편지(Letter)와 사명

오이 In UK, 20061124,

정희득이본명이자가명 2007. 6. 22. 10:36

This is my email for your strong belief 04.


I am so sorry that I could not contact you a little earlier for your good will for other peoples because of long distance away. I really wish this email could be good to you and your families. And I also wish there could be lots of understandings for my writings due to my skimble-skamble style of talks.


These are some of my 40 years' life story related to the Existences of 'I AM's whom I have tried to prove from my childhood but failed to due to my age which was not enough to express what I got to know empirically or logically or socially, and also due to our customs or our traditions or our concepts for God and religion about 30-40 years ago which hindered us to know the Existences of 'I AM's and also prevented the Existences of 'I AM's from performing their miracles through me in the way of the world of The Lord God and His Angels. Since my childhood there have been several abnormal phenomena with lots of persons by the Existences of 'I AM's in the inside and outside of me, especially in Year 1986 and in Year 2001 and since Year 2001. only some of those informations also have been recorded in my writings in English and a lot of other writings have been written in Korean.


As already mentioned in my previous emails, about 20 years ago, Year 1986, and also 5 years ago, Year 2001, I heard some talks about charity activity and then some critical disease. I am not sure that this is that case, because I did not hear it in face-to-face ways and also this is not one of face-to-face ways. That time's worry was almost the same one which was mentioned on the previous email and now seemed not to worry at all. I really hope this case would be good for your good will for a lot of other persons in this world and also the life in the world after death. This is also fulfillment of my promise, which is related to my writings or my explanations for what I tried to say about the Existences of 'I AM's at my childhood, with my hometown peoples and lots of others who came to my hometown or met me.


It could be some kind of consolation for you in the Heaven after Death and also could be some good informations for missionary for non-believers and a little closed society, even though my email was a little late. Always The Lord God and His Angels' Blesses on you in this world and in the world after this world!


(It is one of continual series from 'Believable Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in Korea, http://www.hdjpia.com/)




Hui-Deuk Jeong

(Hee Deuk Jung)



여호와 하나님(여호와님, 하나님, 야훼님; 영; 스스로 존재하는 존재님)과 그의 영이신 그리스도 예수님의 살아 있는 전지전능한 지혜와 끊임없는 축복이 늘 함께 하실 수 있기를 진심으로 바랍니다.


The Lord God's(Yahweh, Jehovah, God; The Lord; Spirit; I AM) and Jesus Christ's, His Spirit, Living Almighty Wisdom And Inexhaustible Blessings Be Always With You With All My Hearts.

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