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서양골동양과자점 앤티크, 2008,

정희득이본명이자가명 2009. 11. 26. 02:51

서양골동양과자점 앤티크, 2008,


There are many reasons I have been involved in the area of movie or drama or broadcast, such as the areas of culture and art and so on, from my childhood. Some of the reasons are as follows; I will write books about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky based on my own direct experiences with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, which can be seen in The Bible, during 5 years around Year 2005, which will be the 1st one among my writings during my life. At least 10 types of movies can be made from my writings. Many movies can be made from my writings. There will be many things that can be expressed with the words of song. When I do political activities after my writings of Year 2005, I will try to do that the areas of culture and art and so on will be good for the lives of the peoples who have a kind of talent or ability or characteristic for those areas. The areas of culture and art and so on will be good for the peoples who want to do social political activities for society and nation.

5,000 million Korean Won, (a land of 100 million Pyung and 1,500 million Korean won in Year 1970 how could it be possible?), for helping my current writings and 66,630-66,660 million Korean Won for the sales right of my books except for my copyright when my writings can be published in South Korea and 25,000-30,000 million Korean Won from national and political policies from my wrings except for economical business values had been said around Year 1970 and there had not been any lie and rumor about it. It had been made based on the fact that my own real direct communication and traveling with Spirits as God and Angels is true, which had been verified in many ways during several years from Year 1965 to Year 1977 and which have been verified up to now since then and which will verified at least during tens of years around Year 2055, and it had been made based on the fact that also future prophecy about my current 5 years’ writings from Spirits as God and Angels is true, which has been verified since Year 2005 or Year 20010816. 

But, I need the helps of many peoples in order to achieve it easily, because to tell about and write about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels is possible through my own experiences with Spirits as God and Angels by the power of Spirits as God and Angels but to tell it to other peoples or to leave it for mankind in the way of visible audible tangible physical linguistic expression! is related to all the physical material in this world and to the ways of lives of peoples in this world.

So, that is one of the reasons that I said like song at my childhood, ‘If you want to help me, ‘Say good words for me and my own experiences with Spirits as God and Angels and my current writings as a result of it, or earn much money to contribute to me and to invest in my businesses, or to work in the areas of book-publishing and movie-producing and political area and national government and so on’.

Now, I have been written about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky based on my own 40 years’ direct experiences with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky during 5 years around Year 2005. We can have conversations about it several hours a day at least one year. The phenomena by the power of Spirits as God and Angels can be verified in lots of ways, even though there are many limitations about it due to existential origin of Spirits as God and Angels and the process of performance of power of Spirits as God and Angels as a result of it which we cannot directly know in a way of physical material and physical cognition way, and also due to the fact that we cannot influence the performance of power of Spirits as God and Angels.

There have been no lies and fraudulent activities for my involvement into the areas of culture and art and so on.

There are many peoples who cannot know the characteristic of one’s dreams and who do not have any direct experience with Spirits as God and Angels or who cannot indirectly know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels by reading the contents of The Bible, which is one of the reasons I have to write about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels based on my 40 years’ experiences with Spirits as God and Angels in these days, and who cannot know the difference between one’s dream from daily lives and one’s dream by the power of Spirits as God and Angels. Many rumors and lies come from those peoples in order to tell as if The Bible is fiction. Many rumors and lies come from those peoples in order to tell as if someone’s life story and writing and experience with Spirits as God and Angels are fiction or dream. Many rumors and lies come from those peoples who act as if they are reincarnation or rebirth or transmigration or metempsychosis of prophets in The Bible. Many rumors and lies come from those peoples who act as if they are reincarnation or rebirth or transmigration or metempsychosis of God and Angels in The Bible.

My communication method or a machine which can make it to be possible is just one way to tell that there is a person who really wants to know directly or indirectly the existence of God and Angels in The Bible for one’s belief, such as opening locked door through me or reading the person’s thought in one’s mind or brain at that time through me. But, there is not always the performance of power of God and Angels in The Bible and also there is nothing for us to influence it. If there is a movement of God and Angels in The Bible, it can be know to me according to the situation.

If someone can communicate with and travel with God and Angels in The Bible like a prophet in The Bible, someone will try to tell the existence of God and Angels in The Bible in one’s own way, such as miracles in The Bible and so on, instead of trying to act as God and Angels in The Bible and trying to manage or to control or to rule other peoples with lies or fraudulent activities or visible invisible forces. Why? God and Angels in The Bible cannot be seen to the eyes of human beings, even though there is a creation of solar system and also there is a communication with selected human being and there is the world of souls of dead human beings and there is the world of God and Angels in The Bible, so God and Angels in The Bible try to tell the existence of God and Angels in The Bible through selected human being by the possible power of God and Angels in The Bible without any damage to the selected human being and this world. Cure of disease is just one way and mind-reading is also one way and vision is one way and miracle of red-sea is one way,,,but there is nothing for human being to influence it.

The images of dead prophets, which can be seen to the eyes of prophets and believers in The Bible, had been a kind of cubic living vision and had been made in order to tell something to believers and also to tell the existence of Spirits as God and Angels by the power of Spirits as God and Angels. The images of dead prophets, which can be seen to the eyes of prophets and believers in The Bible, are not related to reincarnation or rebirth or transmigration or metempsychosis of prophets in The Bible.

There are many figurative expressions among our normal linguistic conversations. If I join in Army Service, even though it is National Defense Duty, it can be regarded as a kind of death from the misunderstanding about the contents of The Bible, especially from the viewpoint of someone who can communicate with and travel with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in order to tell about Spirits as God and Angels in the sky by the power of Spirits as God and Angels.

If I join in Army Service as National Defense Duty, it can be regarded as a kind of death from the viewpoint of a family of King in the past days regardless of region or nation or race or real world or cyber world, because King has the prerogative of supreme command instead of Army Service as National Defense Duty. I was born in Year 1965 in South Korea in the liberal democratic form of government.

When there was an expression, a King of Jew, at my childhood during conversation with Spirits as God and Angels or during conversation with someone whom I did not know due to my little age, it was not the concept of nation but it was a kind of concept for someone who can communicate with and travel with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky, as it is in The Bible.

When there was an expression, a King of Nation, at my childhood during conversation with someone, one of my ancestors might be related to one of Kings in past days. When there was an expression, a King of Nation or a member of Kingdom or a member of Parliament, at my childhood during conversation with someone, there was an scout from someone in foreign country in order to protect me due to my communicating with and traveling with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels , but I had to come to my birth place in a way of instant spatial movement by the power of Spirits as God and Angels due to my heavenly duty as a result of my communicating with and traveling with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky. It were said to Old Madam and old Gentleman in many ways by proving my heavenly duty from my birth place by proving my communicating with and traveling with Spirits as God and Angels in the sky in a way to tell what was going on in two Poles through instant spatial movement by the power of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky. Believable or unbelievable, there had been those kinds of conversations with some domestic foreign adults regardless of the purpose or the truth of conversations, because I was born in Year 1965 and it is not related to any verification on the existence of soul or spirit of human being nor any verification on the existence of Spirits as God and Angels nor any verification on my communicating with and traveling with Spirits as God and Angels, because those social things are not related to the world of Spirits as God and Angels but just related to what has happened among mankind since the existence of mankind in this earth and those social things are linguistic expressions of mankind and my communicating with and traveling with Spirits as God and Angels is to tell about Spirits as God and Angels through me by the power of Spirits as God and Angels due to invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material existential origin.

There was a talk about contribution money about me, 5,000 million Korean Won, (a land of 100 million Pyung and 1,500 million Korean won in Year 1970 how could it be possible?),  and also sales right of books in 4 countries, 66,630-66,660 million Korean Won, and sales right of political policies, 25,000-30,000 million Korean Won, total 100,000 million Korean Won, because I would write about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in volume of several hundreds of books by a kind of computer during 5 years around Year 2005 based on my communicating with and traveling with Spirits as God and Angels and also at least 10 movies can be made from my writings and hundreds of movies can be made from The Bible. However, it did not include my copyright about my books and any economical business related to my writings except for the above things and any political activity for presidential election. Nobody can say about it in the name of proof activity to prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels or in the name of any political activity for presidential election.

It was planned based on my words and the future truth about my writings during 5 years around Year 2005 based on my communicating with and traveling with Spirits as God and Angels.

Now I have written about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in volume of several hundreds of books by computer during 5 years around Year 2005 based on my communicating with and traveling with Spirits as God and Angels or based on studies or based on both cased. There have been no lies and fraudulent activities for my involvement into the above money. There will be not any damage for the concerned peoples.

The Concerned Bank or Trust Bank or Trust Company or The Nation may be responsible for the above contribution money, 5,000 million Korean Won, (a land of 100 million Pyung and 1,500 million Korean won in Year 1970 how could it be possible?), if the deal was realized in reality and if there was inappropriate usage of it for political area and religious area and business area. Do you know why? The money related to my current 5 years' writings should be kept till Year 2009, because I would write my first writings about the existence and identity of Spirits as God and Angels during 5 years from Year 2005 with the help of power of Spirits as God and Angels, because my first writings about the existence and identity of Spirits as God and Angels would be written based on what has happened to me or through me by the power of Spirits as God and Angels from Year 1965 up to now. When and how can the 2nd and the 3rd and the 4th one be written?  It will be good, if the wrong doings can be recovered by logical legal moral religous understanding about the issue without any kind of force.

The Film Scenario.





서양골동양과자점 앤티크, 2008,

코미디, 드라마 | 2008.11.13 | 15세이상관람가 | 109분 홈페이지 http://www.antique2008.co.kr



남자 넷이 꾸려가는 별난 케이크숍'앤티크'

단 것은 질색하면서 손님이 대부분 여자라는 이유만으로 케이크 가게를 차린 엉뚱한 사장 진혁(주지훈). 한적한 주택가 골목길에 자리잡은 서양골동품점을 개조해, 몇 백만 원짜리 앤틱 식기에 케이크를 담아 내오고 새벽 2시까지 영업을 하는 별난 케이크숍 '앤티크'를 오픈하고 업계 최고라 불리는 파티쉐 선우(김재욱)까지 영입한다. 그런데 선우는 하필이면 고교시절 진혁에게 사랑을 고백해왔던 껄끄러운 동창생! 거기다 누구나 첫눈에 반하게 만드는 '마성의 게이'로 끊임없이 남자 문제를 일으키는 통에 몇 달째 직원조차 구하기 힘들다. 결국 선우의 케이크 맛에 홀딱 반한 케이크광 기범(유아인)이 주방 보조이자 견습생으로 들어오고, 진혁을 도련님이라고 부르며 그림자처럼 따라다니는 보디가드 수영(최지호)이 서빙을 맡게 된다.

케이크와 남자는 맛을 봐야 안다? 겉만 보곤 모르는 네 남자의 속사정!

마침내 본격적인 영업을 시작한 앤티크는 잘생긴 남자들만 모인 케이크숍으로 입소문이 나면서 연일 성업이다. 그런데 이 네 남자, 멀끔한 겉모습들과는 달리 무언가 수상하다! 남자들과는 거침없이 복잡한 연애를 즐기는 마성의 게이 선우가 어찌된 일인지 여자 앞에만 서면 벌벌 떠는 심각한 여성공포증이 있고, 곱상한 외모와는 정반대로 거친 성격의 기범은 알고 보니 최연소 동양챔피언이었던 전직 복서로 밝혀지고, 몸짱 보디가드 수영은 허우대가 무색한 사고뭉치로 오히려 늘 진혁의 보살핌을 받고 있다. 가장 의뭉스런 일은 수다쟁이 호색한 진혁이 가족만 나타나면 품행 방정한 재벌 2세 도련님으로 돌변하는 것인데…! 겉만 보곤 도저히 알 수 없는 알쏭달쏭 네 남자, 다들 무슨 사연일까?

모델 뺨치는 외모의 사장과 점원이 서빙을 하고,

마성의 게이인 천재 파티쉐가 케이크를 만들고,

전직 복싱 챔피언이 주방보조인 별난 케이크숍'앤티크'

달콤한 네 남자의 아찔한 비밀을 둘러싸고 웃음과 감동의 드라마가 펼쳐진다

감독 민규동 끝과 시작(2009), 오감도(2009) 

주연 주지훈 김진혁 역    김재욱 민선우 역    유아인 양기범 역    최지호 남수영 역

출연 앤디 질렛 (Andy Gillet) 쟝 역    김창완 흰수염 역    이휘향 흰수염 동거녀 역    오미희 진혁모 역    남명렬 천사장 역    권태원 허반장 역    문희경 머플러 역    박준면 까탈녀 역    이주실 진혁할머니 역    여진구 어린진혁 역    김진아 여고생 트리플 1 역    김선아 여고생 트리플 2 역    김민아 여고생 트리플 3 역    고창석 게이클럽 마스터 역    박혁권 게이 클럽맨 역    정동규 진혁부 역    최유진 까탈녀 아들 역    장지웅 젊은 유괴범 역    이환    최효상 부검의 역    서민이    지일주 게이 역    김명덕 KO 복서 3 역    탁트인 (Tak Tu-In)  

특별출연 조안 진혁 여친1 역    이영진 진혁 여친2 역    서영희 진혁 여친3 역    김민선 (Kim Min-Seon) 진혁 여친4 역    조희봉 복서 역    전혜진 복서여친 역    송일준 PD수첩 진행 역    손미나 뉴스 앵커 역    박찬형 뉴스 앵커 역    조수빈 뉴스 앵커 역    이다도시 (Ida Daussy) 미시2 역  

제작 이유진 민진수 오선희 이태헌 (Lee Tae-hun)

조감독 김무진

원작 요시나가 후미 (Fumi Yoshinaga)

각본 민규동 이경의 김다영

촬영 김준영

조명 이재혁 (Lee Jae Hyuk)

음악 장영규 (Jang Young Kyu)

편집 김선민 (Kim Sun Min)

동시녹음 윤성기

음향 최태영 (Choi tea-young)

미술 전경란 남성주

의상/분장 장효재 최민선

특수효과 윤재훈 김광수

무술감독 고현웅

제작 (주)수필름 (주)영화사 집