English. Book,

Idolization, and, Temptation, in, us,

정희득이본명이자가명 2007. 10. 28. 16:26

Idolization and Temptation in us


Peoples wanted to say Christ Jesus whom peoples could not see in this earth and in the Heaven but usually peoples said Christ Jesus whom peoples could see on the earth as one of human beings. Peoples wanted to say Christ Jesus whom peoples could not see in this earth and in the Heaven but usually peoples said idolized and stuffed Christ Jesus whose images and Existences peoples had made or created by their own thoughts and knowledge about The Bible and the world of Spirits as God and Angels. Since the returning of Gods Spirit in Christ Jesus to the world of God, Jehovah, Yahweh, The Lord God, 하나님, 여호와님, 여호와 하나님,,,in so many human languages in so many era,,,a lot of peoples who wanted to say about the world of Spirits as God and Angels and also about their own experiences with the world of Spirits as God and Angels had been in difficult situations or in death status not by Christ Jesus but by peoples or by peoples own thoughts and words about The Bible and the world of Spirits as God and Angels or by idolized and stuffed Christ Jesus and The Bible by peoples own thoughts and words and knowledge, as Spirits as God and Angels who came to this world about 2,000 years ago and conducted their heavenly missions with the man called as Christ Jesus, who was conceived by (Holy) Spirit, by peoples told me about their situations, when I as a little child wanted to know what kind of abnormal or bad or immoral activities had been done by the man called as Christ Jesus, who was conceived by (Holy) Spirit, in this world for the missions of Spirits as God and Angels, due to some kinds of present and future peoples activities, which would happen by the name of Christ Jesus, 그리스도 예수, 예수 그리스도, 예수, 그리스도, 구세주 예수,,,in so many human languages in so many era,,,under the cloak of social or personal interests. Since I was a child, I have seen or experienced lots of ridiculous situations, which have directly neglected what The Bible says and what Christ Jesus, who had Gods Spirit or Angel or I AM,,,in the inside of him, had said during his 33 and a half years life, in the name of Christ Jesus, 그리스도 예수, 예수 그리스도, 예수, 그리스도, 구세주 예수,,in so many human languages in so many era,,,? Those ridiculous situations conducted in the name of Christ Jesus seemed to be conducted under the cloak of social or personal interests without religious belief or activity. If we summarize what The Bible says and what Christ Jesus had said during his life, what kind of conclusions can we lead to? one of what had Christ Jesus said about High Priests and lots of other priests and especially lots of so-called professionals in The Bible and the world of Spirits as God and Angels was that High Priests and lots of other priests and especially lots of so-called professionals in The Bible and the world of Spirits as God and Angels had lost the original reason for Belief, ie. for believing the existences of Spirits as God and Angels and for worshiping Spirits as God and Angels and for following what Spirits as God and Angels had said through prophets to mankind. one of what had Christ Jesus said about High Priests and lots of other priests and especially lots of so-called professionals in The Bible and the world of Spirits as God and Angels was a little wrong misunderstanding for the identity of the world of Spirits as God and Angels. Even though High Priests and lots of other priests and especially lots of so-called professionals in The Bible and the world of Spirits as God and Angels had information or knowledge for the identity of the world of Spirits as God and Angels from The Bible and from what his seniors had said to them and also from some kinds of responses from their prayers and from some kinds of communication with the world of Spirits as God and Angels, it could not be like Christ Jesus who had Gods Spirit in the inside of his body and also had conducted his heavenly expected missions with the Existences of the World of Spirits as God and Angels, ie. Angels or Gods Sprits or I AMs or Lords from the viewpoints of mankind.


Currently, there seem to be several peoples who try to do some kinds of social or personal activities for the Idolization and Stuffing of Saint Mary who conceived Christ Jesus By (Holy) Spirit and delivered him into this world after ten months pregnancy period, as mankind has experienced some kinds of social or personal activities as the purposes of achieving several persons social or personal interests by making bad use of the Idolization and Stuffing for the world of Spirits as God and Angels and for The Bible and for Christ Jesus.


Usually, peoples beliefs for religion or The Existence of Spirits as God and Angels and also the existence of the next world after this world are real, not a show of Show Box, even though peoples are sometimes mislead or agitated or disturbed by the difficulty reality to live well or by lots of selfish minds,,,including me,,,as even Christ Jesus told us about the hazard of temptation by Spirits in the Heaven and even Christ Jesus had been into expected-and-perceived-by-Christ-Jesus situation of temptation by peoples. one of the hazards of temptation is caused by the fact that everybody has to live his/her daily life with peoples and in this society AND ALSO BY THE FACT THAT ANY SMALL THING, ESPECIALLY MONEY-EARNING-MAKING THING, IS NOT EASY TO BE ACHIEVE BY HUMAN BEING IN THIS WORLD OF SO MANY HUMAN BEINGS, even though there are some peoples who are not like his/her mind and also he/she knows about the characteristics of counter part or tempter or enticer or seducer or temptation or lure or decoy by HIMSELF/HERSELF OR THE POWER OR THE ABILITY OF THE WORLD OF SPIRITS AS GOD AND ANGELS, as Christ Jesus already knew about what would happen to him during his heavenly missions with the world of Spirits as God and Angels in this world and nevertheless continuously conducted what he had to say and what he had to do in this world. What would be what happened to Christ Jesus by several peoples from the viewpoints of human and human society and human ethics and human law? What would be what happened to Christ Jesus by several peoples from the viewpoints of evil-devil-minded humans who tried to dominate other peoples and churches with his own physical, social, monetary powers?


Believable Or Unbelievable, the reason I cannot change my name, 정희득, Hee-Deuk Jung, is some kind of promise with the world of Spirits as God and Angels and also with several persons in this society. The reason I cannot change my name, 정희득, Hee-Deuk Jung, is not related to any relation between humans name and sins or crimes of The Bible, or to any relation between humans name and the next world after this world. But I do not know how many plans or think-tanks have seen made since 1986 and since around Year 1970 in order to change my name, 정희득, Hee-Deuk Jung, into Ls or Ks or Js,,,due to political economical religious reasons in the cloak of religious sins and crimes? I do not know how many plans or think-tanks have seen made since 1986 and since around Year 1970 in order to make some kinds of bewildering and splitting-up rumors about change of my name? THE. FILM. SCENARIO. OF. TEN. PRODUCTION. 20070815. JUNGHEEDEUK. 정희득.