 25. 01:18

To mankind,

If someone has planned to set up the situation surrounding me which can be solved only by the omniscient omnipotent power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), it is not the understanding about the contents of The Bible and human being and the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), but it is the plan to destroy one's life and family or it is the plan to steal family's possessions due to personal reason.

It can be guessed from the contents of The Bible regardless of one' communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), if some one does not stick to all kinds of social concept and power in order to understand the contents of The Bible. Why? Because someone is one of mankind who has been created by God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) who was recorded in The Bible through selected prophets.

So, to solve the set-up situation is not related to God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) nor I who have talked about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965 but the one who has planned this situation to know about education of human being, the existence of soul of human being, the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) who is different from human being, human being's soul, human being's realization and human being's physical material concept, and the existence of bloody feeling or bloody relation by using my communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965-70 when I was a little child whose is to be laid.

The detailed reason and explanation can be guessed from my current 5 years' writings which have been written since Year 2004. If there is something that cannot be understood, it would be good to come to open conversation place with me.

When some one talked about the situation to know something about this world by using me who was regarded as having communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) from a child, where was I laid down? What kind of trick was there? There have been many rumors and lies, which have been made by knowing certain scene or certain information or etc, since Year 1965-70 or since Year 1986 or since August 16 of Year 2001.

I do not know the place where my parents lived, even though I have been with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965 enough to write about it and the concerned situations with the help of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). Why?

I do not know where I had been from my birth to 2-3 years old from the viewpoint of human being's knowledge and name except for the scene and the conversation and the concerned place related to the scene and the conversation which had been related to the appearance and power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). Why? How could I know the scene and the conversation and the concerned place related to the scene and the conversation which had been related to the appearance and power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM)?

But, I may know the place where I was born, which had been departed from my family residence from the viewpoint of human being's knowledge and name. I can know the place since 2-3 years old from the viewpoint of human being's knowledge and name.

Who was the person who had tried to separate me from family and peoples who could have an strong influence on my words about the identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM)?

Who was the person who took my clothes and several things related to paintings when I came back to the village from my journey during several months or during 1-2 years with some bad words?

Who were a young boy and a lady who were behind bamboo blind in the room in the house near by rice mill?

The Film Scenario

2010. 11. 24.


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