검증과 직설법과 비유법
infection by germ
I really wish that the promised communication method between I and Spirits as God and Angels cannot be used in order to deceive mankind for one's theory about religion. The promised communication method between I and Spirits as God and Angels is just for the person who really wants to know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels. The promised communication method between I and Spirits as God and Angels is possible by human being's activity or by the operation of machine. Regardless of anyone's words about the promised communication method between I and Spirits as God and Angels, such as charm or juju or spell or incantation or etc of movies, it is not related to any flesh and blood nor any religious position in church but it is related to Spirits as God and Angels who is non-physical-material, invisible, inaudible, intangible,,,which can be guessed in The Bible. How could I know about the usage of the promised communication method between I and Spirits as God and Angels? What is the real reason about the existence of the promised communication method between I and Spirits as God and Angels?
There was a talk about people' infection by germ, when I worked in the area of GwangHwaMoon from the end of Year 1999 to the middle of Year 2003. People's infection by germ was to tell that people had been infected so strongly by instant trend of thought or certain principle, such as interests or commercialism or the survival of the fittest or food chain or pyramid organization or ecological pyramid or brute-hood or etc in the reason that human being is one of factors of the world of ecological system, and that it is not easy to live as human being with/among peoples, and that it is not easy to work together other peoples to achieve some goal or purpose even from the viewpoint of company's business. The situation is somewhat suitable, when peoples attack certain person in order to destroy him/her due to certain reason and peoples get some pie among the prepared pies according to the result of each targeted action regardless of the result of it toward other people and company and nation.
The express of infection by germ was not related to any one's disease. The express of infection by germ was not related to some believer who is related to any word or expression of The Bible, such as a lamb unblemished and spotless' or etc..
To conduct any chemical medical herbal experiments on physical body of human being in the name of verification on the word and expression of The Bible is just sins and crimes to harm human being, such as whole armor by the power of Holy Spirit or cure of disease by the power of Holy Spirit or eternal life(of soul or spirit of human being) or the revival of dead physical body by the power of Holy Spirit or for the peoples who are suitable for the contents of The Bible or etc. As Chapter 13 of Rome and so on in The Bible say, all the social political economical religious national,,,activities from mankind are the activities from mankind, and the fact that soul of human being goes to Heaven after the death of one's physical body is absolutely related to each one's good activity out of sins and crimes in this world regardless of one's social religious position, such as priest or so one, and also there is a repentance for one's sins and crimes due to one's limitations of mental physical social activities and so on, and also there is life span of human being who has come from human beings from the beginning of mankind. Therefore, to classify mankind according to the word or expression of The Bible and to try to kill exceptions is just against the contents of The Bible. To try to harm other people is just sins or crimes as human being, even in the name of revenge for war.
If there is some question about what I have said about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels or my communications with Spirits as God and Angels in my current 5 years' writings since Year 2005, which was told around Year 1965-70, anyone can have a chance to talk to me during my open conversations at open place during at least one year from Year 2010 regardless of one's nation and race and region and religion in this world. The date and place will be open through email and blogs in internet also. It would be better that the people, who happen to try to harm other people based on one' belief and knowledge on the contents of The Bible, have a chance to know what one knows about the contents of The Bible and also about the world of Spirits as God and Angels and about one's life and about other one's life. To set up the conversation situation by the mute or by the patient or by the disabled in the name of verification on the truth of my words, the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, and the contents of The Bible, whose thought was somewhere on the afternoon of Year 20010816, is just to show the illegal unethical force by the power of organization of human network to peoples in this world or is just to tell the illegal unethical way of human relation without understanding about one's words and the contents of The Bible. I can know the concerned thought in the afternoon of Year 20010816 by the result of mind-reading by power of Spirits as God and Angels.
Even though there was the cure of disease by power of Holy Spirit who came down to the physical body of Christ Jesus and who had been for all the miracles through Christ Jesus with Christ Jesus, the same miracle did not happen to other prophets who had one's own mission from the world of Spirits as God and Angels. Why?
The following is not the translation of the above.
성경(The Bible)에서 말하는 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계는 non-physical-material, invisible, inaudible, intangible 한 존재이고 사람의 육체와 같은 물질의 육체나 형체가 없고 사람의 영혼 및 깨달음과도 본질적으로 다른 존재이며 사람의 인지 기준에 나타날 때 나타날 때의 현상에 따라서 physical-material, visible, audible, tangible 한 존재가 되기도 합니다. 사람과 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계의 하나님(God; Spirit)이나 천사(Angels; Spirits)가 동행을 해도 평상시에, 즉 존재론적인 본질로 볼 때, 사람의 인지 능력으로는 사람 밖에 볼 수가 없으니 사람과 사람 사이에서의 사람의 특정한 생각에 대한 심령관찰의 현상 등으로 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계에 대한 말을 합니다. 그러니 우리 사회의 귀신(Ghost: Spirit)에 홀린 것이니 신(Spirit) 들린 현상과 유사한 모습도 있습니다.
성경(The Bible)의 기록이나 우리 사회의 전설이나 사람이 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계와의 교통과 동행 및 그 능력에 영향을 미치지 않고 기도와 응답 등의 경우와 경쟁 대상이나 비교 대상은 아닙니다.
사람의 신체가 직간접적으로, 특히 생체 실험으로, 공격당하여 상해되거나 또는 혈육 및 가족 간에 이산가족을 만든 후 생체 실험을 하여 죽을 때까지 서로가 만나지 못하는 것과 같이 사람이 기획 연출을 한 사실에 대해서 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계로부터의 교통과 동행의 현상이 발생하지 않거나 또는 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계로부터의 능력이 발생하지 않는 것으로서 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계로부터의 실존 여부나 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계로부터의 사명의 여부나 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계와의 교통과 동행의 여부 등을 판단하는 것은 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계의 본질, 사람과의 교통과 동행의 현상 및 관계, 기적 등에 대한 이해부족이고 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계와 성경(The Bible)에 내용에 대한 검증 행위로 볼 수가 없을 것입니다.
신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계에 관한 것으로 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계로부터 이 세상의 사람을 통해서 발생하는 것으로 추측을 하고 판단을 할 수가 있지만 사람의 생각대로, 또는 사람의 기획 연출대로, 판단을 할 것은 전혀 아니며 오히려 사람과 세상과 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계에 대해서 인류가 알 수 있는 사실을 막을 뿐입니다.
성경(The Bible)을 한자 그대로 해석을 하면 성스러운 경전이 되니 성경을 각 종교의 경전으로 오해를 하여 성경(The Bible)이란 말을 할 때마다 각자의 종교의 경전으로 이해를 하는 경우도 있는 모양입니다.
최근에는 사람의 이름에 신, 성령, 영, 성부, 성자, 주, 예수, 나, 성경,,,등의 말도 있으니 성경이란 말을 할 때마다 사람의 이름으로 해석을 하는 경우도 있는 모양입니다.
사람에게도 비유적인 표현으로서 하나님, 천사,,,등의 표현을 사용하니 비 물질(non-physical-material)의 invisible inaudible intangible 한 존재로서의 하나님과 천사님들이란 말을 할 때마다 사람의 이름으로 해석을 하는 경우도 있는 모양입니다.
사람의 신체가 직간접적으로, 특히 생체 실험으로, 공격당하여 상해되거나 또는 혈육 및 가족 간에 이산가족을 만든 후 생체 실험을 하여 죽을 때까지 서로가 만나지 못하는 것이 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계의 실존 및 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계와의 교통과 동행을 검증하는 행위가 될 수가 없는데도 The Bible에 대한 이해부족으로 그런 것이 조직적으로, 사건 사고로도, 발생하고 있고 그 결과로 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계의 아버지(하나님과 천사님 등등), 어머니(성모 마리아님 등등), 형님(예수님 등등) 등이 본향으로 돌아가서 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계와의 교통과 동행이 없는 것으로 말을 하니 그 결과가 사람의 신(Spirits as God and Angels)의 세계와 관련된 예정된 행위뿐만 아니라 사회 경제 활동까지 침해를 당하게 되어도 그 피해자가 경찰청이나 검찰청에 신고하기도 힘듭니다. 왜 그럴까요?
물론, 위의 결과로 사람이 상해를 입거나 살해를 당해도 원인미상이란 말만 언급되거나 경쟁력 부재로 언급될 것이지 경찰청이나 검찰청에서 직접 수사하기도 힘들 것입니다. 왜 그럴까요?
심지어 탈영병, 탈옥수, 타인의 국적, 타인의 이름 등으로 사람의 범죄 행위를 유발해도 그 피해자가 경찰청이나 검찰청에 신고하기도 힘듭니다. 어떻게 그런 일이 가능할 수 있을까요? 어느 정도의 인원과 조직력과 권력과 가문 및 재산의 이해관계이면 영화 ‘로미오와 줄리엣’ 또는 ‘런 어웨이’ 등과 같은 일이 약 3-40년 동안 발생하는 것이 가능할 수 있을까요?
The following is not the translation of the above.
God and Angels or prophets in The Bible can be figuratively said as fortuneteller(점쟁이) by some ones in South Korea, as if the phenomena from Spirits as God and Angels can be expressed as 'being possessed by Ghost or Spirits as God and Angels(귀신에 홀린 것)' or 'dwelling of Spirits as God and Angels(신(Spirit) 들린),,,표현처럼'
To work with many peoples in business companies can be regarded as playing with many peoples every day, if peoples have 2-3 jobs, such as singers and dancers and actors and lumpen and so on, or the level of difficulty of work is normal and easy.
The reason to express ‘에베소서’ as '애(를)(child/pain) 배소서/베소서(be pregnant/cut)‘ is to tell that the Heaven of soul of human being is related to one's own behaviors instead of one's social political national religious positions. The reason of social concept that priest or religious man can go to Heaven is not related to his/her religious title but to his/her activity which is usually to help other peoples or which is faraway from sins and crimes. The reason that priest or religious man can go to the Heaven of soul of human being is because priest lives and works according to 10 Commandments of The Bible and works for believers' lives also. If social political national religious positional people lives and works according to 10 Commandments of The Bible and works for peoples' lives also, social political national religious positional peoples can go to the Heaven of soul of human being.
우리 주 예수 그리스도의 하나님, 영광의 아버지께서 지혜와 계시의 영을 너희에게 주사 하나님을 알게 하시고 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. (에베소서 1장 17절(Chapter 1: 17 of Ephesus)), (the expression for 우리 주 예수(our Lord Jesus Christ) was suitable one long time ago, when Christ Jesus was alive with his visible audible tangible physical body, but in these days, it may lead peoples to wrong religious way of life, even though soul of Christ Jesus and Spirits as God and Angels ,who were with Christ Jesus, is alive invisibly, inaudibly, intangibly, above-physical-material in the sky or space or Heaven or etc.)
If the money has been given to the person who find out new news or understanding or knowledge about the contents of The Bible or the world of Spirits as God and Angels,,,it can increase someone's knowledge about oneself and human being and this world,,,and it can not be directly related to the copy right and the sales right of some one's writings and books and so on,,,but if there has been physical, chemical, medical, herbal attack toward other person to harm or hurt physical body or social economical political activity, it can be serious sin and crime which will lead the concerned person to Jail or Prison. It is to prevent someone from being misled by interest and power and so on, which have been spread to all over the place of Korean Peninsula, like the infection by germ.
I am still open toward the peoples who have been with other peoples, who want to be some one in political religious area, with the supporting for the proof activities about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels based on actual real phenomena from Spirits as God and Angels during 2-30 years and 3-40 years,,,Why?
The Film Scenario
'편지(Letter)와 사명' 카테고리의 다른 글
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홀로 웃다, 독소, (0) | 2010.05.07 |
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[스크랩] 美 114세 최고령 할머니 타계 (0) | 2010.03.11 |
[스크랩] "볼수 없지만 늘 더 좋은 세상 꿈꾸죠" (0) | 2010.03.11 |