사진과 그림과 사명

There may be some seem-to-be place

정희득이본명이자가명 2009. 2. 19. 12:59





just for think,


Is it possible that what someone told to me by using my sleeping time could be transferred to my thought or mind during my sleeping time?


Is it possible that I dreamed some situations with comversations between the concerned with me from what someone told to me by using my sleeping time and I could remember the dream?


Is it possible that someone's thought or mind could be read by the power of Spirits as God or Angels and the image with conversations between the concerned without me  could be transferred to my thought or mind by the power of Spirits as God or Angels?


Is it possible that I could appear in the place in a form of vision or in a visionary form of soul by the power of Spirits as God or Angels after the power of Spirits as God or Angels could read someone's thought or mind who was near by me during my sleeping time and I could have conversation with the concerned in that place in a form of vision or in a visionary form of soul and the result of conversations and places could be transferred to me during my sleeping time?   


Is it possible that I could appear in the place in a form of vision or in a visionary form of soul or in a real physical body through a kind of instant spatial movement by the power of Spirits as God or Angels after the power of Spirits as God or Angels could read the thought or mind of someone, who was near by me during my sleeping time, about the place where another man was ready to see me when I could appear in the place in some image by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, and could have conversation with the concerned in that place in a form of vision or in a visionary form of soul or in a real physical body? My sleeping physical body can be at my room or not during my sleeping time.  


How could the conversation was made?

